(part 2) No Man's Sky

Started by fragger, August 15, 2016, 05:54:00 AM

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I was going to suggest that maybe we (meaning PZ or Art :-()) do something like this as the single topic was getting a bit jumbled up with observations, opinions, screenies, gripes, etc.

As opposed to another grumble, I would like to add that while there are things about the game that have gotten under our skin somewhat, the devs also deserve praise for what they've come up with. A lot of w@&k and TLC have gone into it, and when it's at its best the game is terrific. There have been other space trading and exploration games, but this one is a bit of a standout in my book for its scale and originality.

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


... But back to grumbling for a sec :-() So none of you guys have had that lift-off glitch? Wonder why I'm getting it...

I've been looking online about it and quite a few people are getting it, yet others aren't getting it at all. One might conclude that it has something to do with a player's PC setup - except that some PS4 players get it too, while others don't ????

I'm wondering if it's worth reiinstalling, or maybe going with the experimental build and see if that fixes it, because it is DAMNED annoying. I had a ship full of gold and was lifting off to go to a nearby Trading Post when the glitch happened and I got lofted straight up into a 4-ship pirate attack in space. Got killed and had a 2-minute pulse trip all the way back from the space station to recover my stuff.

I really, really, really want this glitch gone. I don't particularly want to sacrifice my progress and my six-million-unit bank balance, but if one of the above options gets rid of the glitch it might be worth it. The fact that some PS4 users get it while others don't doesn't give me a great deal of hope though. Maybe it's caused by something some players do that others don't, like have a particular ship setup or something.

I was thinking that maybe it's a clipping issue, that when the ship is half-embedded in the landscape like it gets when landing on a slope causes it, but surely you guys don't always manage to land on a nice flat area of ground every time.

This is what it looks like. Imagine having this happen to you on numerous occasions, when all you want to do is hop to nearby locations:


And this guy had one of the lucky ones - didn't get lofted all the way into orbit and didn't get jumped by pirates.

Art Blade

 ??? whoa  :laugh:

Luckily, hasn't happened to me (yet)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Bloody hell...

I just jumped into a new system and came out of hyperspace right on top of a huge freighter. I had to bank sharply to miss it ??? There had been a distress call, and I'd actually seen the "!" symbol just before I jumped in, so I was expecting it (it didn't even have the decency to wait until I was back in normal space. The cheek). I was expecting the message saying that I had to rescue the freighters from enemy ships, but what I wasn't expecting was the second line that said "Enemy ships remaining: 16". WTF? 16 of them? You can't be serious!! But they were.

They didn't all attack at once, they would hold back and attack in pairs (I would soon discover). But two of them were right there already, and I was dragged straight into the fray. I got them both but took a good dollop of shield damage, so I thought, "Bugger the freighters - I'm off to the station to get sorted". Which I did. I had enough dough to buy a 30-slot ship and I wanted to go shopping as well as patch up my battered old tub. There was one other ship in the station, but I couldn't interact with it. Apparently I wasn't allowed to do that until I went back out and did my duty.

So back out I went. I managed to get seven of the remaining fourteen (between frantic repair jobs on my shields) when suddenly there were two green arrowheads in my view as well as those red ones which indicate the positions of enemy craft. Then I started getting hit by big green balls of energy coming from somewhere. When I swung around, they were coming from the freighters, and they were definitely coming at me. So now the ships I was supposed to be rescuing were targeting me as well as the pirates!

I can only comclude that during the fight, I must have been trying to hit a pirate ship and hit the freighter instead. This was enough for them to classify me as an enemy and start hammering me with big reinforced gun turrets (why they didn't use these against the pirates instead of the piddling little red laser zappers they were routinely missing them with I don't know).

Then there was a blue arrowhead in the window - a Sentinel ship had decided it wanted in on the fun and it homed in on me as well. So now the whole galaxy wanted a piece of me.

I got killed, of course, and respawned back in the station sans all the minerals I'd brought with me through the jump. So I went back out, located my gravesite, flew there and recovered my cargo. The battle was over apparently as there was no more rescue message and no more fighting going on, although the freighters were still there. At least they weren't shooting at me now.

Turning my ship around with a sigh, I headed back toward the station and my postponed shopping spree. Approaching the station, a distress call was picked up... followed by a "Hostile enemy scan detected" message... followed by "Enemy ships approaching" or words to that effect... oh no. With my dream of a little retail therapy going up in smoke, I high-tailed it back to the station, fearing the worst. However, the ban on my haggling with the other traders seemed to have been lifted as I could now interact with them. That's where I am now, cowering in the station with that damned orange exclamation mark hanging out there in space just waiting for me to emerge so it can mess me up all over again like the school bully hanging outside my front gate.

If this is how it's gonna go, more and more intense combat the closer to the galactic centre I get, then I don't think I want to know. I was so happy doing my exploring and mining and trading and deciphering alien languages and boldly going where no man had gone before - but then I had to go and get drafted into the Starship Troopers Space Fighter Arm.

I think I'll write to Sean Murray and tell him I'm a conscientious objector, dammit :angry-new:

Art Blade

bloody hell indeed  ???

Damn, tell him to add an option to choose from no fights to epic war with a seamless slider or someone else (modders) will do it for him but I'd much rather he did it himself.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Hear hear.

When I gritted my teeth and got back into the game (I quit to post here) that distress call mission had disappeared altogether, and I was finally able to make a planetfall. I've since returned to the station without incident.

Art Blade

DAMN, now that launching into the atmosphere bug has bitten me, too. Only once, but still. It was OK as I didn't mind leaving the planet anyway at that time but you know.. could have been worse.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


First off, a big fat (galactic) kudo on both Arts and Fraggers backs for all your efforts on this 'space journal' you are creating here. Very entertaining and funny stories guys!

Sorry for not adding any Smilys since the site doesn't allow my iPad to use them anymore and I don't remember all the short codes for them :/

Anyway, PZ, I don't know What you did to this topic but to me it somehow shuffled the last 80 or so post over 2 identically looking topics. I did have the idea of missing Some things, especially after reading a synical msg where Art conciders restarting his career over Some saving issues he never mentioned before, lol
After completing the entire read in the original topic (over 2 hours of reading since I had to catch up since August 8th, heheh) I started reading the second and that cleared a whole lot of things. Somehow, in this 'new' topic (starting indeed with Re:) is a collection of rants and issues being reported by our exploration teams, lol!

So far, the game appears to me like something I have to protect myself from. It will probably make me turn into a space zombie for weeks, causing some inevitable side effects in real life for sure [rolling eyes angel smiley here]
Reading through your collective yournal was very entertaining and already dragged me right into space for an entire afternoon, go figure, hehe

I even thought that, since I can't yet dive right into space, I might as well start exploring planet earth and check out if I may find some undiscovered species while on it...

"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Starting point planet Earth, close to some sort of trading station called Torres Torres. Why the founder of this place decided to call it Torres Torres in the first place still puzzles me. It doesn't exactly have an impressive skyline

[smg id=8983 type=preview align=center caption="image"]

Leaving the settlement I got caught by the beautiful landscape; bright blue sky, lovely flora that indicates dry ground and high temperatures:
[smg id=8984 type=preview align=center caption="image"]

Zoon enough I found out this land held plenty of resources though: these tiny green balls got to have an oily inside, helping greatly in crafting diesel, the main fuel for my vehicle:
[smg id=8985 type=preview align=center caption="image"]

And these black Tiny bombs look just right to replenish my health when the heat is getting on me:
[smg id=8986 type=preview align=center caption="image"]

With all these goodies I figured I'd soon needed a bigger backpack. Unfortunately I couldn't find a blueprint to get some extra slots:
[smg id=8987 type=preview align=center caption="image"]
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


~please rotate screen to get the correct image; my interface suffers from a weird rotation bug~

As I advanced in this vast, though impressing landscape, I realised it reminded me of an earlier experience. I decided to name this valley "aFrryC", honouring my memories of past times...
[smg id=8988 type=preview align=center caption="image"]

That is where I found out about another bug, not allowing me to change the name of the landscape. It seems that more explorers had been suffering from this bug, hense their not-so-successful efforts to find workRounds:
[smg id=8989 type=preview align=center caption="image"]

While fooling around with my naming tool, I was being buggered by some subterrainian grumbling, and I was already hoping to find my first species when I discovered this hole...
[smg id=8990 type=preview align=center caption="image"]

I don't remember if it was the blackness inside of the sore stench that suddenly got me scared, making me realise that this area's fauna might not be friendly, carnivorous even. I decided to move on...

[smg id=8991 type=preview align=center caption="image"]
When moving farther into this valley with already a somewhat troubled mind, I suddenly discovered this relic. It's got to have something to do with the name of the settlement, or who knows it's more some sort of vigilance device the local farmers use to protect their plantages:
[smg id=8992 type=preview align=center caption="image"]

Suddenly I felt alone. Unless the heat of my surroundings I felt cold, left behind. I decided to find my way back into the settlement and trade what I found so far. Looking down I finally discovered my first new species. Inspired by their weird behaviour I decided to call them "aurAnts"
[smg id=8993 type=preview align=center caption="image"]
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


 :laugh: Nice one Binn, very entertaining and clever :-X

Nice photos too, but why did you stand on your head to take them? 8-X

Art Blade

I guess he thought that for some people, such as yourself, fragger, who live down under, it would be more familiar and more pleasant to the eye. :-()

And indeed, funny to make a real-life story NMS style  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on August 17, 2016, 01:38:34 PM
It is irritating that the topics have the same name except RE:RE: and so on -- I was completely lost for a moment :-D

I fixed that now.  :-D

I also moved the original first topic (by JRD) to this board :) I recommend reading at least the first post of it because there are already hostile life forms mentioned, which are likely our "beloved" pirates.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I had two funny experiences today.

The first was when I landed my ship and it came down with a huge plant right in front of the nose. When I got out, I found myself inside the plant and even though I could still see the front of the ship, I couldn't interact with it to get back on board. In fact, I couldn't get out of the plant at all. No problem - I whipped up the Multitool and blasted my way out. Got a good bunch of carbon in the process :-()

The second funny thing gave me a jolt initially. Once again I landed my ship, and of course I jumped out upon landing, since that's what the guy always does, when one of these things suddenly walked past, close enough to almost bump into me:

[smg id=9004 align=center width=600]

It was like about ten feet tall, and it nearly made me jump out of my chair ??? I had no idea what it would do, I'd ever seen one before. They turned out to be harmless, so I was able to watch them for a while. They walked like Jar-Jar Binks, they were frigging hilarious :-D

Art Blade

like this?


HOLY SHIIiiiaaaargh!!  :o  ???
[smg id=9005 type=preview align=center caption="holy crap aaaargh"]


I hate those predators.. he kept following me and I escaped by climbing up a ruin..
[smg id=9006 type=preview align=center caption="agressive stalker"]

..and he probably hated my grenade launcher. The sentinels aren't sure yet what to think. I still have a few spare grens for them in case they want to test me.  >:D The ex-predator got bombed down into the ground, two grenades.. one made a hole and killed that beast and the second gren made that hole twice as deep.
[smg id=9007 type=preview align=center caption="after a grenade diet"]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

by the way, the stuff in my previous post happened on the third planet which I hadn't visited before. Damn, it's cold and there are nasty predators.. I need to gear up for that  ??? :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


What a strange planet,Binn, I sure wouldn't want to go there. Need +2 shields for that place, lol!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on August 16, 2016, 12:07:30 PM
I am now part of the experimental branch

I just opted out of beta. Let's see.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

works just nicely, so far :)

[smg id=9015 type=preview align=center caption="out of beta"]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳