Uncharted 4

Started by PZ, October 27, 2015, 01:05:21 PM

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Not open world, but if it is anything like it's predecessors, should be quite fun.  Here's some demo game play



The video shows Drake choosing his path through the city while driving, which made it appear open world, but when I did a bit of research, I discovered that the developers have coined a new term "wide linear" in which you have more ability to choose path, but will still follow the linear story.  This because one of the developers was quoted as saying that he dislikes open world because his ally could be in imminent danger, yet you (the player) can go off and do 5 side missions.



Strange argument. Matter of design I'd say. What if the player goes to sleep, and decides to continue playing the next day?
I was watching the chase through the city, and was wondering weather the player had followed that track earlier or not; he seems to know pretty well where he's gotta go. And there's not that much to choose, I think it is still pretty scripted. Even the shootout when he finally manages to clip on that truck.

It looks cool though. But then again; PS only. I won't play it :angel:
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

reminds me of 2009 when Spaceboy, Fiach and PZ were playing UC2 on the console. Must have been a good game for a console. :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


There's a couple of names I wish were still here... Glad you're still here PZ, or none of us might be here :)

What that guy said about "wide linear" sounds a little like the original Far Cry. It was linear overall and level-based, but within each level there were a number of different ways around. I remember one level that was quite a large island and there were different ways you could get from one end to the other - but you still had to get from one end to the other regardless.

Looks like a fun game :-X



Yeah, I remember playing both U2 and U3, and even though linear, you never saw the same environment twice which made it okay for me to enjoy the game. Not a game for replay value though due to the tight scripting, so it is a rather expensive onetime en entertainment.

I will probably get it though because I liked what I saw regarding the driving mechanics


Supposed to be releasing on the 10th of this month. $47 and change if you are an amazon prime member.  I'll get it even though I still have other games to play.  Curious to see how good the graphics are in this iteration.

Too bad it is PS4 exclusive - I would have enjoyed it on the PC  :-\\


That is a problem with open world games, unless they put a time limit on a mission (like Fallout does for some of them) you can ignore them, no matter how urgent they are supposed to be, and go do something else for a couple months. Meanwhile, that person is waiting for you to just show up when you're damn good and ready.

For the purely story driven game, you almost need to have a linear format, and control somewhat when and where certain things happen.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I know that "linear" is a bit of a dirty word around here, but I don't think linear is always a bad thing - it depends on the breed of game and how immersive that game may be. FC3 was a good example of linearity being a bad thing. The rigid linearity of its main missions and the lengthy, unskippable cutscenes jarred with the game's otherwise open-world nature and put a massive damper on the experience.

I thought that the Half-Life 2 series was one of the best examples of how good a linear shooter could be. Despite the fairly linear nature of the game, the story, environment, and characters with superb voice-acting made it tremendously immersive. I think what made the linearity w@&k in HL2 was the fact that there were no separate levels or missions that you had to wait to load. Instead, it would load each new area of the game world as you proceeded through it. The load points were a good distance apart so it didn't interfere with the gameplay too much, and each load would only take a couple of seconds, so the game was one big long uninterrupted adventure from start to finish. Even the occasional unobtrusive "cutscenes" were seamlessly integrated and remained interactive, and you could often backtrack through the game, sometimes for a surprisingly long way (it would reload the previously visited areas as you went back and "remember" what state you left them in). So the game had a sort of two-way "open-linear" design. The ability to move backwards through the game world was useful as it would allow you to go back and pick up ammo and stuff that you may have had to leave when you were at max earlier on. And even thought the game was linear overall, there were plenty of large areas where you had a lot of freedom of movement.

HL2 is one of my favourite shooters ever, actually. I've gotten a new rig since I played it last and I wouldn't mind playing it through again except it would mean re-downloading the whole kit and kaboodle from Steam. That took several days via my sluggy old ISP. It would go way quicker now with my whizzy connection, but it would still make a big hole my monthly data allocation.

Too much else going on at the moment anyway :-D


Quite true, fragger.  One reason I like Uncharted 3 was that around every corner was a completely different experience - linearity allows the programmers to develop most excellent eye candy.


I'm also with you Fragger. Linearity is a way of controlling the experience of the gamer, which allows wonderful things. And indeed, HL2 had that magic af reaching the next level without ever loosing your path. It was more like a milestone to reach. I remember how I longed for the next level because it was all so intense and I needed that safe spot.
HL2 is for me one of the best shooters ever as well. Together with Max Payne 3, which on other ways gave an intense experience making you as the gamer really relate to the main character, the anti hero Payne. They used loads of cutscenes, which weren't annoying at all. A movie can also be very entertaining and they used it to kind of mentally prepare you for the next stage.

I don't know uncharted, haven't ever had a PS so that's probably why. Why oh why all these console exclusive games :-\\
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

I only recently played through deadpool which is very linear regarding story telling but at least allows you to run around in levels as you like for a good part, mostly because there is stuff to be collected or a few riddles to solve. The game was hilarious nevertheless and that was clearly owed to its linearity that allowed a lot of funny lines. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Shipped today - yay!  They took $12 off the retail price because I ordered early  ^-^

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thank you - I just hope to find the time to play!

Art Blade

one word. starts with "r" and ends with "etirement." :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


 :laugh: :-X

Ordering from Amazon might turn out kind of good - I'm getting physical media, and it is due on my doorstep tomorrow, the official release date. If this works out, I'll not need to go to town for my games in the future

EDIT: I just checked my account and it is out for delivery today  :o



That reminds me of something.... FC2?
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


That truck kind of does, and the landscape is almost pure FC2 in most of what I saw in the video - except way more beautiful.  From the graphics alone, I'm going to highly enjoy this return to Africa.  It almost looks like you can do some open world kind of exploring.  I'll be interested in starting it up this evening.


Have fun PZ!  :) :-X

Hope it is open world indeed. And I hope if it is, they will somehow make a PC version once.  ;)

But I doubt that :-\\
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


I have heard it called "wide linear" rather than a true open world experience.  They say that rather than the corridor experience of COD, you can skip past enemy, or lose them in foliage.  So, it is said to be quite wide in areas and narrower in others.  Should be a different experience than the old games.

Art Blade

all that counts is you having fun with it and enjoying yourself, PZ :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


So true, AB!

Well, the game came this afternoon, a day early.  However, I had to do a 300 mb PS4 update (because it has been so long) and a 5 gb game update!  Now I'm too tired to play and will go watch Dancing with the Stars

Art Blade

better a day early and downloads than on time and downloads  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳