Far Cry 4 Open World Mod unlocks everything from the start of the game :)

Started by JRavens, August 27, 2015, 11:54:11 AM

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Hello Open World Games!

I'm excited to let you guys know about a Far Cry 4 mod I created that you might enjoy - the Open World Mod.

The Open World mod is for people that want to play the default game (no changes to weapon damage, crafting, etc.), but want everything open from the very beginning.

It unlocks all of the weapons, signature weapons and skills right from the beginning so you can purchase these any way you like and do not have to do "X amount of missions to unlock this" etc.

In addition it unlocks the North from the very beginning of the game and you can go there if you dare (remember those guys are pretty tough on a new character with only 2 health bars!)

Finally the mod includes my attachments mod which allows you to attach almost any attachment to any weapon (provided you buy it of course) and I re-activated the missing signature weapon ACE that Ubi had cut from the game.

You can download it from Nexus if you like:


Hopefully you will check it out. Thanks  :)

PS - I have a lot of other mods for Far Cry 3 & 4 so please be sure to check out my website (www.FarCryMods.com) or Facebook (www.facebook.com/FarCryMods) if you are interested.
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week


Looks impressive, JRavens  :-X

I only have FC4 for the PlayStation right now, but one of these days I'll get the PC version, and of course, mod it from the beginning because I really don't like having to complete tasks to unlock items, or parts of the map, etc.  In my mine, "open world" means exactly that - you can go anywhere and do anything just like in real life.  After all, I do not need to complete a mission just to take a trip to Europe.

Nice to see a modder join our group +1  :-X


1+  :-X Any chance that you could enable GOLD weapon paint for all weapons?  >:D :-D


Quote from: PZ on August 27, 2015, 12:00:30 PM
Looks impressive, JRavens  :-X

I only have FC4 for the PlayStation right now, but one of these days I'll get the PC version, and of course, mod it from the beginning because I really don't like having to complete tasks to unlock items, or parts of the map, etc.  In my mine, "open world" means exactly that - you can go anywhere and do anything just like in real life.  After all, I do not need to complete a mission just to take a trip to Europe.

Nice to see a modder join our group +1  :-X

Thanks PZ :)

I do agree although I will play Devil's advocate and say that the first few playthroughs it really didn't bother me to do X missions to unlock Y skill or whatever. I tend to be a bit of a competitionist when I play games like these (well I always INTEND to complete everything anyway LOL) so I'm going to end up doing it all anyway and it gives me little "goals" to do each time I play - which I would imagine is part of why they keep adding these criteria to things. Well that and to give the player a sense of "growing" or leveling up your character. After a while (and several playthroughs) it's boring though and I can defiantly see your point and agree with it. Which is why I created this mod since so many people have requested it since Far Cry 4 came out. It was also always a "feature" of most Far Cry 3 mods as well (i.e. unlocking the South Island at start, unlocking the wingsuit at start, etc.)

One of the very first things I did when FC4 came out was to create the attachments mod because I didn't like that the guns were once again just a progression from crappy gun that can't mount anything up to P416/A52 that can mount everything. I really would rather see the guns all handle differently and let the player decide what they wanted to buy, kit out and play with.

So any way that's what modders are for 'eh? We "fix" things LOL
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week


Quote from: GKID7891 on August 27, 2015, 12:39:40 PM
1+  :-X Any chance that you could enable GOLD weapon paint for all weapons?  >:D :-D
Hi (again) GKID

ehhh that's kind of a tall order actually. Harder than you would think. It's not "hard" as in super difficult, but rather it's hard in the sense that it would require a lot of tinkering and testing.

Sadly it's not just changing one line like say:
modelTexture = gold_weapon_skin.dds

Rather it's finding the few gold material  .bin files assigned to that AK skin and duplicating them for each weapon and hex editing those to point to other weapon texture files. Basically I know the *gist* of what would need to be done and I can point you in the right direction, but like I say it would take some experimenting on your part. Really it would just take time more than anything. (change, save, pack, load, check, rinse, repeat :) )

Are you familiar with Far Cry 3 textures at all and/or the material.bin files? I can give you a basic tutorial if you want.
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week


Quote from: JRavens on August 27, 2015, 03:34:57 PM
...So any way that's what modders are for 'eh? We "fix" things LOL

lol, so true!

I unfortunately have a short attention span (and little time to play) and do believe I have never completed a game to 100%.  My typical problem is that I have let enough time lapse between sessions that I have to learn all the keys/buttons again!   :angel:

Art Blade

Hello JRavens :)

Quite an entrance you made there  :-D I essentially feel just like you. I tend to complete games (so I only have very few on 100%) as long as those achievements aren't too much of a chore. If so, I just stop at say, 87% or some such because I don't like getting achievements only because the devs tell us to. I much rather rack up my stuff as I play and on the way I reach completion which is nice.. or I don't which is not exactly killing me. I'm not obsessed with those 100% :-()

If a singleplayer game is for whatever reason not appealing enough (not to say boring) I tend to cheat and mod. I don't do that with online (multiplayer and co-op) games. At least those cheats or mods put the fun (back) into the game and I like to test everything that is available to the player such as weapons (or vehicles or upgrades of all kind) and preferably from the start.

It has always bugged me that a player is being sent out on a mission with only a stone ax while we all know that there will be more. I think of James Bond. He doesn't go on a mission with just a Swiss army knife. He gets all the most sophisticated gear from Q before he goes on a mission. Not as a reward after a mission. I much rather hand-pick my loadout than having to deal with a box filled with scrap metal.  :-()

Good to have you with us, mate  :)

And +1 :-X (kudos) from me as well  ^-^
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: JRavens on August 27, 2015, 03:41:17 PM
Are you familiar with Far Cry 3 textures at all and/or the material.bin files? I can give you a basic tutorial if you want.

I'm not familiar with texture mods, but I'd like a tutorial about the basics  :-D Btw, do you have any knowlegde about C#? I downloaded the Dunia 2 mod tool source code and I'd like to make it compatible with Far Cry 4  >:D ^-^


Sure I'll give you a run down of my (rather limited) knowledge of how the texture system works and in particular the weapon skins.

I have some knowledge clearly of Far Cry textures:

but I wouldn't try to call myself an expert or anything. ;)

>btw, do you have any knowlegde about C#?

No sorry I'm not a programmer. I just tweak numbers here or there and see what happens  :o

>I downloaded the Dunia 2 mod tool source code and I'd like to make it compatible with Far Cry 4

Well the file structure has changed considerably. When I first started modding FC4 right after it came out Dunia simply wouldn't recognize anything... well almost anything. Since Far Cry 4 is built on the bones of Far Cry 3 there are some files Dunia still sees. Sadly many of these however are not even used by the game. A lot of people have accused Ubi of just reskinning Far Cry 3, but I know the truth. In actuality they rewrote hundreds of thousands of files. I'm not defending their design choices, because I actually do agree that Far Cry 4 feels wayyy too similar but that (to me) is principly because they used the same set of weapons, mostly the same animals with some new ones, and even the same 3 way faction system (rebels, "pirates" aka royal army and harder "privateers" aka royal guard). The colors are even the same - blue for good guys and red for bad guys. Despite this though all of the "re-hashed" content is completely new high res models and textures.

So any way yeah Dunia is confused about the new files. It CAN be made to read the files without resorting to reprogramming it. It just needs new file lists and definition files. I made my own file lists by grepping file names and paths from the hundreds of thousands of files and now I can unpack a large portion of the files into their correct folders. Sadly though the files are mostly unchanged from their original binhex format so that makes reading them difficult without using conversion tools. I personally am not too sure how Rick's definition files w@&k, but it's something I DO need to become familiar with so the files can be converted into more readable formats.

If you haven't found Janne252's stuff I would take a look at these:

Janne252 and RazorFinnish are two very experienced modders and while they are no longer seemingly interested in working on FC4 the stuff they did release on those links is invaluable to anyone who wants to be able to read the files without having to manually convert them. They have about 9000 archetype files already converted which covers the vast majority of the weapons, enemies, animals, and items in Far Cry 4.

Also not to overstep my boundaries or show bad etiquette, but I would like to let you know about my forums where we have a large amount of modding tutorials specifically for Far Cry 4:
You don't have to join if you just want to browse the tutorials under the How to Mod Far Cry 4 board. :)
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week


Welcome JRavens, +1 kudo from me too. Great to have you aboard :)

I will definitely be checking out that mod. I was hoping somebody would one day come along and do that :-() Thanks muchly for sharing it with us!


Quote from: PZ on August 27, 2015, 04:18:52 PM
lol, so true!

I unfortunately have a short attention span (and little time to play) and do believe I have never completed a game to 100%.  My typical problem is that I have let enough time lapse between sessions that I have to learn all the keys/buttons again!   :angel:

Sure thing I can totally get that. ;)

I actually have the same problem as you PZ only on the opposite platform. I don't play Playstation games very often (my son took over the PS3 LOL) so I just really can't invest very much time in them and I too spend sooo much time away from them that yeah I can't remember the controls let alone what mission or whatever I was supposed to be doing :P

I also go through bouts where I play a bunch of steam games and i just play a little bit of each one and get nothing really accomplished so I flip flop around. Like I say I always INTEND to 100% stuff, but yeah what is that phrase about the "road to hell is paved in good INTENTIONS" haha  >:D
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week


Quote from: Art Blade on August 27, 2015, 08:36:12 PM
Hello JRavens :)

Quite an entrance you made there  :-D I essentially feel just like you. I tend to complete games (so I only have very few on 100%) as long as those achievements aren't too much of a chore. If so, I just stop at say, 87% or some such because I don't like getting achievements only because the devs tell us to. I much rather rack up my stuff as I play and on the way I reach completion which is nice.. or I don't which is not exactly killing me. I'm not obsessed with those 100% :-()

If a singleplayer game is for whatever reason not appealing enough (not to say boring) I tend to cheat and mod. I don't do that with online (multiplayer and co-op) games. At least those cheats or mods put the fun (back) into the game and I like to test everything that is available to the player such as weapons (or vehicles or upgrades of all kind) and preferably from the start.

It has always bugged me that a player is being sent out on a mission with only a stone ax while we all know that there will be more. I think of James Bond. He doesn't go on a mission with just a Swiss army knife. He gets all the most sophisticated gear from Q before he goes on a mission. Not as a reward after a mission. I much rather hand-pick my loadout than having to deal with a box filled with scrap metal.  :-()

Good to have you with us, mate  :)

And +1 :-X (kudos) from me as well  ^-^

Thanks for the warm welcome Art Blade (here and on the intros thread)!

Yeah I'm actually weird. The best parts of games to me are the early parts where I'm underpowered and struggling to get everything. I actually dislike how many "goodies" Far Cry 4 gives you. Ajay is a walking armory with C4, molotovs, grenades, mines, automatic weapons, etc. etc. Half the time I forget I have bait, syringes and guns for hire tokens because... well... why bother?!? I mean I can just level an outpost with my arsenal.

So I tend to go more in for the "hardcore" mods where it makes it hard as nails and lessons the amount of ammo you can carry and makes more powerful weapons harder to get etc.

I guess it depends on your time (like PZ says he doesn't have a lot of time to play games which is understandable) and also the kind of experience you want to have. If you want to come from a hard day and just do some pew-pew and have a lot of laughs then Far Cry 4 is FANTASTIC... I would say to date it's probably actually one of the best games ever for that. I never stop shaking my head at all the crazy stuff that just happens out of nowhere while playing the game (and I thought Far Cry 3 was crazy LOL)

On the other hand if you want to sit down with it and play out a long campaign and invest many hours Skyrim style then Far Cry is kind of terrible for that because it really becomes a steamroll early on once you get past some of the annoying hurdles the designers put in place (like having to buy a skill to reload while running or unlock your third or forth weapon slot, etc). Really though after and hour or two of play you have a wide range of easy ways to beat the game (from silenced snipers to just letting an elephant or a rhino wipe all the enemies out). At that point the game is back to more of a fun explosive sandbox like I was saying before.

I do get your point though about wanting to be able to access everything and try different things, different tactics and stuff and not have to do some arbitrary mission just to be able to use something. So that's really the idea behind this mod is to open all of that up, but still have the player to decide where to put his money and skill points as he earns them and I do think that is the best way for a truly "open world" game to do things. In your example instead of going on a mission poorly armed now you can take the time to earn some cash and use that tp buy whatever weapons you want, attach whatever optics/silencer/etc and then take on the mission armed in whatever manner you choose. This way instead of game saying "ok Ajay here's a stone axe good luck" and shoving you out the door now you can be like " yeahhh no I'm going go buy a Vector and mount a suppressor on it and THEN go kill all the opium smugglers so here have your stone axe back"  :laugh:
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week


Quote from: fragger on August 28, 2015, 06:18:19 AM
Welcome JRavens, +1 kudo from me too. Great to have you aboard :)

I will definitely be checking out that mod. I was hoping somebody would one day come along and do that :-() Thanks muchly for sharing it with us!

Thanks Fragger!

I hope you do use it and it makes the game more fun for you.  :)

Hopefully more cool mods (from me and other people) will keep on coming. It's a fun game. Mods just make it... more fun!  :laugh:
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week


Welcome JRavens.  I like to see someone re-fire interest in a personal favorite.  :)   :-X  +1

I always admire those with the skills to climb into a games guts and not totally kill the patient.  Unfortunately my skills in this area are more likely to cause my PC spontaneously combust.  I agonized for a few months over making the simple Cheat Edits in the Gamer Profile with Notepad++ before I risked it and that was only after a lot of patient hand holding from several of the guys here at OWG.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


You have an interesting view on games and how to enjoy them, I like that :) :-X

Although I'm not really into modding much I do like the adventures others tell about when using mods and trying to figure out ways to make the game act different.
I myself am a 100% achiever in most games, I just can't resist to dominate a game and feel litterally on top of it. Even feel some disappointment when certain achievements are too easy to obtain, or just a complete waste of time because of endless collecting, doing the same stuff over and over again. That's where I usually leave the game unfinished. A couple of years ago I would go on and on, finding and achieving anything, but that's different now :)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Quote from: JRavens on August 28, 2015, 07:05:59 AM
... Like I say I always INTEND to 100% stuff, but yeah what is that phrase about the "road to hell is paved in good INTENTIONS" haha  >:D

:laugh: :-X

Art Blade

JR, thanks for the long and entertaining replies :)

I should add that I don't really mind games to start with a stone axe. Actually, I play through almost all my games without any modding or cheating and only then, having finished them the way I was supposed to, I tend to add some mods or use cheats. And if a game is good, I easily rack up hundreds of hours playing it. If it is very good, I don't even cheat let alone mod it.  :)

The entire Far Cry series has been a mix of hate and love for me. The original Far Cry was brilliant up to the point when those monsters appeared.. why.. oh why. I started to cheat. FC2 was terrific, except the player who works for all factions gets hammered by each and every guy that comes along, even from said factions while you're working for them. And then that silly hive mentality.. alert one and the whole country whips around and looks you in the eye, ready to finish you off.. everyone near and far at the same time. FC3 was outstanding, actually some peace to be had when walking around in non-hostile areas unless a bunch of pirates spotted you. Every other minutes. And then FC4.. basically the same as FC3 except this time around the bloody animals in all dimensions are out to maul, bite and peck you all the bloody time. At times I would have loved to nail those eagles, badgers and all the rest to a wooden fence, set it alight and spit quite heartily on their charred remains. That's why my best friend in all Far Cry games has been the ignore player as well as the invulnerability cheat. The only exception, when I really enjoyed playing, was FC3 co-op on hardest setting. Together against the baddies. No cheats or modding needed. I think it was actually the first game (co-op game mode) that made me play on something harder than the easiest setting and I was surprised when I started to actually enjoy the hardest setting. Currently I play GTA(V) online (again co-op only) and I haven't yet played on anything but "hard" :) So, it doesn't have to come easy. But in singleplayer mode, I still enjoy the easy way.

Well.. I'm basically done with all of those Far Cry games so it's a pity we didn't meet earlier. I might try modding FC4 should I ever feel like returning to it for more than a couple of minutes. But I am sure quite a few guys here will be more than happy to play with your FC4 mods :) Therefore I say, keep 'em coming. :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Paul J

Hey Art: new here, but I've been actively a part of JR's forum, and have to say - you've got a nice little home here! I love the colour and ambience.

I read your comments a second ago, and spotted your use of the "invulnerability cheat"... and was immediately drawn to it. "Huh? What is this?" and so where do I get it? (I know what it is - I had to use a "God Mode" and walkthrough to get through Doom 2!). I've just never seen it referred to over on JR's forum - or elsewhere for that matter...


I took an IQ test and the result was negative...

Art Blade

Thank you, now it's your home, too :)

And hehe, yes, you're right, it is actually a god mode. Back in the day and in different games they used to call it "invulnerability" cheat -- I might have got carried away a bit, then  :-()

And as to the how-to, here you go:
in here a quote from our FC4 cheats topic
Quote from: Art Blade on December 25, 2014, 02:47:29 AM
So they changed the rules. No more command line parameters and only a few of the old FC2/FC3 cheats remain.

Go to HD:\users\YourName\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 4\RandomGibberish\

open GamerProfile.xml (with notepad++ or some such)

find somewhere towards the end of the xml file the line <GameProfile /> (without "r" so it is NOT </GamerProfile>)

Edit it with any combination or all of the following cheats (they used to be called the same only starting with "GameProfile_" when we used them for the command line)

<GameProfile GodMode="1" UnlimitedAmmo="1" IgnorePlayer="1" />

Save the file.

Don't write-protect that file or your game will crash on saving from the menu, same when save+quit from menu. Just leave the file alone.

Don't cheat if you want to play online / coop, you'll never know -- they might catch you cheating and ban you or do whatever they think appropriate.

Just play the story offline from the menu and all is good.

Enjoy your game  ;)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Paul J

Aaaahh... inside the <GameProfile> section: I had read that too, on the Ubisoft modding site (that was "run" by Janne254/RazonFinnish, et al) - tried it, but it din't doo nuffink; I guess I didn't note that little titdbit.. but then.. I am an old fart...

"back in the day" Hehe... which day was that, Art? Oh yeah - the "good old days...  That's like "summer" in the UK. Last year it was on a Wednesday...

It's been a while Art, and the fun of modding this dratted game (with JR and his motley crew), has overtaken any desire to use a cheat anymore. I'll give it a quick shot though.
We just wish that those guys had stuck around just a bit longer, so that we had better access to the lua's, and some slightly better tools. At this moment we can make a huge difference to the game with what we have, but it would be so much better if we could create and add new weapons, NPC's, their numbers, the weather, night/day and so on, wouldn't it.

I took an IQ test and the result was negative...


Welcome Paul J, I'd not greeted you before.  :)   :-X

If I had the programming skills to mod in FC4 I'd love a Buzzsaw where each round hits with the impact of a C-4 charge!   >:D

There's no such thing as overkill only glorious carnage.  I do love the scorched earth approach to enemy/wild life encounters.  ^-^
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Paul J

Thanks, Mandru!

You mean your MG42 rounds don't hit with the impact of a C4 charge???

Well heck... let's see... JR said it was in the:

patch_hd_unpack\entityarchetypeslibrary folder...

and the filename is 7850262406633.ark.fcb...  and the code is:

<object hash="1664515A">  // Damage
            <field hash="8F865BC2" type="BinHex">0000803F</field>
            <object hash="04DA9AAC">
              <field hash="BD8D62E9" type="Float32">3</field> // HeadDamageMultiplier
              <field hash="6051AE17" type="Float32">1</field> // BodyDamageMultiplier
              <field hash="CADFD003" type="Float32">.5</field>

            <object hash="F89D699D">  //  MultiplayerHitLocationMultiplier
              <field hash="BD8D62E9" type="Float32">1</field> // HeadDamageMultiplier
              <field hash="6051AE17" type="Float32">1</field> // BodyDamageMultiplier

....... and those are the numbers that control how big a hole is created in what! One could simply increase those numbers 5x, 10x - why - even 100x!  :o
Fun! WOW!

Courtesy of my copious notes from JR's "FC4 Modding Toots". (Thanks JR!)

Hope you can use this info, Mandru!   :laugh:

I took an IQ test and the result was negative...

Art Blade

hehe nice one, old chap  :-D

I'm an old fart, too :-() I played "pong" as an arcade game back in the early 1970s  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I'll probably get FC4 for the PC (have only played it on the PS) when it is at bargain basement prices. Then I'll apply mods of course - JR's sounds like a good first candidate.  :-X


Quote from: Paul J on August 29, 2015, 09:01:59 AM

Hope you can use this info, Mandru!   :laugh:

Thanks Paul J.  + 1 for digging up that tip.

Unfortunately I have no modding skills and would be terrified to attempt it.  I prefer a playable game over having my PC flashing over into a bonfire.  :-D

My concerns about that are not without precedent.

Way back in high school I was shifted (co-opted might be a better term) from being a library assistant during one class period and into a physics class because the teacher (who taught all my small rural school's math and sciences classes) convinced the head librarian that he on several occasions had observed that it would be wiser for me to placed somewhere with fewer flammable objects and much nearer someone trained to use a fire extinguisher.  :-[
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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