Batman : Arkham Knight

Started by Stiku, June 25, 2015, 02:34:24 AM

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This title got released Tuesday, it looks great, seems to be improvement over AO, BUT!
It runs like a dog, so WB has actually suspended the sales of this game.

This title also has the newer denuvo DRM protector, which doesn't should not allow any tampering of the DRM system of the game, and for now, it seems to hold still, as no pirated versions of this game has come up on the scene places.  :o

PCGamer : Arkham Knight sales suspended.

Launch trailer.
! No longer available

Also a video report from TB, that explains the problems quite well.:
! No longer available


This again - push the game out the door even though the vendor knows it has serious problems.

"Sell now, patch later". I'm getting so sick of that disgraceful practice :angry-new:


Funniest comment that I saw was :
"Good, there is enough broken garbage in early access section of Steam, don't need broken games in AAA section as well." @ Guru3D news article about the same issue.

Don't know how this got passed through the QC in the first place, also how they can fuckup with an engine that is old as old gen consoles, but I guess that is what you get when you use old tech that has been only "patched" to use newer tech. Like making a new building and then just placing more floors on top of the old ones without doing anything to the floors below.



The QC guys were probably all too busy playing GTA V


 :laugh: @fragger

Watched TB's port report earlier. Bad performance indeed and 30 fps cap?  >:(( :angry-new: :angry-new: UNACCEPTABLE FOR A PC GAME IN 2015!


I was already disappointed with the last title in the Batman series, it felt like a cheap reproduction of what once was the best of its kind. Sad how greedy managers destroy a video game like this, just because they don't want to take the time and effort that it deserves.  :-\\
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