First impressions

Started by fragger, November 18, 2014, 01:06:27 AM

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Nice sniping spot Nexor! And excellent shooting :-X 8)

That weapon is really something. Funny to see those men blast away demonstrating the body-ballistics ^-^
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Quote from: Binnatics on December 28, 2014, 03:19:50 AM
Nice sniping spot Nexor! And excellent shooting :-X 8)

That weapon is really something. Funny to see those men blast away demonstrating the body-ballistics ^-^

Yup, like the weapon was shooting something bigger and heavier than bullets.

Btw Nexor, whats with the scale format on your vid?


Quote from: Art Blade on December 28, 2014, 02:02:31 AM
It is not, as I used to think, how often you apply the syringe (as in, 10 times) but skill points you spend on them. So you can spend 10 skill points per syringe.. and now you'll realise that you're running short.  :-D

:) I knew that. But I've already maxed out the re-learnable skills so far and I still have those 23 skill points that I can't apply yet :D

Nice w@&k with the AMR nex :-X

Art Blade

I found out that you will be able to spend them all.  :-() Not that I needed the Karma boost -- I was already level 8. By the way, once you're Karma level 8, you can kill your fellow idiots without "-50 karma" penalty and without any penalty at all. Only civilians will cause a message not to kill civilians but no Karma penalty. Now when I see those idiots fire their weapons for no apparent reason except for getting on my nerves, I let them have it.  >:D
[smg id=7577 type=preview align=center caption="fully loaded"]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


When I uploaded it to YouTube it was 59 F/S Stiku, I don't know if YouTube changes it


I think Stiku meant the weird black and gray beams around your image. Is it because you have FC4 running 16:9 on a 4:3 monitor?

@ Art: You're really rushing through :o
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


I figured if anyone could take down a rhino with a bow, it would be Art. I have tried a few times, but usually get just a little too close and then have to get out the C4 lol.

Yeah I think Nexor's video originated in 16:9 but was rendered or captured in 4:3 and thus letterboxed, and when uploaded to Youtube, it was then rendered again to 16:9 pillarboxed, so it's doubly-boxed.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I died quite a few times due to those damn unpredictable and then usually unavoidable rhino attacks but eventually I did get one of them with just my bow. Now, with cheats enabled, anyone could do it. The game is so much more enjoyable without getting attacked every 5 seconds by in real life harmless animals. I was even expecting to get attacked by ladybirds.

And yes, I'm rushing through those damn main story missions so I can finally have my freedom and peace in the open world. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

Alright, I'm through and already wreaking havoc with explosives and all that  :-D

I have to admit, as is usual for me and the whole Far Cry series, that with cheats enabled, the game is actually fun. Even those Shangri-La missions were not so bad. The main missions were not so bad, either. I chose a strict path, only taking on Amita's missions and therewith pissing off Sabal big time. I am actually considering a 2nd playthrough taking on Sabal's missions only just to see what they're like and what Amita is going to be like when she's pissed off big time :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

I just reset all outposts (which also resets all forts) so I can have some fun. Going to use baits a lot now, tossing those over the walls and listen to the mayhem behind them  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


That must've been the fastest playthrough ever! :o
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

well.. I spent about 44 hours (that's what the in-game statistics under "progress" tells me) doing 61% of all there is. Among which I removed or destroyed 83/150 propaganda posters -- so you can guess that getting 100% means a lot of little things that are time-consuming, both because of travelling around the map and having to find those things that usually are somewhat hidden. There are things that I don't necessarily want to do, like some weird races or collecting items.. when I come across some, I do them, else, I don't really want to get 100% in this game. Maybe eventually. I have more fun exploring and of course, liberating outposts and such  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Cheats definitely would make this game way more enticing.  Will have to wait for the PC version because no cheats on the console  :'(


44 hours is quite a tad indeed, but to me it looked like you rushed through a campaign in just 2 days where others are reporting experiences for weeks already, some not having even completed the campaign. That's why it seemed to me as the fastest campaign ever ;)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

I spent those 44 hours of intense gaming during just a couple of days.. unlike the others, who have spent a few hours total over a significantly longer period of time. ;)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


It looks like Fraps is set on 4:3, I use "Handbrake" to convert it to mp4 with the setting on default, same as source which then would also be 4:3
I have a 19" Monitor
[smg id=7588]
My game settings, tried to change it with no luck
[smg id=7589]
This is what I see, the reason for the huge black borders


Quote from: Art Blade on December 29, 2014, 04:19:10 PM
I spent those 44 hours of intense gaming during just a couple of days.. unlike the others, who have spent a few hours total over a significantly longer period of time. ;)

Yep, I've been taking my time with it. In fact, I haven't finished my first 'thru yet - I just bumped off Yuma in a particularly sucky and ridiculous mission. Also I can't seem to get cheats to w@&k so I'm having to do it the hard way.

I split my time between FC4 and Civ V. This last couple of weeks leading up to Christmas - and since - have been very intense at w@&k, so when I get home I tend to play Civ for the relaxation value, if I play anything at all. I get enough exasperation at w@&k without subjecting myself to more with FC4 - the story part of it anyway.

FC4 is great fun otherwise. It looks terrific and there are times when I have an absolute ball with it, and have had since the beginning. There are tons of weapons to try out and there is scope for experimentation (witness Art's animal dismembering efforts :-()) and resetting the outposts will extend the fun for some time. Go through the story again? Unghh... Maybe to try the alternate missions, but not unless I can get cheats happening.


I found the prob. For some reason, if I bring up "Properties" for the FarCry4.exe via Windows Explorer I don't get the "Target" option. I had to make a new shortcut to it on the desktop, then I could edit the command line and run using that icon. Works fine :-X

There's only a couple of main missions left so I might actually see if I can get through them without cheating. I've come this far... At least now I can circumvent those flipping opening logos 8)


Quote from: nexor on December 29, 2014, 11:40:51 PM
It looks like Fraps is set on 4:3, I use "Handbrake" to convert it to mp4 with the setting on default, same as source which then would also be 4:3
I have a 19" Monitor

My game settings, tried to change it with no luck

This is what I see, the reason for the huge black borders

Nexor, is your monitor 4:3 or a widescreen 16:9? It looks like you have your video settings in game at 4:3 (1280x1024) but your screen shot looks like it's stretched to a widescreen 16:9?

If you have a 16:9 widescreen monitor, then you'd want to set your game resolution to whatever is the highest it can handle, best would 1920x1080, and set Fraps to record that size. From your videos, it looks like the image is widescreen, but is captured in 4:3.

What video card do you have? If it's nvidia and fairly recent, the drivers should come with the Shadowplay recording software, which is what I use, since it's free and I'm cheap lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Lol, you use shadowplay for your videos? That's great! I should try it as well! Thought it was too laggy to even try it, but now that I know what it's capable of, I'll have a try myself 8)

Any tips to get me started properly?
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


DONE! Done, done, done. Pink suit guy is dead - let the fun begin 8)

The final mission was a good stand-up fight - no drug trips, no stupid QTEs or anything. Scripted to an extent, but with a reasonable amount of leeway and quite action-packed. Toughish, even on easy mode. Taking out Min was kind of anticlimactic, but at least I didn't have to get into a knife-fight with him.

Now for the open roam :-X

There are tons of weapons in FC4, and some of them are pretty cool. The Lk-1018 is wicked fun. It's a rocket launcher which fires guideable rounds, similar to the Carl-G in FC2, but when upgraded with the L-CAM sight, it can lock on to vehicular targets in a fire-and-forget mode and pepper them with cluster bombs. When fired using L-CAM the round shoots straight up into the air, then comes down and releases the clusters like heavy-metal rain >:D There is a real-world weapon called a FGM-148 Javelin which can operate in this fashion.

The MG-42 Buzzsaw is one of my faves, which can dice even a heavy with just a few well-placed rounds. I also really like the D2 double-barrel sawn-off shottie, which can be carried in the Sidearms slot. At close range it will drop just about anything with one shot and being a sidearm, it can be used from moving vehicles. Drive alongside a hijackable truck, whip it out, discharge it and see the driver take a dirtnap, even without a super-accurate shot.

I'm not sure how many weapons there are, but quite a few more than in FC3. Lots to play with :-X


You have to get your hands on the AMR fragger, it's mean..... :-D



That's the next one I intend to get, nexor :-X

Art Blade

nice one, fragger :-D And nexor, who finished first.  :-D

I have all weapons unlocked but the Bushman (assault rifle signature weapon) which requires reaching rank 10 in those arena fights; I'm working on it. How many weapons there are? I'd have to look it up but you can, too: in the menu under progression, you can actually scroll down those stats and there comes about everything you want to know, including how many weapons you own. I think was 64, and 18 vehicles (the last one I needed was the rubber boat which usually doesn't sit around empty but seems to always be manned by our fellow idiots.. once you're Karma level 8, you can kill those without retaliation)  :)

Reset the outposts and the fun begins (including those supply trucks again that you take out with your shottie or try it "my way" with a Buzzer and hand grenades  >:D )

Indeed, the game is surprisingly good, a lot better than I had anticipated. I like it a LOT better than FC3.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

Reminds me, I had one lucky shot with that bolt thingy. The truck came past by surprise, I just fired a bolt in the general direction of the driver and pop, he flew out the cabin. Never been so easy lol  :laugh:

[smg id=7611 type=preview align=center caption="oopsie truck driver"]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳