Sniper Elite V2 release in May 2012...

Started by PZ, April 24, 2012, 09:31:23 AM

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Art Blade

I played some multiplayer to see what it's like.

It was exactly what I expected: I did manage to shoot three people during perhaps one hour, but I saw them move previously so I knew where they were. Generally speaking, you don't see anyone but get shot instead, even prone UNDER a barrack and someone managed to shoot me from a distance, through the barrack's roof and floor while I couldn't penetrate any material but players. The occasional "nice hack, <playername>" popped up, so I wasn't alone with that impression.

Enough of that s#!t. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


People can't help but cheat; reminds me of the couple of times I tried FC2 multiplayer in which people would simply sit on spawn points and shoot you as soon as you arrived.  Seriously, where's the fun in that.

Good job on that body length shot; I've not accomplished that one!


Cheaters are pathetic, and what's even more pathetic is the fact that they don't realise just how pathetic they are >:(


I also did a nice job, both on ranking up in a single mission leaderboard, and in discovering a bit of the mysteries around how to get descent points for your shots.
I kept playing "Assassinate The Führer", one of the DLC missions, or 'challenges' what they are called. It's a mission where you get a shot at Hitler himself. You are directed to a train station near a small village in the South of Germany. Hitler's personal train, with Flak cannons on both the head and the tail of the train, is just running in when you arrive. You have to make your way through the station and w@&k your way up to a near mountain where your sniping position is. I already found a way to get up to 5 or 6 "2 for 1 Kill" scores on my way up; line up two enemies and nail them to the same, worn out bullet. That adds the score. When I reached my sniping position I achieved 26000+ already. Then came the scene where you snipe down probably 30 of Hitler's soldiers while he tries to make his way from his stronghold to his train. The scene is devided into 2 checkpoints, and at the end a huge German Tank rolls in. I tried to get the best out of these kills and at the second checkpoint I kept disappointing myself. There's where my discovery finally happened. Art mentioned that I should not miss because of not getting the full points, which got me thinking. I thought if I keep adding headshots without missing in between, that must probably make up for some misses I did earlier. Then I found out that somehow the points keep adding as long as you don't miss a single bullet in between. That also explains why Art's score didn't ad higher than 1800 points after reloading the checkpoint. I've had a similar experience. The first, 3000 points, was so high because the score got somehow multiplied by the headshots before that particular shot. That was gone after reloading checkpoint.
Anyway, I found out that I got 2000+ kills on all guys instead of the lousy 900 I got before (I was wasting bullets on the running guys, which appear a lot in that second section.
Finally I got a total score of 73830 for the challenge, which gave me rank 10!!!! Out of probably over 20000 players ;)

Here's a nice screeny of Hitler getting head-penetrated:

[smg id=6081]

Almost shaved his moustache heheh ^-^
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

excellent shot (pun intended)  :-D

And +1 for your persistence and efforts achieving rank #10 and confirming consecutive hits increase your score (which explains my high rank and score with 94% accuracy mentioned in my previous post about the head-to-toe shot) :) Well done, mate. :-X Oh and well done again as you've just now got exactly 50 kudos. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



Wow, thank you guys!!! ^-^ :-X

Hadn't looked at the kudo counter for a while, thought I was still close to 40 :-D
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Great stuff, Art & Binn :-X I like the picture of Hitler getting his comeuppance. Pity someone didn't do that in 1924...

Binn, I bumped you up to 52. #10 out of around 20,000 has got to be worth a kudo :-D

Art Blade

he's #8 now.  ??? ^-^ :-X And #1 is obviously a cheater, so in reality Binnatics is #7 :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Quote from: Art Blade on July 10, 2013, 07:08:45 AM
...And #1 is obviously a cheater...

And no doubt the jumped-up twonk brags about it to his friends ::)


The last days I've been busy with the last DLC that I've tried; St Pierre. A small village, probably near or in France, where a convoy will come by with a Nazi Badguy inside. Goal; Take out the bad guy. What makes this mission so special is mainly the village itself. We, Art and I, have played the map once before in a multiplayer setting, so I was already familiar with it. What makes this village so special is the fact that it consists of various small roads around a single square, and all these roads are full of hiding spots, due to most buildings being damaged by the war. Nevertheless, not many of these hiding spots will give you complete cover. You can move / sneak through the village carefully without being seen but, if you forget to check your immediate environment for a few seconds you might as well get caught by a patrolling soldier.

Of course there's some achievements involved; one is a bit odd, the other is rather difficult. The first one, called "shoot the Alps" is odd because it wants you to get a high total shooting distance. A bit hard to get in a small, close quarter environment. But nevertheless doable. The second one, called "Secret Service" requires you to do the first part of the mission, without being detected and meanwhile killing ALL the guards in the town. There are only 13 guards (yes, I've counted them :-D) but the way they patrol the area makes it pretty damn hard to kill them without being seen. Only using the Welrod and silent kills means you have to sneak up close to kill the foes and that will most likely alert others in close vicinity if you don't check all their walking patterns, which also change each time you meet them.
I did the mission on easy and probably started over more than 30 times before I finally got them all. And there's no checkpoint to help you along the way, so it was quite a challenge not to get too frustrated :angel:

It was mostly a case of trial and error. Take out the first guy, a sleeping sniper on the roof... move on to the left, and sneak up a patrolling guy in a sidestreet. Silent takedown from the back... hide body. Go to the other side... check that both patrolling guys have turned and move away from you... silent attack on the first... and the second. Hide the corpes. Move on in the same direction... kill a guy that has just turned around besides the church, hide the body.... wait for his fellow patroller and take him out the same way. Make sure no one sees you. Kill the guy that moves in a pattern around the next block of houses. Then... after the 8test kill the rest of the guards (3) start patrolling the entire village :o didn't expect that!! Hide and seek, make sure all the bodies I had hidden before are not close to their very unpredictable rounds through the village. Finally, the last two guys, leaning against a wall on the cetral square, were probably the hardest.... I had to distract them with a rock to make sure one would not see me when I killed the other; they were looking at eachother. That was close, I managed to take the last guy whe he just mentioned something about his falling friend; "Man am boden". Then I got the blody achievement :-() :-()
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

Nice. :)

I haven't yet played it but came across a vid on YouTube which I watched for a bit so I basically know what to expect. The two last guys, if they're facing each other.. I think a sniper two-for-one headshot might do the trick, too, because you'd stay undetected  >:D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I had been wandering around those guys for quite a wile, calculating my odds with different solutions, and had indeed thought the same. At least I wanted to take the risk. Problem was, the straight line was blocked on both side by either a building or a wall. So it was nearly impossible.

One other solution seemed promising too; throw the rock and hope for them starting to patrol the area instead of smoking and relaxing. But I was scared it would make them hasty and bring me in a difficult position.

My solution was also hard and tricky; usually when I have to headshot two alerted guards in quick succession I miss. I guess I got lucky in the end :-D

Btw, I also tried the sniping strategy from the start, without them seeing me. But others hearing the shot was equal to being detected, so that didn't help :-\\
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


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