Update: Realistic Weapons Mod 1.1 released!

Started by TheFishlord, March 09, 2012, 07:26:03 PM

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Quote from: TheFishlord on March 13, 2012, 04:48:45 PM
For those who were looking to silence certain weapons, from what I can tell, I believe you will have to go to the Stims section of that weapon in 41_WeaponsProperties and changes their "stim" properties from "Generic" or "Bang" to "None", but I haven't tested it yet so I don't know if that'll do it.

Thefishlord, first I changed all generic to none, no joy, then reverted them back and changed all Bang to none, that also didn't w@&k. Any ideas???


I'd love to be able to make the AS50 silent, using the dart sound bit, but with all the damage of the might .50  >:D.


That is the only real thing I need, I've spent most of the weekend comparing 41_WeaponProperties and 42_weapons between the AS50 and Dart to try and find an answer, but no luck     :D  for now i'm giving it a rest for a day or two then try again............. :-\\ 


Fishlord: how did you get the FAL to be semi-auto without the sound disappearing?
Also, why reduce the Uzi's capacity to 25 rounds?  32, 40, and even 50-rnd magazines were made for it.


Quote from: Knightmare on May 12, 2012, 11:44:18 AM
Fishlord: how did you get the FAL to be semi-auto without the sound disappearing?
Also, why reduce the Uzi's capacity to 25 rounds?  32, 40, and even 50-rnd magazines were made for it.

I took the Dragunov's "Sound" portion and slapped it in place of the FAL's. Any semi-auto weapon will w@&k. The other way you can do it is to put the full-auto sound of your choice in, then change the burst number to 1, but when you fire one shot you will often hear two or three. I went for the more aesthetically pleasing method.

For the Uzi, I tried to give weapons exactly the ammo capacity they had in real life but only the capacity that the magazine shown in game is. In FC2 the Uzi appears to have the 25 round magazine. That also balances the gun out a bit as it is not far off in effectiveness from a full-size assault rifle. For the same reason I could have given the AS50 ten round magazines but that would eliminate the combat viability of the Dragunov, and the AS50 appears to have five-round magazines anyway.

The two exceptions I made for this rule are the Dart Rifle (In real life that model uses small "caps" and not a full size propellant, five caps to a magazine, but only one dart can be loaded. Making that w@&k in FC2 is not possible as far as I know) and the MGL140 (Because the four-round cylinder is completely made up - I can find no mention of a four-round cylinder ever having been made for the MGL, let alone in quantity).

To everybody waiting for the next release, it's coming...I've been very busy with finals and I just got through them. Need to wrap up a few things with school and the end of the year, and then I will be able to put in some real time on this.



Nice to see you around TheFishlord      :-))


Here's a kudo for the great w@&k you've been doing, TheFishlord :-X

'Sides, you can't be sitting on 13 kudos - bad number :-()


Quote from: TheFishlord on May 12, 2012, 05:58:28 PM
I took the Dragunov's "Sound" portion and slapped it in place of the FAL's. Any semi-auto weapon will w@&k. The other way you can do it is to put the full-auto sound of your choice in, then change the burst number to 1, but when you fire one shot you will often hear two or three. I went for the more aesthetically pleasing method.

I did some examination and comparing of the sound sections for the FAL and Dragunov.  Those really long hex sequences are actually text strings, which I decoded.  They're text strings of hexadecimal values, to be exact.  Most are 0xFFFFFFFF, which is probably a null or dummy value.  But others start with 0x004, like the SoundID's in the Jackal Tapes section in gamemodesconfig.

So to try something, I took the sound section from the Dragunov inserted into the FAL definition, but inserted some of the values from the original FAL sounds section for the non-dummy strings.  The result was a semi FAL with the original sound.  Unfortunately, the sound stuck and endlessly looped, so I had to quit the game.  Still, it's something else you could play with to see if you can get a proper semi-auto version of the original FAL sounds.

Here are the decoded values in comments:

<!-- FN FAL sounds -->
<object type="Sounds">
  <value hash="65E69E99" type="BinHex">3078303034343933413300</value> <!-- 0x004493A3 -->
  <value hash="0167AEA7" type="BinHex">09000000</value> <!-- 9 -->
  <value hash="E6F9A43D" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
  <value hash="9DFA1E94" type="BinHex">9A99193E</value>
  <value hash="D8E14E8F" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
  <value hash="893A492E" type="BinHex">FFFFFFFF</value>
  <value hash="3F97D03F" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
  <value hash="4398672F" type="BinHex">FFFFFFFF</value>
  <value hash="CDD0C853" type="BinHex">FFFFFFFF</value>
  <value hash="876895B3" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
  <value hash="9DD1F34F" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
  <value hash="51953DD2" type="BinHex">FFFFFFFF</value>
  <value hash="BE3FDC7D" type="BinHex">3078303034343845363100</value> <!-- 0x00448E61 -->
  <value hash="7412DAC6" type="BinHex">3078303034423239314600</value> <!-- 0x004B291F -->
  <value hash="DEF79FAE" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
  <value hash="4B925BC6" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
  <value hash="AADD0D3E" type="BinHex">08000000</value> <!-- 8 -->
  <value hash="EF644C6F" type="BinHex">0000C03F</value> <!-- 0x3FC00000 = 1069547520 -->
  <value hash="FF3F6042" type="BinHex">EC51B83D</value>
  <object hash="822EE7C9">
   <value hash="876895B3" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
   <value hash="51953DD2" type="BinHex">FFFFFFFF</value>
   <value hash="BE3FDC7D" type="BinHex">3078303034353533334300</value> <!-- 0x0045533C -->
   <value hash="7412DAC6" type="BinHex">3078303034353533334400</value> <!-- 0x0045533D -->
   <value hash="AADD0D3E" type="BinHex">09000000</value> <!-- 9 -->

<!-- Dragunov sounds -->
<object type="Sounds">
  <value hash="65E69E99" type="BinHex">3078303034343933413100</value> <!-- 0x004493A1 -->
  <value hash="0167AEA7" type="BinHex">09000000</value> <!-- 9 -->
  <value hash="E6F9A43D" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
  <value hash="9DFA1E94" type="BinHex">9A99193E</value>
  <value hash="D8E14E8F" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
  <value hash="893A492E" type="BinHex">FFFFFFFF</value>
  <value hash="3F97D03F" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
  <value hash="4398672F" type="BinHex">FFFFFFFF</value>
  <value hash="CDD0C853" type="BinHex">FFFFFFFF</value>
  <value hash="876895B3" type="BinHex">3078303034343844454400</value> <!-- 0x00448DED -->
  <value hash="9DD1F34F" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
  <value hash="51953DD2" type="BinHex">08000000</value> <!-- 8 -->
  <object hash="822EE7C9">
   <value hash="876895B3" type="BinHex">3078303034353533334200</value> <!-- 0x0045533B -->
   <value hash="51953DD2" type="BinHex">09000000</value> <!-- 9 -->
   <value hash="BE3FDC7D" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
   <value hash="7412DAC6" type="BinHex">3078464646464646464600</value> <!-- 0xFFFFFFFF -->
   <value hash="AADD0D3E" type="BinHex">FFFFFFFF</value>

Art Blade

good w@&k, Knightmare :) slap on the back for that  :-X :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Knightmare on May 15, 2012, 05:57:55 PM
I did some examination and comparing of the sound sections for the FAL and Dragunov.  Those really long hex sequences are actually text strings, which I decoded.  They're text strings of hexadecimal values, to be exact.  Most are 0xFFFFFFFF, which is probably a null or dummy value.  But others start with 0x004, like the SoundID's in the Jackal Tapes section in gamemodesconfig.

How exactly are you decoding the hexidecimal values into plain text? I saw you managed it when you figured out magazine sizes. If I could do this it would really eliminate a lot of the trial-and-error process that I have to go through right now.



For strings, there's no swaping of bytes, I just paste each into a hex editor (XVI32).  Strings are pretty obvious, as they're usually longer than 8 hex digits and always end with 00 (the null terminator).

Also, if you've found something 8 hex-digits long  that doesn't make sense as an integer, it might be a float.  Swap the bytes and paste it in here.

BTW, I figured out most of the two sections that follow the ammo one.  Value names are from inside Dunia.dll, right before the ammo ones.  Here are the ones for the FN FAL:

<object hash="3B75D90F"> <!-- recoil section -->
  <value hash="158EFFD8" type="BinHex">01000000</value> <!-- iRecoilRecoveryLevel, 1 -->
  <value hash="C0671E89" type="BinHex">CDCC4C3E</value> <!-- fRecoilAchieveTime 0.20f -->
  <value hash="641C31C5" type="BinHex">0000803F</value> <!-- fRecoilAnimationWeight,  1.0f -->
  <value hash="0788D065" type="BinHex">00003442</value> <!-- fRecoilMax, 45.0f -->
  <object hash="F9FB3361"> <!-- RecoilIK -->
   <value hash="9818FA35" type="BinHex">00000000</value>
   <value hash="7400B78C" type="BinHex">00000000</value>
   <value hash="7EFA3159" type="BinHex">00000000</value>
   <value hash="CC366276" type="BinHex">00000000</value>
   <value hash="F5AFFF91" type="BinHex">000000000000000000000000</value>
<object hash="BB04E184"> <!-- Ironsight section -->
  <value hash="7D725133" type="BinHex">0000003F</value> <!-- fMoveSpeedFactor, 0.5f -->
  <value hash="E49EEB82" type="BinHex">01</value> <!-- bCanIronsight, True -->
  <value hash="DD39539B" type="BinHex">E17A943E</value> <!-- fLookSensitivityFactor, 0.2899999f -->
  <value hash="FB4ADD00" type="BinHex">3333733F</value> <!-- fIronsightFOV, 0.94999999f -->
  <value hash="67872049" type="BinHex">CDCC4C3E</value> <!-- fIronsightTransitionTime, 0.20f -->
  <value hash="5AF667C3" type="BinHex">0000003F</value> <!-- fIronsightRecoilFactor, 0.5f -->
  <value hash="1D75A72B" type="BinHex">CDCCCC3E</value> <!-- fIronsightPrepareDelay, 0.40f -->
  <value hash="F221024D" type="BinHex">00</value> <!-- bIronsightCanPrepare, False -->
  <value hash="EAB69D7F" type="BinHex">776561706F6E732E41696D4375727665732E49726F6E7369676874464F56437572766500</value> <!-- archTransitionCurve, weapons.AinCurves.IronsightFOVCurve -->
  <value hash="15E4D53E" type="BinHex">776561706F6E732E41696D4375727665732E49726F6E7369676874464F56437572766500</value> <!-- archAnimationPlaybackCurve, weapons.AinCurves.IronsightFOVCurve -->
  <value hash="D553AED0" type="BinHex">69726F6E7369676874667800</value> <!-- IronsightFX, ironsightfx -->
  <value hash="C5152E83" type="BinHex">3EA563ED</value> <!-- ? -->


First of all, many thanks for this mod.  It's gone a long way in making FC2 the game I had hoped it would be.  One thing I would love to see, and I know people may disagree for balance issues, would be for all sniper rifles to occupy the special weapons slot and shotguns to go into the pistol slot.  I never understood why I could carry a PK or M249 along with a sniper rifle, but not an AK or M16 and a sniper rifle.  Also, I would love to use shotguns more often but not in place of an AR.  TBH, this annoys me more than any other aspect of the game, respawning checkpoints included.   


Quote from: rekTa on May 19, 2012, 12:05:37 PM
First of all, many thanks for this mod.  It's gone a long way in making FC2 the game I had hoped it would be.  One thing I would love to see, and I know people may disagree for balance issues, would be for all sniper rifles to occupy the special weapons slot and shotguns to go into the pistol slot.  I never understood why I could carry a PK or M249 along with a sniper rifle, but not an AK or M16 and a sniper rifle.  Also, I would love to use shotguns more often but not in place of an AR.  TBH, this annoys me more than any other aspect of the game, respawning checkpoints included.   

I have thought about this and while I certainly could do it, there is a logical system behind the way it is structured now:
-Machete fits in sheath
-Secondary weapon fits in holster, ammunition fits on thigh pouches/pockets
-Primary weapon is either carried, slung on the chest, or hung on a three point sling. Ammunition is carried on hip and lower torso pouches.
-Special is carried in hands or across the back. Ammunition spread across chest and back.

These all fit the way a weapon is usually carried in most militaries. I kept this arrangement in mind when I edited ammo capacities - without upgrades, you can carry about as much as someone with a heavy pair of jeans or cargo pants plus a few stray pouches could. With upgrades you're assumed to be wearing full military vests with pouches and pockets galore.

With this system in mind, there are only a few exceptions that I would think could be switched around - sniper rifles to special slot, MP5SD6 to secondary slot, MGL140 to special slot. Perhaps SPAS12 to secondary, but that's pushing it a bit.

The main problem with switching them around is that I can only have (for instance) either a "secondary" or "primary" shotgun spawn in the weapons shop, not both. I could w@&k around it to make them spawn on enemies, but you couldn't just move the weapon between slots - they'd be stuck in whatever slot they spawn on the enemy with. In addition, then all your weapons would be rusty when you picked them up (although that is something I'm working on changing).


Quote from: TheFishlord on May 19, 2012, 04:05:36 PM
I have thought about this and while I certainly could do it, there is a logical system behind the way it is structured now:
-Machete fits in sheath
-Secondary weapon fits in holster, ammunition fits on thigh pouches/pockets
-Primary weapon is either carried, slung on the chest, or hung on a three point sling. Ammunition is carried on hip and lower torso pouches.
-Special is carried in hands or across the back. Ammunition spread across chest and back.

These all fit the way a weapon is usually carried in most militaries. I kept this arrangement in mind when I edited ammo capacities - without upgrades, you can carry about as much as someone with a heavy pair of jeans or cargo pants plus a few stray pouches could. With upgrades you're assumed to be wearing full military vests with pouches and pockets galore.

With this system in mind, there are only a few exceptions that I would think could be switched around - sniper rifles to special slot, MP5SD6 to secondary slot, MGL140 to special slot. Perhaps SPAS12 to secondary, but that's pushing it a bit.

The main problem with switching them around is that I can only have (for instance) either a "secondary" or "primary" shotgun spawn in the weapons shop, not both. I could w@&k around it to make them spawn on enemies, but you couldn't just move the weapon between slots - they'd be stuck in whatever slot they spawn on the enemy with. In addition, then all your weapons would be rusty when you picked them up (although that is something I'm working on changing).

Thanks for the reply.  I'd really just like to see the Springfield as a special weapon, it's really the only sniper rifle I care using, and the MP5 in the secondary slot, I didn't even think about that but that would be awesome.  As for the shotguns, I'm not too concerned.  There's already the double barrel sawn-off from the Fortune's pack that can be carried in the secondary slot.  Even if you don't plan on these changes for your mod, if you could point me to the files that need to be changed I'd really appreciate it. 


I don't have the game installed right now, since I'm upgrading my PC, so I'm working off of memory here...but IIRC, the part you need is in WeaponsProperties_42, find a line in the Springfield section (Also called the M1903) that says something like "selectType" and match it up with the "primary" or "secondary" number, which is listed later on. The Springfield should be 2 right now, change it to 3. All Springfields should be special weapons.

This is certainly part of how the primary-secondary-special system works, however I don't know if there is more that I haven't found. I have never actually tried to change any weapons, only theorized about it, so you may encounter problems with AI spawning.

🡱 🡳

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