Started by PZ, May 03, 2009, 07:45:31 PM

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I've thought about GTA IV, but have not yet taken the plunge so to speak.  I've read both positive and negative aspects of the game, but that is consistent with what I've experienced with FC2.  Who knows, maybe if someone is interested in moderating a forum for one of their favorite games one of these days, we'll expand our game choices.


GTA IV is a game I'm about to buy... was just waiting to finish Crysis and keep my actual playthrough in FC2. So maybe this week my PC will have it installed  ;D and I will definetly consider the possibility of creating a board to it  :-X

I remember you guys mentioning that you were not fond to play the GTA series due to its gang and drugs related stories. Well I understand that, but let me share my thoughts...

GTA Vice city was my first experience with the GTA series and it was absolutly amazing.... yes, its violent and yes your character is not someone you are proud of, neither would you have a friend like him.
The game is based on "Scarface" with Al Pacino... your character is him, the story is the same as the movie, the soundtrack is from the 80's.. even the chainsaw scene is in the game. Imagine yourself playing as Al Pacino.... its a great movie despite the violence and drugs, so it's easy to imagine GTA Vice City as a great game as well.
The openworldness and freedom of roaming is maximized on GTA San Andreas. Again, the story is violent and could be a Hollywood blockbuster movie...
The GTA IV story keep up to the franchise... its violent and has drugs and kidnapping and assassinations etc... that's why its a game for adults, not for kids definetly.
One thing is for sure... Rockstar knows how to do openworld and deeply created characters and story......
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I'm playing both right now FC2 and GTAIV.
No game has anything on GTAIV, be prepared to ROFFL.
In size and scope, GTAIV is 10 times FC2, get the guide or you'll be lost.

Just when I thought after the hot coffee thing Rockstar would tone it down a bit, they moved the bar even higher.
I've always thought of GTA as a parody of society, not much goes untouched, everything is over the top.
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


All this talk of GTA (Rockstar) makes me even more excited for Red Dead Redemption.  An open world western made by Rockstar due later this year.  Think GTA meets Call of Juarez.  It's on the list boys.  forums and member created pages


Quote from: spaceboy on May 04, 2009, 10:22:58 AM
All this talk of GTA (Rockstar) makes me even more excited for Red Dead Redemption.  An open world western made by Rockstar due later this year.  Think GTA meets Call of Juarez.  It's on the list boys.

Dang, I forgot all about this one - thanks for the reminder spaceboy... (man, I need to take notes...)

Edit: OK, I've started a simple notepad file with a list of things to do - don't want to clutter up my task list with any more things.  Because the number of posts is growing exponentially, I don't want to miss any of these choice tidbits.


I like the sound of Red Dead Redemption.

I recommend GTA IV to everyone.  People may feel put off by it being mainstream and being bad taste but it is a great game.  The main character does have a heart of gold deep down though!

I am thoroughly enjoying Drake's Fortune, it is an old game so if you can get it cheap then go for it.  I also really enjoyed Resistance 2 and Mirror's Edge.  Mirror's Edge is very stylish and each level has a cool bit in it.  It is short though but that is a good thing because it is a bit repetitive.  Give it a go if you fancy something a bit different.  If anyone is in the UK you can currently buy a new copy of ME at most Blockbuster outlets for £10.

Update: Sorry for hijacking this thread by talking about other games!


Thanks for the tips rick2468, I did download the demo of Mirror's Edge and liked it, but was too busy with FC2 to buy it.  I may need to check it out again now that it's cheaper.

Oh and I forgot to mention when I was marketing inFamous to you  :-[  that the first batch of games are coming with a code to get you into the Beta for the Uncharted 2 multiplayer this summer.  I never did play Drake's Fortune either, another one I missed, but Uncharted 2 is supposed to be huge.  forums and member created pages


No problem, we go where the conversation takes us - then when one of the moderators takes notice, they'll split into a new topic.  We're easy-going here at

Thanks for the high recommendation regarding GTA IV - my boys loved earlier versions if it, and personally I don't care too much about the social implications, after all, it is just a game however much one becomes immersed.  For instance, I love FC2, but that doesn't meant that I'll shoot up the first propane tank I see at a gas station.  (At least I think so...)!  ;D


Nice tips rick2468...
I'm getting GTA IV for sure this week, as Operation Flashpoint seems to be far from its release and I'm almost over with my other games.
Mirror's Edge is a game I'm interested in, too bad its too short and quite repetitive as I heard... low replay value is something I tend to avoid this days
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

About GTAIV, I read SO many bad things about the PC version (and I don't like to be forced to sign up with multiple services which they make you with that game, speaking of ms live and whatnot) mostly I read and heard that game has a knack for locking up PCs (game doesn't start at all etc). Any thoughts?
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thanks for splitting the thread.  It means no more sleepless nights for me worrying about how I hijacked a thread :-).

If anyone wants to add me to the PS3 network I am Ace_H1gh on there.

Art Blade

Quote from: rick2468 on May 04, 2009, 03:06:27 PMThanks for splitting the thread.  It means no more sleepless nights for me worrying about how I hijacked a thread :-)

I say, better splitting threads than splitting heads  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on May 04, 2009, 02:09:08 PM
About GTAIV, I read SO many bad things about the PC version (and I don't like to be forced to sign up with multiple services which they make you with that game, speaking of ms live and whatnot) mostly I read and heard that game has a knack for locking up PCs (game doesn't start at all etc). Any thoughts?

It runs fine on PC, at least I never had a problem, but your right about the installation.
They make you jump through a few hoops with the Windows Live, and their Rockstar
Social network thingy, whatever, I just typed in some ID, and ignore it.


"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


GTA4 is a great game, I stopped playing it because I got a little annoyed about the mini games, where you have to take your brother (?) out on dates, the mini games are rubbish and there is a part where you have to drive while drunk, which is beyond annoying, but other than that the game is very good.

Its full of so many incidental things like FC2, that will show the amount of effort that went into it. eg :

I just started the game and was unused to the controls, so I bumped into this guy, he started fighting with me, so I killed him and got arrested.
I reloaded and the same guy starts fighting with me, I didnt retalliate and the cops came and arrested HIM! Then they thanks me, because the found forged bank notes on him, they said they had been looking for him!

Get the game :)

The Lost and the Damned DLC is just the icing on the cake for this game and the stories slightly intersect.

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OK, OK, OK... I'm getting it  ;D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


GTA IV is a great game. Just make sure you have a good rig (pc), it is a resource hog. I don't like to promote competing websites, but here is a good reference for anything GTA. Read the forums for tips and tricks, and other things to make the game run better.


Quote from: Hacko on May 05, 2009, 08:21:23 AM
.... I don't like to promote competing websites, but here is a good reference for anything GTA. Read the forums for tips and tricks, and other things to make the game run better.

Hey, don't worry about posting competing web sites information - the most important thing to do is post anything that you think will enhance the enjoyment of others in the gaming world (legally of course!).

I'd like to thing that most sites are not so childish as to think that they are the only good show in town (although I'm probably a bit naive here.)

Art Blade

maybe I'm naive, but I think we are the best show in town.  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


ya, we got it good here.
but if you look in just the gta4 root, there's 70,000 topics and over 1,000,000 replies.   :o   moderate that!
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."

Art Blade

hehe, big city :) But that's numbers. That's like comparing the amount of Toyotas with the amount of Ferraris in the world  ;D I think quality. hehe
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


That's good, Art - we're the high performance sports car of the forums world  :-X

Art Blade

hahaha! Even our oldtimers have pimped-up walkers with golden medication boxes and sword canes for walking sticks! ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on May 07, 2009, 02:45:55 PM
I found the GTA IV topic where I asked about that. maybe we can go on there on topic?

Thanks Art... on topic... glad we have someone to tell the moderator that we are going off topic  ::)

but I, ern... was... ern... about to do it... yes (ahem)... really, I was....  :-[

I know what you mean... I don't want to register too, unless I'm forced to do so. If I buy a game, that's it, I want to play it.
Besides, my gaming PC is not connected to the internet for obvious reasons.... although I'm thinking about a wireless router to be able to go online when OFP2 is out, and maybe with GTA IV... they say MP is great in GTA.... wait and see......
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

I think the game is cool for what I hear, only those heavy bug reports (and those registrations by force) keep me from purchasing it
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Bugs will be present regardless..... Crysis is a game people love and I had a nasty bug on level 2 of my first playthrough that forced me to restart the game. FC2 was bug free for me till last weekend..... I haven't re-installed it since then, but I can live with a few bugs.
As for forced registration, its due to piracy, the same goes to DLC!!
I know piracy is wrong, but I understand how it works cos I live in South America....
Picure yourself in a country where the minimum wage is around US$ 250, maybe less, and an original game goes for about US$ 100-130 on release.... a pirate copy goes for about US$ 3-4, if you can't download it for free that is!!!
GTA went for US$75 today... more than a year before release.......
I know it's not an excuse for piracy, but you can understand how piracy will have a broad market to sell....

Leave alone the price of an original PS3...
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

🡱 🡳

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