GTA IV Multiplayer

Started by Binnatics, August 12, 2011, 10:23:33 AM

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What I like most of this MP madness is the possibility to play with 32 players together in a huge massacre. And off course the fact that you can do true gangfights including drivebuys, roadblocks or whatever other creativity may occure to you in a city like Liberty  :-D

Art and I have had some fun allready in free mode. That's nice as well. I remember when I first started GTA IV MP I was completely mad about the coop missions. Hangman's N.O.O.S.E. was my favourite. The perfect scene to show off: First, kill some dozens of NOOSE, then drive the boss over the airfield to the Annihilators on the other side while performing nice jumps with a NOOSE truck, and finally fly like a madman to the drop off where the boss will be in safety. I think I played that level over 800 times. Not only because it was so much fun, but also because it gave great money, which you needed to rank up in MP. It took me that much, and months of playing, to finally reach rank 10. I saw a lot of others hack their way to Rank 10, and when I finally made it, I found out most other gamers considered me a cheater just because I HAD rank 10. LOL

I've also had lots of fun playing the Races and GTA races in MP. Imagine 32 musclecars driving like madmen through this huge city  :-()
GTA race is a racing mode where you are allowed to pick up weapons and try to kill / destroy eachother. That was nice too  >:D

Another special part of the MP was the Helicopter races. It's so great flying around above a city like this in a helicopter and when you get good at these races your flying skills increase rapidly; something that will make you enjoy this great transport even more  ^-^
Last Free Roam Art and I did, I tried to launch him with my rotors. It worked, which was great, but unfortunately he did  ??? Problem was that friendly fire was on. Otherwise he would have experienced flying like a bird  :-()
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

We had a lot of fun together so far, I give you that  :-() :-X
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