Just got drafted to Panau

Started by B33 ENN, December 15, 2010, 09:53:21 PM

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Yes, the cursor was on the ledge "edge, but the grapple kept hitting the silo (oval) cover and inttead of reeling up, I wound up hanging further down, it was pretty annoying as it was during the timer section. Subsequent attempts were fine, once I stayed away from the oval covers.

Yes the guy tells you use the lift, its on the first floor, if you cant see it, then its on the other side of the central column, it brings you all the way to the floor with the missile, so you can bomb it or shoot it from the tower instead of going near the missile at all. I dismounted the gun pointed at the (I think they were) comms towers and it only took a few rounds, as opposed to 2 dynamite charges.

I think the game actually "wants" you to use the chopper that attacks you, it kinda makes sense, with the time limit, I only got to try it once, But, because the camera glitched and I had to go out after that, I never tried again.

But I think I'll longfinger that mission and stick with having fun :)

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hilarious.  I never new there was a lift there!  I hauled my sorry arse up all those stairs...   ^+-+  The 2nd and 3rd towers I was able to grapple/chute my way there and get up at least half way, then use the stairs the rest of the way.


here's a fun way to end that mission albeit in a mission fail
[smg id=2159 type=av]


an example of grapple coasting
[smg id=2158 type=av]

and the multi lock missile launcher DLC
[smg id=2265 type=av]
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Cool videos, space - ones you've posted before?  :-X

@Fiach - I was going to recommend leaving that mission for later because it is one of the tougher ones to get through because of the timer issue - that's what I did the first time I entered that mission.  In fact, early in the game I typically aborted a mission that was too difficult and came back later.  My most notable example was the chemical heist, which my poor flying skills would just not let me accomplish in the time allotted.  Here's how a I solved it:


You're given a helicopter to fly a chemical (that is degrading) in a specified amount of time to a town down the mountain - although most were able to do it, I was not - usually just seconds short of completion - talk about aggravation!  :D  My solution - as soon as the timer started, order the small jet from the BM dealer - voila - plenty of speed and plenty of time left.  The moral of the story - there is usually some kind of open world w@&k-around to get past these sticky parts.

There are lots of really cool missions that don't require a specific time to complete, and one of my all time favorites is:

the one to the mysterious island in the northwest - part of the fun: you get to gingerly drive a cargo truck safely (no timer) to your destination.

Space's recommendation regarding the thruster chute makes it really simple to complete with tons of time to spare.  :-X

Although I'm currently in a play through in FC2, this conversation is making me want to get pack into Panau - really cool that I'd hit a dry spell not really wanting to play any of my games much, and now I'm excited to play two of them again.  :-X


I'll try it with the chopper first when I do it, see how it works out :)

That chut gliding, I do that on the ground, I havent been in the air yet without being in a chopper or an airplane, but I'll give it a try :), I think you could do that in the old game ... or maybe it was being pulled by cars, I forget now ..... I'm having a "senior moment" I think :)

I really like that missile thing, The DLC is very cheap, probably because you have to buy the stuff in game too, cant hook my 360 to the internet just yet, will try later though, thanks :)

@PZ I only checked the truck one, reminds me of TDU :) I'll check the other after I try the mission first, if I need a hint, but if its that cool, I want it to be a surprise, thanks :)

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Have fun, Fiach - the biggest lesson I learned is to leave the stuff that you don't like, and go on to the things that you do like - there is so much in the game that you'll be busy for a long time to come.  For instance, I really dislike most races, so I just leave them alone and go on to fun things.  Then I've come back to some of the timed events after I've gained experience in the game and found that I can actually accomplish them after all.

Art Blade

Fiach, I've just checked my JC2 stats of the current career, I've spent 268 hours on that one alone.. :) 93,28% completion (all locations discovered, all plot and faction missions done) but I only did very few free fall challenges and just a couple of other challenges, perhaps slightly over 50 in total, because they made me go, "aw, F' it!" mostly  ^+-+
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: spaceboy on January 20, 2011, 09:26:03 AM

There is not a chopper at each stronghold but like all vehicles, it's so easy to find something to use or you can order something from the BM.  Oh, the one upgraded vehicle worth focusing on is the Rowlinson heli.  It's fast and nimble, and with weapons you can really be a threat with good manueverability to dodge SAMs.

I just unlocked this, how does the upgrade w@&k, do I get to keep the heli or can I just summon it?

ie. Do I buy it from the BM, upgrade it, then summon it as required for a price?

Do you think it would w@&k with those sattellites?

lol @ Art, yeah I've said that a few times :)

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you can spend your upgrades at any time with the BM and not have to buy it.  when you do buy it he'll drop it off for you.  It could w@&k with the satellites if you have weapons upgraded so you don't have to try and land it up there.

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Art Blade

err, satellites? What satellites?  ???
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


or dishes or whatever the heck you have to blow up  :-()  you know it doesn't matter what we're blowing up as long as it goes BOOM!
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Quote from: spaceboy on January 21, 2011, 01:36:13 PM
you can spend your upgrades at any time with the BM and not have to buy it.  when you do buy it he'll drop it off for you.  It could w@&k with the satellites if you have weapons upgraded so you don't have to try and land it up there.

Thanks Spaceboy, But if you buy it, do you get to keep it?

@Art, its a mission called Come Fry with me, Destroy Three Satellites in Cape Carnival. Its an early mission in NE of the map I think.

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You have to upgrade the Rowlinson to the max before it is equipped with machine guns - before you do the last upgrade it is completely unarmed.  You get to keep it as long as you don't ruin it, or get shot down.  Once you let it go (or it is taken - the govmen will steal it if you leave it parked) you'll need to purchase it again, but as I recall, it is really cheap as far as aircraft go.

Like spaceboy said, I'd not worry too much about the cost - as you do missions and pick up the numerous cash boxes spread throughout Panau, you'll have plenty of money.


sure - it's yours until it explodes,  which on Panau won't be all that long.  I wish I had the magical Far Cry 2 wrench in this game, but alas no repairs.

I see PZ snuck in here and answered more... :)
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Quote from: Fiach on January 21, 2011, 02:19:01 PM
... its a mission called Come Fry with me, Destroy Three Satellites in Cape Carnival. Its an early mission in NE of the map I think.
I'm not positive, but I think that you can do these missions whenever you want - there are so many that you can keep yourself plenty busy even if you skip some intending to return later.

lol space, I just was posting and received the message indicating that your post just preceded this one!  ^+-+

Here's a video of how the fully upgraded Rowlinson operates, if you don't mind a slight spoiler.  It demonstrates an alternate method of completing a mission.



Although this is a mod that was developed for PC users, it has the same basic elements of the DLC version, only it does not overheat

JC2 New DLC Chute Thruster - MODDED

This one is similar to spaceboy's multi-target rocket launcher video, but also was developed for PC users as a mod without needing the DLC

JC2 Multi-lock Rocket Launcher - no DLC

🡱 🡳

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