Far Cry 2 Video From Console

Started by eor123, September 20, 2010, 02:26:29 PM

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It gets even worse - if I want to switch from HDMI to RCA, then I have to have the darned console connected to a working TV in order to navigate through the menu system.  In other words, it doesn't even automatically detect the connection!

Talk about cheesy - that's one of the worst features of my PS3  :D


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on September 22, 2010, 10:37:53 AM
OK, makes sense now. Too bad about the console not supporting more than one output at a time, kinda cheesy if you ask me.

What about splitter adapters?

I'm sure my graphics card came with an HDMI pigtail that plugs into one of the two outputs on my card in the back of the computer and splits the output signal to 2 parallel outputs for use with two identical monitors or effectively one end going to a recording device and the other end to a monitor.

There should be splitters or a converter and splitters to cover other video connection styles available.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Quote from: Art Blade on September 22, 2010, 09:49:27 AM

You do take diamond cases, I hope?  ;D

It would seem I do...as many times as I've searched Africa for them.  ;D
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I don't have any diamond cases, eor, but how about this cool ring? It used to belong to a King, you know.

(I know where a cache of gold is hidden, too, but keep it under your hat).


So did the gold-plated Jeep parked in fragger's driveway  :-()

Art Blade

Took me the entire night to scrape that gold off of that car ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I know where you can find a can of defoliant that probably would have made that go a little quicker  :-D

Art Blade

When I had all that gold I realised the only valid currency was stones, not gold. So I dropped the scrapes and ran away screaming.  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I finally got around to recording some of my random FC2 gameplay. Video quality not the greatest because of the XBox/DVD setup and my gameplay isn't anything to brag about,  but I captured some classic moments from our beloved FC2.

The plan here was to drive to the ranch house and crash into the porch, hopefully taking out a couple of mercs in the process. I assumed I would have a couple of vehicles chasing me and they would add to the body count after I got into cover in the ranch house. The car didn't make it obviously and I was stuck between pursuing mercs and the sniper from the guard post and advancing mercs from the ranch house. I was pretty outgunned in the open like that. 

Far Cry 2: Afternoon Drive Gone Wrong

Once again my ride got shot out from under me on the way to Dogon Village and I had to approach on foot. Got as close to eating an RPG round as you can get and not die.

Far Cry 2: Assault on Dogon Village

Another mess. Never had a Unimog forced off a bridge by a pursuing jeep before. Went for a swim. And then managed to drive a jeep into the top of a tree. Topped it off by charging on foot into one of the most heavily defended locations in FC2.

All of these were on Hardcore setting. Didn't want to make it too easy, after all.   ;D

Far Cry 2: Unimog gets dunked, jeep gets treed, and I go postal at the Post Office.
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


I think I need to start up FC2 again  >:D


Nice clips eor123!   :-X

In the third clip when I heard the GLAT show up I thought "OK this is going to be trouble" but when the gunner managed to take his driver and himself out by firing point blank into something too close to them I almost laughed myself silly.   ;D

By the way (same clip) nice parking job with that AT.   ;) 
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I've ben playing Mass Effect 1 and 2 a lot lately and the switch to FC2's first person perspective was a little disorienting. It felt like I had tunnel vision and looking at the video, I can clearly see mercs I should have engaged but ran past.

I'm glad those guys in the GLAT blew themselves up. I was having enough trouble. Probably should have dropped back to Normal difficulty, but hey, if you aren't on the verge of dying a couple times in each firefight. you aren't working hard enough, right?  :-()
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


Cool vids, eor :-X :-X I liked #3 as it featured one of my favourite places in which to kick up a stink - the Post Office ;D


In vid 3 after getting your moggie dumped in the drink and taking out the AT crew (nice payback there) I was a bit surprised that you didn't wait for the patrol that comes from the opposite direction on that road, bushwhack and hijack it.  That one is a GLAT for which I've found a spot on that rock ledge overlooking the entire post office grounds that I enjoy backing out onto (raising the nose of the AT gives the GL an even steeper down angle perfect for dealing with mercs that get too close) and giving the whole lot of them a good softening up.

Usually any fires I start burn out before they reach my parked GLAT keeping it on reserve so that once I've gone down and mopped up on foot there's at least one operating set of wheels (with teeth to boot) to save me walking to my next objective.   8)

The only bad part of backing out onto that rock ledge is that sometimes to get back on the road you may have to back the rest of the way off the ledge, flip it back onto its wheels and make any repairs needed.  Fortunately by the time I get to the point I'm mounting back up to head off the area is completely secure and there's no hurry or worry about stray rounds.

I've always regretted that I've never been able to get the upgrade pack to get the Unimog, crossbow and such.  It was cool to get to see it if only for a bit at the start of vid 3.  I kinda get the impression of the feel of driving one of the big trucks but with enough get up and go to really be fun.   :-X
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Nice vids eor,

It has been difficult for me to get back into the first person games for exactly the reason you mention - the feeling of tunnel vision.

I agree about the post office as a great place to cause a stink - sneaking to the top of that garage where yo find a diamond is my favorite starting point.  From there, Molotov cocktails, flares, or shooting flammables are great ways to burn almost the entire area - the "ah...ahhh's" are really funny.  Plus the fact that a GLAT has this area on it's patrol route means an easy way to get one of those gems.

Now I'm becoming a bit nostalgic about Africa  :-()

@mandru - that Unimog is actually one of my favorite vehicles - wasn't so at the beginning, but it rolls over lots of things (rocks) that stop other vehicles.


My goal was to quickly get to the Post Office and take cover so I could capture  some of the merc vocalizations during the firefight. That's why I chose the ranch house and Dogon Village...they are places where I can take cover and really stir up the mercs.  ;D

I checked and the Unimog has the same speed as the AT's and seems able to take a little more fire before getting damaged. Moving from the driver's seat to the turret and exiting takes a little longer. You exit the back and not the side as wuth the AT's. We're talking only a second or two but when under fire, it can be important.

I'm a big fan of the crossbow with the explosive tipped arrows. It is great for the convoy missions and since it is scoped, it can substitute for a M79 or a sniper rifle in many circumstances.

My preferred loadout for Leboa is the .45, the Homeland pump shotgun, and the crossbow...or the sawed off shotgun, a Golden AK47, and the crossbow. Both these loadouts cost me virtually nothing.
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar

Art Blade

I never had a chance either, mandru, to get that DLC with crossbow and unimog. However, I have cheats  :-()

Vid#3, the exploding AT was hilarious  ^+-+ I had to rewind a couple of times, each time I was laughing more  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


You guys are going to get a kick out of this one.

I'm certain I'm not the only one who uses the guard post at the top of the hill for ambushing the convoy. The plan was to take out the mercs, replenish ammo, kill some time  and wait for the convoy to crest the hill.

However as you can see...something very strange happened to the convoy.

Far Cry 2: A Really Strange Convoy Ambush

My save point is at the nearby safe house. I reloaded and tried to ambush the convoy again with even stranger results.  I have a recording of it but have not yet converted and uploaded it to youtube.

I'm still reloading and approaching the convoy, looking for even more weirdness. I've managed to save the game while it was severely glitched and I'm playing it for all ti's worth.  ;D.  There are also spawning issues at the fuel depot.  Wait until you see what happened to me there.  ???
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


How the heck did that AT get on top of the truck?  :o After seeing this I can´t wait to see what happend at the fuel depot.  ;D


Some sort of spawning glitch. Since I have a save game prior to its occurrence and it is very near a safe house, I can exploit it as many times as I want...and I've been doing that this afternoon.

Working on videos right now. Will post them ASAP. I wish they were in high def and I had some editing capabilities. Set to some music, it would be classic. Pretty funny as it is. I haven't laughed this hard in quite some time.

The Laws Of Physics have been temporarily suspended this afternoon in Leboa Sako.  ;D

"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


Here it is...

Apparently the spawning glitch resulted in the AT being in the back of the convoy truck. I was able to hijack the truck, with the AT in the rear, and drive to the fuel depot. When I got to the fuel depot and attempted to exit the truck, I died. It looked like I was attempting to mount the turret on the AT but I was just getting out of the truck.

You might notice that the fuel depot wasn't fully populated...until I blew the convoy truck up. And then the mercs spawned with me in the middle of the depot and in the open. Marty provided some badly needed back up.

Far Cry 2: Spawning Glitch Puts AT in Back Of Convoy Truck

Things went badly for me while I was attempting to investigate the spawning glitch.

Far Cry 2: Caught In A Spawning Glitch. Fail.

"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


Your second video just above "Far Cry 2: Caught In A Spawning Glitch. Fail" is distinctly unique.

Remember when we were kids and we were told to look both ways before crossing the street?

Shortsightedly they obviously omitted an important direction by failing to warn us to also look up.   ^+-+
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I did this several times and each time something uniquely funny happened. Sometimes I didn't fare so well. It is Hardcore Level afterall.  ;)

They look a lot better in 480. Don't know why that isn't the default setting.

Far Cry 2: Convoy Spawning Glitch Compilation 1

Far Cry 2: Convoy Spawning Glitch Compilation 2
"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar

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