Just got drafted to Panau

Started by B33 ENN, December 15, 2010, 09:53:21 PM

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After JC2 came up for sale again in the current Steam promo, I decided after the positive things I read here to get it, and just played a bit to do the Destruction Frenzy achievement...   :-D

You guys are right, it looks like a lot of fun and so James Bond  8) , the grappling hook thing is so cool!   :-X

Look forward to getting into it more as I go, but I won't be playing it exclusively as I have to focus on a raft of other stuff on the list, currently trying to complete BioShock before moving onto STALKER full time... (Will add reviews for Crysis: Warhead and BioShock when I get done)

"Do your mother a favour, buy a Lance & Ferman Military Laser."



Glad that you see promise in the game - it still is one of my favorites.  I agree about the grapple hook device - because the world is so large, it helps to be able to navigate a bit quicker.  I would imagine that it would become a bit tedious to have a map this large and not have a way to get around that is efficient - remember how the trolls complained about traveling in FC2?


JC2 has it all in my opinion.  One of my top games this year, and easily the one I played the most hours on. Welcom to Panau.
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Art Blade

and after having played yourself silly, you may then mod the game.  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I'll be joining you soon B33 ENN... just got JC2 at STEAM for US$ 7,50 (oh I love this time of the year  :-() )... as soon as Christmas is over I'll drag my rig to the nearest shipyard and fix it's damaged structures... will be back on gaming soon!!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: JRD on December 22, 2010, 02:51:50 PM
I'll be joining you soon B33 ENN... just got JC2 at STEAM for US$ 7,50 (oh I love this time of the year  :-() )...

Guilty as charged here too!  >:D

Been going a bit crazy myself with the sales!   :-D
"Do your mother a favour, buy a Lance & Ferman Military Laser."


I've been checking STEAM on a daily basis but only got three games for great prices: Just Cause 2, Assassins Creed 2 and Spore - the three of them for less than US$ 35,00
Been waiting for Civilization V but the price was still a bit salty - US$ 35,00  :-(
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I wait for these sales as the best time to load up. Had a pretty measily "collection (about 8-10) but since last month it's (ahem) "blossomed"  :o The newest games I have tried to avoid, as you said, reductions on those are not ideal yet.

Left out Fallout and Assassin's series etc. for now though, will maybe get those when i have got through a significant portion of what I've got. I did pick up Borderlands GOTY Edition as it was a good package of all the DLC's and the original game which has been out long enough now.

Well, it is Christmas and I like to think of myself as my favourite charity, and therefore a good and... "just cause"!  ^+-+

Okay, that was bad, I know...  8-X

"Do your mother a favour, buy a Lance & Ferman Military Laser."



It's nice to have a good game library!

Art Blade

looks like borderlands is the second most played (at least possessed) game with OWG after FC2. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Could be - there appear to be quite a few individuals playing.


I just started JC2 too :).

Its been fun so far, I'm having to adapt to not "aiming" with the L/Trigger.so I feel kind of exposed in firefights compared to other shooters.

The graphics are very good and the chaos thing is very reminiscent of Saboteur, I never got to finish JC1 the game kept freezing on my XBOX at one particular mission, so I gave up on it, but this one seems more refined to me :)

There doesnt seem to be a "snap to cover", I'm guessing there isnt one, or am I missing something ? Its a staple in most 3rd person shooters I play.

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Are you playing on the PC?  If so, once you're done with the first play through, there are a ton of good mods that make replaying the game loads of fun.


cool. I love JC2, the freedom of movement and height you can combine with all the fun stuff to do.

I think there is an aiming button though which brings the camera in closer.  Check the button layout.  The defaul has R2 as your trigger and R1 as your grapple.  I switched them so that I could shoot with R1. (or whatever equivalent on xbox)  Perhaps the the aiming button was R3 (push down on right stick) I honestly can't recall right now.

There is no cover system.  Consider the air as your cover, you can grapple/chute out of almost any situation.  I actualy liked it was different and didn't have cover it made you be more creative with the grapply, chute, and weapons instead of hunkering down behind something to just shoot.

Can't wait to hear more thoughts once you get into it more.
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Yeah, the aiming is fine, you can even target body parts which is nice, I've only played the chopper level, where you blow up a couple of SAM Missile launchers, it was fun, the ride hanging from the chopper was a nice introduction to the verticality available in the game and the hook was very intuitive.

I'm sure they knew what they were doing, but putting a "roll" button in a shooter instead of a Snap to cover button feels weird, I can understand a roll button in a melee game like Ninja Gaiden etc, just feels weird in a shooter, maybe it will make more sense, when I progress. :)

I have the 360 version, so no mods for me, its kind of a good thing too, because otherwise I would get very bogged down in the game, BL vanilla probably took 100 hours out of my life with no mods and I havent even started the DLC ferchrissake!  :'(

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Quote from: Fiach on January 19, 2011, 11:34:58 AM
I'm sure they knew what they were doing, but putting a "roll" button in a shooter instead of a Snap to cover button feels weird, I can understand a roll button in a melee game like Ninja Gaiden etc, just feels weird in a shooter, maybe it will make more sense, when I progress. :)
I've found that rolling when the govmen are shooting at you disrupts their aim somewhat - you can keep running and gunning to maintain the fast pace, yet not be hit so often.

Because I like JC2 so much, I splurged and purchased the PC version in addition to the PS3 version.  Now that I've completed the game, I find that the only time I return to Panau is on the PC.  I guess that modding is one of my favorite aspects of a game, and the only un-modded game I play on the PC is FC2.


Quote from: PZ on January 19, 2011, 11:41:07 AM

Because I like JC2 so much, I splurged and purchased the PC version in addition to the PS3 version..

Well thats pretty much a ringing endorsement of the game, so I guess I'll have to persevere :)

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Played a bit today, captured a power station (I think), there was a helicopter there so I took it for a spin, jeezuz!..... I was just riding around all morning dropping into towns and military bases, hoovering up those upgrade boxes! I got 2 full armour upgrades (healthupgrades?) before I had to stop 8)

Then I went to a military base and stole an attack chopper (infinite rockets ftw!  :-())

Now I'm torn, I know I'm going to love this, but I'm afraid I'll ignore other games that I want to complete, so I'm nearly afraid to keep playing lol :D

I really like the fact that they tuck away little secret items/upgrades, to make the areas really worth exploring, the little icon that indicates that you are near things is a bit crap, but I think otherwise it maybe too easy, so its worth living with :)

I have a question about upgrades and other things.

I have about 30 gun parts and 30 vehicle parts.

If I upgrade a pistol and I drop it for submachine guns, will the next pistol I pick up, still have the upgrades, If I dual wield, will they both be upgraded? Same question for vehicles.

Will there always be a chopper at each stronghold?

In the old game, your base always had ammo cases, I cant see any assualt ammo in my first stronghold, are the strongholds my actual bases or will I get houses as well like in FC2?

Anyway, great game :)

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now that's a ringing endoresement too!

I know what you mean by ignoring games,  JC2 is what i did last summer.  over 100 hours worth!

I didn't use dropped weapons too much so I don't know if the enemies weapons will have the same upgrades you have.  You don't have safehouses, but each stronghold you take over will have some ammo cases, but perhaps not the ones you want.  The Reapers HQ has a nice supply of ammo and weapons (this is the one nearby to Carl Blaine's house).  Upgrade your grenades to carry more would be a first priority.

I think the vehicles you upgrade are mostly ones you have to buy from the Black Market (BM), except for the "tank".  Honestly I never looked too much, the upgrades just don't matter that much in battle it seems. 

There is not a chopper at each stronghold but like all vehicles, it's so easy to find something to use or you can order something from the BM.  Oh, the one upgraded vehicle worth focusing on is the Rowlinson heli.  It's fast and nimble, and with weapons you can really be a threat with good manueverability to dodge SAMs.

Some people complained about the BM prices and it is kind of silly, but honestly making money is easy in the game I always had around $1M.  Also, I pretty much used whatever was around and stole weaponized vehicles from military bases.

Quick tip - Don't destroy the SAMs on stronghold takeovers.  They don't count towards 100% of the stronghold and actually become on your side once you have taken over  - you can lead enemies there and they will get shot down.
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Art Blade

Quote from: Fiach on January 20, 2011, 09:14:17 AMI have a question about upgrades and other things.

I have about 30 gun parts and 30 vehicle parts.
Careful, think first, then spend them: Which weapon or which part would you like to have fully upgraded? Every upgrade step will require more parts, like doubling them each step.. so don't spill them all across the shop :)

Quote from: Fiach on January 20, 2011, 09:14:17 AMIf I upgrade a pistol and I drop it for submachine guns, will the next pistol I pick up, still have the upgrades
Quote from: Fiach on January 20, 2011, 09:14:17 AMIf I dual wield, will they both be upgraded?

Quote from: Fiach on January 20, 2011, 09:14:17 AMSame question for vehicles.
same answer

Quote from: Fiach on January 20, 2011, 09:14:17 AMWill there always be a chopper at each stronghold?
There may be exceptions, but generally, yes

Quote from: Fiach on January 20, 2011, 09:14:17 AMIn the old game, your base always had ammo cases, I cant see any assualt ammo in my first stronghold, are the strongholds my actual bases or will I get houses as well like in FC2?
Only bases, but you're not bound to a single one. Any base that you captured for a faction will be accessible for you to resupply.

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Bugger! I went and got the military chopper to destroy the sams at the first stronghold, because I was missing about 8% from 100%, anyway thanks, thats a really good thing to know spaceboy :)

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Cheers Art :)

If I do missions for another faction will I lose access to the previous factions bases then?

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Art Blade

nope :)

By the way, there are several (many) locations where you'll find supply boxes, not even guarded. They're not only to be found in bases.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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