Video: Pipeline Crossing by MadCat1968

Started by spaceboy, April 15, 2009, 07:13:10 PM

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I think the original post got lost in the migration (or at least I can't find it) but I wanted this video from the gallery in the forums because it's definitely worth watching.

Nice job MadCat1968!

[smg id=83 type=av]  forums and member created pages


btw  madcat1968, did you abandon Nasreen there?  She must have died I imagine because it didn't look like you cleared the area before leaving.  Just curious.  My buds seem to die even IF we cleared the area...  forums and member created pages


I may be wrong but it seems that the buddies  may get into trouble because they hang around. It seems only when you save them and they say they're ok ,they'll see you later at Mike's that it is safe to leave.  I'm not sure what you need to do to make sure they're safe before I go gallovanting  off to my next task.  I was annoying sometimes that I'm 2-3 miles away when I here that whine  " Don't leave me..please.  Help me!"  Damn, go home when finished helping me.  We killed them off..just go.  :)
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


Quote from: spaceboy on April 15, 2009, 07:14:57 PM
btw  madcat1968, did you abandon Nasreen there?  She must have died I imagine because it didn't look like you cleared the area before leaving.  Just curious.  My buds seem to die even IF we cleared the area...

I assumed she lived - I didn't hear her cry out for help.  Unfortunately I'll never know for sure since I didn't save my game at the ending.

I'll keep that in mind when I create my next video.



Pretty cool, gives me an idea for a "speed run" contest - see how fast you can do each mission, though you'd have to take video otherwise there's no way yo prove it.

One thing I don't like about the rescue buddy is that they usually hand you a hand gun along the way, replacing the weapon you had in that slot, which for me is usually the grenade launcher. Not a good bargain there.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Man.. I laugh like a kid with those fast talking.
Reminds me those two squirrels that are always giving Donald Duck a hard time... what are their names in english?
Chip'n Dale?
But back to topic... nice video MadCat1968. Keep up the good w@&k
Another animation I think I never saw is Nasreen punching a guy.. She did, didn't she? Or am I crazy?
I don't like being rescued, it hurts my mercenary pride, so I usually hit F9 and do it again. Maybe I'm missing a few animations there!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Nasreen took him out with one punch.  I've seen her do it before too, she's one tough chica...  forums and member created pages

Art Blade

yikes! I was about to reply but spaceboy was quicker, so I got the reminder to check again before doing so. Done, but now the board is blue-ish/white?! Well.

Nice vid there, I always like watching how you peeps drive those cars. I need look up my bloody map every 50m (the gps on the dashboard isn't of much use to me, too small a section) and you go through as if you lived there :)

I too noticed that knock-out of Nasreen's, stunned. And I too like the Donald Duck like speeches hehe, but I find the hectic footsteps even funnier :)

Regarding the replacement gun, I once found my own gun (6p9) a couple of steps away next to a tree. Of course I was happy I got it back right there.

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: spaceboy on April 16, 2009, 08:45:01 AM
Nasreen took him out with one punch.  I've seen her do it before too, she's one tough chica...
That's my girl....
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."

Art Blade

DKM2, I agree :) Reminds me of a gf I had... In a bar a guy came close and started chatting her up, and I just leaned back and watched, because I knew what was about to happen... poor ba$t@rd LOL
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Reminds me of the movie Species, where the Doctor tells them they decided to
make the alien female because it would be more docile and controllable.
The hunter guy says "you don't get out much do ya"
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


But think about poor Nasreen... surrounded by mercs. Those who are not shooting at her are hitting on her.
She might as well turn her efforts on..... Michelle... oh boy!!! ;D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


About the buddy taking the gun...  I have found that if you can get a good visual on where the buddy grabs you/where you go down the gun that gets replaced is usually lying on the ground there.  I have replaced my GL several times that way...


Yeah, I always know when I'm just about to die and take my bearing so when I get rescued, I can go back to get my lost secondary (almost always the 6P9)

Ceres Tauri

yep, knee to the breadbasket then a downward right cross thru the chin... he's down, he's out, we Have A WINNER!

You can really blow thru the GPs with that superspeed mod, wow.  I noticed you turned away from just running over the merc who knelt in the roadway at the pipeline demolition battle... gotta take care of those trucks!-)

What was most impressive was your map knowledge.  You never once checked map but raced directly all the way.  Awesome.

🡱 🡳

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