old game: Halo pc

Started by deadman1, October 04, 2009, 11:34:11 AM

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Today I had a sudden urge to play Halo again so I went through my collection and dug up the DVD. When I started it up after installing it I got a message saying that some other application was loaded in the memory where Halo needs to be loaded.  >:( This has never happend to me before so I´m kinda bummed right now  :'(

This is not really a help wanted thread, more just me unloading a bit  ;), having said that if you have any ideas on what I might do about it please don´t hesitate to let me know.


I'm sure that you've probably already done this but have you performed a cold restart?  Windows is notoriously bad for sequestering memory blocks and not releasing them properly when an application is done.  If you've already done a cold start, you might see what applications are being loaded at startup (Start button/All programs/Startup) and closing those down.  You can also right click each of the applets in the task tray and close them to see if the memory is released.

On last resort, go into the registry editor and check the "Run" entries to see if you need them all.  Quite often programs install things that are not necessary.  The extreme caution here is that you should exercise care to delete entries only if you feel very comfortable editing the registry - deleting the wrong thing could cause Windows to stop operating.

Art Blade

oh crap :)

The first thing I'd do is reboot and fire up halo. If the problem persists, open the task manager and check the biggest processes there are. Could be tricky now, because deleting processes could result in an istable system up to a crash. I think you could have a virus or something like that, too. If it's not a virus, maybe there is an issue with drivers that can produce silly error messages. Maybe some stuff like protection software such as starforce or maybe even punkbuster.

I recommend you check the net for help. I did some research and found out it could be

- get the newest patch (solved problems for some people with your problem)
- check if your vid card is compatible (MS is picky with supported cards)
- probably an issue with MS updates for windows, as in "KB969897"
go to start => control panel=> Software => check "show updates" => look for that update, click and then choose "Deinstall"
- someone deinstalled the IE and it was fixed after that (LOL)

good luck matey
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I found an answer on MS gaming, it looks like IE8 is interfering with older programs so deleting that and using IE7 might be the answer.

edit: it worked like a charm it was IE8 that screwed things up for me, but now I have to get used to all text looking different when using IE7  :P

Art Blade

so one of the tips I found on the net was good after all :) Deinstalling the IE, which made me laugh, was the solution... I wonder what the heck MS does with that IE. I never used it, so I could as well have it deleted :) Only reason for me to keep it is for the security updates of WindowsXP.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


That's interesting about IE8 - I don't use it either - use FireFox exclusively after doing a side-by-side comparison in which IE8 allowed a website to do everything it wanted while FF halted anything suspicious and asked you if you wanted it to run.  Can't recommend FF highly enough especially if you need secure browsing.  :-X


Thanks for that tip, PZ. I've been using IE8 for a little while and I'm not happy with it, was thinking of going back to IE7. With 8 I've noticed that there are a couple of sites in my history that refuse to go away when I do a clear history, even a reg index clean doesn't get rid of them. Will look at Firefox instead, sounds like a much more reliable and stable app :-X


Looked at FireFox and installed it, already I reckon it dumps on IE. Never going back. Cheers PZ! :-X


I'll never go back too - and for further security you might check out the addons in this post - I never surf without them!  (all are free from the Mozilla addon site)


I tried Firefox and every time I used Youtube it crashed for some reason, so had to go back to IE :(

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Art Blade

That can't be the fault of FF, I use FF and youtube never made it crash. Probably some addon causing that.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


That's a shame Fiach, I really am concerned for anyone doing general browsing using IE (any version).  The hackers are becoming ever more sophisticated in hijacking your system, harvesting login information, and such.  In fact, the only time I've had an online problem enter my system was through IE.  It's not just that IE is crappy software (although that is one reason), most hackers are still targeting IE to maximize the potential for their personal gain because of the sheer number of users and the sheer number of security holes.

Art is correct - it is not a FF issue, but a conflict with something else on your system.  If you ever have a free hour or so, you might consider trying the newest version of FF, uninstall all FF addons (if you have any left) and see where that takes you.


Guess what mates I just tried to start Halo after Windows had downloaded  a securitypatch for IE7, and I get the SAME FRICKING MESSAGE AGAIN  >:( >:( >:( >:( so now I just dl:ed FF and that means bye bye to IE for me.


Cheers guys - I've been disappointed with Windows since v1, but it is the only show in town that does all that I need it to do with w@&k and play.  Using FF does take a bit of getting used to, but once you do, everything seems to have a better design.  Add the bonus of themes and addons, and you can make yourself a great browsing experience.   :-X

Art Blade

I can't suppress my laughter, deadman, hahahaha, about that rant  :-X

Seriously, I never used the IE on any of my private PCs. Back in the day it was Netscape (learned about it from a Mac user) and I kept using it until the first version of FF was released. Ever since I have used FF.

There is only one reason I still have it: Fucking MicroSoft's windows patch policy. It's almost impossible to manually get any security updates on Windows XP without using IE.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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