Hello All - new here, and posted first map

Started by M3NTA7, August 19, 2009, 09:41:31 PM

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Hello everyone, I found this website when DKM2 told me about it.

I just uploaded my first map. It's not approved just yet. Let me know if you plan on hosting it, as I haven't been successful at hosting and I'd like to see it in action!

Map name is VANTAGE it should show up in the download section as M3NTA7_VANTAGE once approved.



Welcome to OWG... looking forward to see your maps in action...
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Hi M3NTA7, we had a few good little games, too bad more people didn't join.

I had a look at your map, I liked the basic idea of a king of mountain thing,
basically two small towns with a fortress mountain thing in the middle.
But I must say it was hard to even get up there.
I had to open it up in the editor twice just to find the ladder.
I'm going to do the critic thing so don't take it the wrong way. (just random comments/suggestions)

The mountain is the main object here, but its way to hard to get to, once a good sniper or
two does get up there, its game over, everyone else will get bored just getting picked off.
Are these ghost towns, because the buildings are empty, just grass and bushes growing
through the floors, etc?

The gliders are hard to get to, I can't see people using them.
Road to the top is a pure lane of fire, and a long one too, I can't see myself
Assaulting the mountain, it a no hope suicide mission.

Need a little more abandoned junk in the (ghost) towns, just a little, not over done.
The mountain needs more access, at least 4 ways up, and signs showing the way.
It needs to change hands to keep the game flowing.
(ladders are a death trap, u get caught on one and your dead)
Every good fighting position also needs a weak point, flanking, or whatever.
I can see myself just guarding the base from spawn campers and avoiding snipers.

It may be a little too big, I can see a lot of running around and not finding anyone.
A little horizon detail would help visually, has a dust-bowl feel to it.

I don't know why you can't host it, I got it in LAN game no problem.
Its hard to get games going online though.

Anyways, just my opinion, I only really look at maps from a TDM point of view too.
If you want some examples look in the Top40 thread, all the maps are listed, with authors.
I'd have a look at some of Pac!ent's maps, to get an idea of what I mean about small details.

Don't get discouraged, a lot better than half the maps out there.
Anyways, this has gotten long, peace, see ya in the game.

"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."

Art Blade

Hello M3NTA7, thanks for joining and publishing your first map on OWG  :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yes indeed - welcome to OWG!  I know this is "beating a dead horse" but I sure do wish that Ubi would have programmed the ability to add mercs to maps for us SP guys  ;D



Thanks for taking a look at my map. Yeah, it is a little sparse on detail "junk". No discouragement here, I'm just grateful that you took the time to look at it.

You make some good points.

Also, thanks for telling me about this site, I didn't know about it.

Thanks for the welcome everyone!

See you around,


Hey Guys, I've made a new map. Hopefully this one is a little more respectable... :)

Name: GOGGLE Beta
Author: M3NTA7
Size: Medium
Modes: DM, TDM, CTD, Uprising

Here's some vids I made of it.









Looks good. Is it on the community server yet for download?
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


I finally found it, and played it a bit on ZX's
Very nice, won't surprise me if it becomes a favorite.

Nice little town, I liked the sewer system.
Bar in the church? Sense of humor. Lol.
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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