Releasing the train car

Started by Roaven, August 16, 2009, 06:26:27 AM

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First of all, let me get straight to the point. Things are not going that well for me right now. Josip is MIA and Flora is KIA. Michelle is nowhere to be found, but I digress. The mission flow from Mike's had dried up, so I decided to head into Pala to find w@&k. The APR had another job for me, the first being killing the police chief, and it sounded easy enough. I accepted, and walked outside, towards my vehicle.

Warren called, stating he was near the railyard and wanted to speak with me. My jeep was wedged into a spot I couldn't get it out of, so I took the car over by the bus stop and drove to Mike's. I stopped there only to get a Dragonuv, PKM and a few IEDs before driving back to the town. I took the bus to the northwest bus stop, thinking how similar the mission was so far to the only other mission I've recorded so far, which involved destroying a Weapons Cache.

I drove in the buggy to the corner where the safe house was located, stopping inside briefly. Paul Ferenc was there, doing pushups and situps. He told me his schedule recently opened up and he offered to stick around. I gladly accepted and was off, cutting across the map, avoiding both the Ranch and the Guard post on the adjacent road. I ended up in the valley to the left of the Ranch, where a safe house sat upon a hill, overlooking a small building in the bottom of the valley.

I decided to take the safe house first, advancing uphill and catching the first guard by surprise. I made a gash across his chest with my machete, knocking him to the ground before bringing my blade down into his abdomen. The other two kept up rotating fire to keep me pinned down, but eventually, a gap opened up, and I disposed them both with my machete as well. I went on foot into the valley, killing one of the mercs with a sniper shot, the other, as he fled, with my machete.

I took the diamond case inside the building and returned to the safe house, grabbing the hang glider and holding on for dear life. I went downwards and then pulled sharply up, using the momentum to carry me onwards. However, it didn't go quite as planned, as I crash into the cliff below the sniper's perch on the other side of the valley. I distanced myself from him and waited until he drew his sniper, then charged and cut him down as he fumbled for his MAC-10.

I arrived at the safe house without incident, and approached Warren. He wanted me to eliminate someone at the Ranch who was holding back a train car of soldiers. When he was dead, the soldiers would deploy, and Warren could slot their commander, who refused him a job at one point. I sympathized with him and headed towards the Ranch, stopping at the guard post standing in my way.

I eliminated a patrolling guard first, then the guard manning the M249 turret. A sniper was on the hill I had taken, on the left side, but I shot first, killing him with an Dragonuv shot. I moved in and eliminated the remaining couple of guards with my machete, thankful for the First aid kit the guard post held. A patrolling jeep was standing between me and the Ranch as well, so I took out the gunner as it drove away from me with a sniper shot. I missed several times before killing the driver as well, leaving me with 3 rounds in my magazine.

I took the jeep and drove up on the left side of the ranch, opposite how I attacked it last time. I shot a guard who was doing something with his feet. I think he was burying a cigarette butt or something. The other merc I could see, who was leaning upon the shack that housed the jeep, bolted, but I shot him as well, leaving me with 1 round and no enemies in sight.

I was suspicious, but not enough. Two mercs caught me by surprise. My last round went wide, so I charged and wounded them both with my machete. I reloaded and went around the far side of the ranch, killing one merc and taking fire from another. A propane tank went off, starting a fire. I ducked around the other side and shot the merc, grabbing ammo and reloading before moving inside.

The man I was supposed to kill was talking on the phone, but dropped it when he saw me. He told me his men were on the way and they would shoot me. I had my machete out, but he was posing no threat, so I looked over at the table for any documents. I heard an all too familiar sound and quickly spun around, cutting the man across his chest and neck. The round from the pistol he drew went wide, hitting the wall harmlessly. If I had been any slower, I might have been in trouble. Warren called, telling me I could hit the train car now. I don't know how he heard, but I assumed he had contacts the would know.

((Longer than anticipated, I'm going to split it into 2 parts))


Geez, Roaven, you're a machete-wielding slash demon! I wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley. Maybe you should change your user name to "Mack-The-Knife!"

Cool read - looking forward to Part II.
Give 'em heaps, mate! :-X


I try conserve ammo whenever I can

Art Blade

Darn, I've just noticed I read part2 before part1, but I manage :) Again, great w@&k :)

You're playing on infamous, aren't you?
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Roaven, another good read and good w@&k with the machete.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


Just so happens that I spent about an hour on the PS3 this morning before w@$k (sorry, JRD) and did the mission you described (except Flora was my buddy) so it is fresh in my mind.  Your description allowed me to easily follow your mission.  I went in a little differently - but from the same direction.  After arriving at the western edge of the Cattle Ranch, I stealthily approached the northern side and threw a grenade into the room where the suit stood - then ran like heck.

Second, your glider flight gave me a good chuckle - just about every flight I make with that danged thing turns out just like you described yours.  ;D

I enjoyed your narrative.  :-X

🡱 🡳