OWG FC2 PC Multi-player & Top 40 Chart

Started by DKM2, May 17, 2009, 03:49:17 AM

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Will do, just because it's you!     :-X
You guys are map making machines.
I went to another site and out of 26 downloads, I got 2 maps.
All nice ideas and concepts, but just taken too far, might be a source of ideas for you guys.

Since you've seeded the idea, I started looking into a component I have
for the user to design their own reports, and I started a GUI for auto-ftp settings.
I finished the GUI for dedicated_server.cfg file last week and have been using it.
Seems stable, so I can move on to other things in the application.

So I am getting there. Its going to take some time though, because I just made this thing
to do what "I" wanted it to do, not a lot options which a release will need.
That takes a lot more thought.  Could be a month, I'll PM you for a beta though. If and when I get there.
(PZ, I'll have to be burden again and have you host it thou)   ;D

Btw, making your own report is going to take a bit of learning on the users part though, its very powerful.
You can do almost anything you want with the data, there's even lots of math functions  if you want to calculate stats.
Sadly, I don't get to use this a lot at w@&k, just design, build, test, report, ship, so its learning for me too.

"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


Quote from: DKM2 on July 26, 2009, 12:31:36 PM
(PZ, I'll have to be burden again and have you host it thou)   ;D

Any time DKM  ;)


Quote from: DKM2 on July 26, 2009, 12:31:36 PM
Will do, just because it's you!     :-X
Wow, thanks a lot, but you will see - many server admins and clan members would be gratefull to you  :-X
Let us know if you will need any help or testing, if we would be able provide some..:)


I put a new Far Cry 2 MP logo on the front page of the site in the right column and another one on the FC2 home page in the left column.  Clicking it takes you to the statistics page for DKM2's openworldgames.org server.  It's a handy way to quickly get to the stats page.

Art Blade

nice one  :-X

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Today I played on you server, got a few acusation for hacking looool  ;D because of a bit "pownage" so hopefully I can get soon on Top40 chart  :P (pacient.cz)
How often its updated ? Or its done automatically ?
Edit: btw -I saw there nice features like "welcome/player name or warnig after team kill !!
Well done DKM2  :-X :-X
I suppose its done by PB, isnt it ? Can I know those command or settings please ?  :P


I can't imagine you hacking, Pac!ent!  Just tell them you're an OWG member and we don't do that kind of thing.  ;D


The chart is updated every hour automatically.

The messages are all mine, I don't run PB. I've tried PB but I don't like it.

It warns after swearing and team kills, usually you get 5 warnings then banned. (per match)
(if less than 4 are playing 3 TK gets you banned).
And then of course the administrative punishment.    :-X

Like I said, the welcome warning changes a bit if you are in the Top 200.

You know whats funny, lots of people respond to the welcome message, like it's a real person.    :)
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


Another interesting thing is to examine the leader, their kill number and the ratio of kills/deaths.  The top player has a kill/death ratio of 1.67 while another person down the chart has one at 4.67.

Although I've not seen either playing, I imagine that the 1.67 guy is a Rambo style shooter that is skillful, bold and goes where others fear to tread, and perhaps plays the game long hours to get so high a kill number.  In contrast, the guy with the 4.67 ratio I imagine to be one that is a more cold-blooded, deliberate killer that precisely calculates what needs to be done to get the maximum number of kills while remaining alive - more of the sniper type of mentality.

I guess the question is, who is the better killer?


That's the beauty,  the game allows for anyone's style.  What's really killer is if you get both these guys (or types of players) on the same team coordinating and communicating with mics.  That's Killer!

Even if it's just "Hey, guy coming around the side of the warehouse" or whatever.
http://mygamepages.com  forums and member created pages


Exactly - imagine the devastation - cold killer in a sniper location while Rambo ferrets out the opposition.  :-X


some of those leader deaths are mine!  he's a "good" guy.    :)

The chart is ordered by kills, so a big factor of where you are is how
often you play this server. The K/D ratio is a little bit more subjective.
A higher K/D means you took less time to get there.

The ones I know that are "good" on there are all about 1.6 – 1.9 range,
and they play all the maps, change weapons to their advantage for the maps.
The higher ones I would imagine are snipers only, and play on maps that
favour snipers otherwise they leave. I'm just guessing though.

Then there's stubborn me, I play them all, but I stick to my favorite weapons,
and style, and just change my tactics and my roll on the team for the maps that come up.
Hence, my rather poor K/D.
This is all a little simplified because every match has a little different feel to it,
as people come and go and maps change.

For me the big thing is, anybody can get to the top, it just takes w@&k.
But it is a sliding count over eight weeks, so kills, deaths, etc you got eight weeks ago
are removed from your total every Sunday at midnight. (I think we're in week 5 now?  maybe 4)
Grand totals of all time are also kept, just not shown here.
Anyways, you stop playing, you start falling in the standings.
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."

Art Blade

Your tool sounds well thought out, and I like the logic behind it (binds players to your server). Nice, DKM2  :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Sounds like fun to analyze the mathematics of how people perform - lots of variables though.


DKM2 how far you are with creating that tool for top Chart ? :P Is there any progress ?
And also - is possible to share system how you run those messages ? It looks really cool, much better than I saw so far by PB or other tools.
Please .....  ;)


Quote from: Pac!ent on August 07, 2009, 02:02:20 PM
DKM2 how far you are with creating that tool for top Chart ? :P Is there any progress ?
And also - is possible to share system how you run those messages ? It looks really cool, much better than I saw so far by PB or other tools.
Please .....  ;)

Its coming along. I've coded the interfaces to add options for making up to 8 different "Top"
Charts.  Most suicides if you want. I'm just getting started at the testing of this.
I think the whole creation of the "dedicated_server.cfg" file is complete, been running it for over a week.
I want to add more to the database which will slow things down a bit.
Things like Match leaders, first second third in match scores (kills),
for your team and over all for the match. Only counts if you finish the match though.
Still designing this.

I don't know what you mean by "share system" for messages?

Oh, btw, what kind servers do you have, because I think this'll be hard to run on a rental.

"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


Great, so soon it would be released  :P Thats good news  :-X
We own clan server running on our own computer and of course I got complete ftp and remote control access. So everything is possible :)
Concerning to those messages - I think it that it must be done by some commands and cfg file. Correct ? But I dont know what are those commands and how you made that if for example someone make team kill, then message "Temkill is not allowed" (or so one) appear. So can you please share how did you make it ? Please  ;)

Art Blade

I reckon you want to translate all English texts... best if you know how to/where to find them :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Pac!ent on August 08, 2009, 10:48:57 AM
Great, so soon it would be released  :P Thats good news  :-X
We own clan server running on our own computer and of course I got complete ftp and remote control access. So everything is possible :)
Concerning to those messages - I think it that it must be done by some commands and cfg file. Correct ? But I dont know what are those commands and how you made that if for example someone make team kill, then message "Temkill is not allowed" (or so one) appear. So can you please share how did you make it ? Please  ;)

The messages are all input using the console input.
The application takes control of the console, so its as if you were entering the commands yourself.
Its all programmed in C++

Maybe end of August.
I got a weeks vacation soon, and nothing to do.
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


Oh, just to let everyone know a faker/imposter/hacker DKM22222. is around.
(same name with a . added)
He's now on the 100 years ban plan.
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


Thanks for the notice - the period is subtle enough to escape notice.  Let's keep that in mind if we see any of our names with such - anyone with a period at the end of their name is banned forever.  ;)

Art Blade

Happened to me once, someone using my exact nickname and my preferred loadout/class/etc. That was when we started protecting nicknames with passwords. You then could only enter a server using a certain nick if you had the matching password.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: DKM2 on August 09, 2009, 02:38:30 AM
Maybe end of August.
I got a weeks vacation soon, and nothing to do.

:-X looking forward to it. Btw - best way how to spent vacation, same here  :)


Today and tomorrow Sat&Sun (aug 15/16) are likely the last days of the current game.
gizziwizzi, finished on top of this one. (50 suicides? You can't fly buddy!)

I've been making some major changes to the player database and its just easier to start over.
(all you very very bad boys will be added manually to the new database though)

Major additions is team and match score tracking, and additional stats reports.
Reduced sliding stats from 8 weeks to 6.
Added player admin rights, and some custom fields so we won't have to reset in the future for changes.
And fixed a few minor bu...er,  procedural problems.

You'll still see it up most of the time but I'll change the name (DK: somethingorother) for the next few days
And it may have a password while I'm doing a testing phase.
Pass will be "dkm2" (clever, huh?). if you wanna take a peek.
Also I'm returning to my old log in of DKM2 instead of DKM22222
(its just shorter and more attractive online ;) )
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."

🡱 🡳

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