Far Cry 4 wishlist

Started by JRD, January 07, 2013, 03:44:58 PM

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Oh yeah... it's time we start talking about what we want in the next Far Cry game!  8)

1 - the buddy system back to subvert mission
2 - Ability to pick up bodies (only dragging those I stab is annoying)
3 - Less... much, much less linearity, or should I say, more freedom in main missions.
4 - customize weapons on the fly
5 - improved crafting/trading system.
6 - .........
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Jim di Griz

What, what...umm, what? That's forward thinking...
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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Good one, JRD  :-X

My most important in addition to what JRD mentioned - completely get rid of button mashing, especially the random key button mashing  :D

I'd also like to see addon mission packs (the good kind of open world missions), an options menu where the gamer has all kinds of options to set.  For instance, allow outposts ( or whatever the similar in FC4) to re-spawn, weather control, time of day/year.  I miss the ability to sleep as we did in FC2.

Once the game is completed the first time, a complete menu of options on how you want to replay, e.g., have all your weapons, skills, etc. or not.

This list will go on and on for me.

Jim di Griz

I think a return to proper, dark and disorientating night time should be there. Night attacks in FC2 were a lot less predictable as a result. I'm not a fan of this old-style Hollywood blue filtered daylight instead of true night that we have in FC3.
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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I was thinking about the nights in Stalker: Call Of Pripyat. Dark! Like, can't see anything without a flashlight...

Back to FC4 wishlist:

Save/load functionality like FC2's (PC version), and scrap this checkpoint stuff already!
No timed missions. None, nada, zip, zero, zilch. They stink.
Bring back the hand-held map and the GPS-type things in vehicles.
I'm gonna wait till the midnight hour - bring back sleeping. I know PZ just said that in his post, but I want to say it too.
Fix the crummy day/night cycle. If the planet rotated that quickly, we'd all get flung off it. And last time I looked, the rotation didn't speed up at night and slow back down during the day, nor be dependent on whether the observer moves around or not.

My, we are a demanding lot, aren't we? :-()

Art Blade

I very much do like all those splendid suggestions you good people came up with. Allow me to add a humble request: please add some FUCKING RANGE to the sniper rifles.  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I'm fully on board with all you guys have recommended  :-X


Very good suggestions, gentlemen, I pretty much agree with you guys.

- Setting: I'd love to return to Africa or fragger's homeland for a change.
Africa is still better than tropical island IMO as its terrains are more diverse. FC2's Africa was more boring to Rook Islands because it was poorly designed.

- More animals, more random events, more weapons.

- Enemies wounds make a return.

- More destructible environments.

- Improved looting mechanics. It's fun, I now can understand the appeal of Borderlands series, in which looting plays a major part. But the flaw of the looting in FC3 is that as fragger already pointed out, at some point you have a ton of money without anything worthwhile to spend it on. Weapons become free when you unlock radio towers sound good initionally but actually it's a very bad idea as it kills the motivation to loot. The price of the regular guns and sig weps should have been significantly higher to encourage gamers to loot. Slain baddies should have dropped much less ammo. Also, there should be rewards for getting all the collectibles. As far as I know, you don't get anything rewards for collecting 50 relics.

- A lot save slots like FC2.

- New game + mode like Arkham City, Borderlands 2  ... All the skills, weapons, money, items carry over.

- Some story missions being linear are OK but they should be well designed and fun. The majority of them must be open ended. Once players completed the game, they can select any mission to replay.

- Oh, the lame QTEs like the Hoyt fight do not return, please.

He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


Good point about the radio towers durian. Completing the radio tower missions should just unlock new weapons, not make them available for free - something like the convoy missions in FC2. Weapons should still have to be bought. But the way it has been done is probably yet another concession to the CoD crowd.


I agree with all that you guys brought up so far.

There seems to be some concessions made to the general public intended to please the masses of CoD hardcore fanboys... the radio towers being one and the railroad shooting missions another. :angry-new:

I forgot about the sleeping thing and how good it was to hold the map in my hands. PZ is right about having a menu where the player can choose several different setting like respawn rate and how long the day/night cycle will take.

The idea of a New Game Plus durian presented is fantastic. There are so many games with that feature now, I don't know why Ubi didn't commit to that. It extends gameplay two fold!

I did another playthrough of Borderlands and Batman Arkham City because of that and it extended my fun to a whole new level!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


One thing I forgot.  The general button mechanics are goofy and flawed.  For instance on the console I need to hold the triangle button to heal, but if you're in the middle of a fight then under many circumstances holding the button does nothing, and you have no idea why.  If you release the button and then hold it again it often works properly.  It is almost like the program is stuck in a linear sequence of commands and when a different command comes along it is ignored until a repeated button press is done.

In fact the entire "hold the button to interact" is annoying.  Why not simply (and quickly) press the button and have done with it, especially when the control affects combat situations.

Art Blade

I don't care about where the game takes place as long as it's well designed. The current one is pretty nice except the "artificial" horizon.. man, it ruins the view with those fake mountains that stretch out beyond the horizon.

The buttons.. man, make them all remappable and I mean all -- why is F9 and F11 not even listed? And why do you always have to hold them rather than tap/press them? It takes forever to interact with the vending machine if you for whatever reason have to use it several times in a row, and then the stupid "are you sure, really sure, that you want to sell/discard this item? Because, you know, it will really be removed from your inventory forever, are you REALLY sure? -- please HOLD the OK button to confirm." :D And speaking of which, I want to have a decent sort and group option for my inventory. And it should remember my preferences.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yep, the sort function in the inventory is a total waste of time. Or rather, it would be if I wasted any time on it :-()

Agree about the nanny machine and it's incessant checking to make sure that this is really, absolutely, positively what you want to do ::) Especially considering that if you accidentally sell or discard a green leaf, there's like ten million more of them growing out there just waiting to get picked... it's not like they're precious one-offs. Ditto the animal skins and all the junk that comes out of loot chests.

Art Blade

or you want to get away in a car quickly and no, you cannot, because it states "hold <key> to interact" -- for seconds. I'm dead by the time it accepts my wish.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



We'd perhaps consider what we complain about else some idiot in the next "features" think tank will suggest random buttons that you mash to execute a function. For example:  "mash the X button to heal yourself"  the next time, "mash the O button to heal" (except on Tuesdays when you need to mash the square button during the day, and at night you need to mash the triangle button)


Quote from: Art Blade on January 08, 2013, 04:55:15 PM
And why do you always have to hold them rather than tap/press them?
Couldn't agree more. No idea why they think press and hold a button is better than just press it ? Maybe those idiots thought it would make the game more challenging, hence more fun ?  ;D  :D
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)

Art Blade


and PZ just sparked an idea: UBI, if you really want to add to the challenge, change "hold <key> to interact" to "mash <random key> to interact". Should be fun to use a zip line.

Or even better:
I already can see myself standing in front of a vending machine trying to guess which random key might pop up next, then hammer "F" while it's now "hold Left CTRL + right SHIFT and mash <numpad '-'>" and get a message "you've died" <reload save and start from next radio tower>  ???
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I don't know why you can't just load from your last save like any normal person would think.  Playing on the console, I recall doing one of the towers unsuccessfully.  Because the controller and my hand/eye coordination are not always in synch, I managed to fall off and die several times.

Evidently the program thought I had enough chances because instead of spawning at the tower on my third attempt, I spawned at a distant fast travel location and had to make the long arduous trek back to the tower.  :D


that's a stupid design choice
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


Indeed, and it has happened to me more than once  \:/

(love that emoticon)

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Here's a couple wishes for the land vehicles.

* Vehicles that don't handle as if you are a sponsored Pro-Am Drifting contender.  There is no reason I should have to maintain balance over a perpetual power slide to stay on a straight road.  :D

* Add functionality to the Left Shift Key (since we are already accustomed to using it for run) for those times you want to drift or use an extra kick of turbo boost for speed without your wheels going squirrelly.

* Destroy the notion that the larger a vehicle is (include the Patrol Boat in this one) the more limited its forward view and its cabin becomes claustrophobically tiny.  The front seats of the Styrus is luxurious in comparison to one of the large cabbed twin axled dual wheeled big trucks.  If it was a bench seat you should be able to lay out a sleeping bag cross cabin and have a comfortable snooze during down time.  ???

* Remember the mouse button driving controls for controlling where your field of vision fell from FC2?
    Right click = glance right
    Left click = glance left
    Right click + Left click = look behind

  And any mouse button click when released the view would snap back to eyes front!

I'm kind of surprised no one else has mentioned it but I think I miss that last feature most of all.  :(
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

no mandru, I miss that, too.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Using mouse buttons to look around and behind is something I missed as soon as I drove the first vehicle in the game. Snapping back to looking forward is absolutely necessary, or at least add one key to do that like "V".  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

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