FC3: Funny moments

Started by durian, December 07, 2012, 12:46:43 PM

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 :laugh: @ "cyberbonk"

Guys... just so you know... she saw me doing Citra and started mocking me, laughing her a$$ off... she is a very light mooded person and enjoys joking with me... I'm not literally sleeping in the couch... it was just a joke. My girls knows better than to take a videogame seriously!  ;)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Slightly amusing moment, mostly a nice outpost clearing. I was approaching one on the south of the north island, maybe Northview Gas? Seems right looking at the map, I approached from the ocean via an attack boat, up the hill. Anyway, I usually like to get the high ground and scout the place and maybe snipe as many guards as possible, then move in if needed. This outpost doesn't have much or any high ground around it, so that plan was out.

I snuck up to the fence and listened a bit, trying to get a lay of the land so to speak. Then I heard the growls of a large cat, behind me, it seemed. Either a leopard or a tiger, I wasn't going to find out, but it seemed to be getting closer and there seemed to be more than one. I quickly snuck around the fence to the side, and had to duck back as a road patrol went by. I waited near some of those big concrete blocks and heard the pirates shout about the big cat coming towards them. Awesome, I had been hoping I could lure the cat into the camp and be saved some w@&k getting rid of those guys. Soon the gunfire started, then an explosion and flames leapt up from the other side of the camp. As this excitement was going on, I snuck in the main gate, hoofed it to the alarm control box and switched it off, then scurried back to my hideout near the gate.

Seems the pirates won, as they went back to their mindless wandering and I didn't hear the growling of the big cat any more. I took a quick peek around the gate and saw it was safe to sneak inside and I hid under one of the raised buildings as three pirates sauntered by. I crept up on the last in line and knifed him, then the other two without them knowing what hit them. One last pirate was the sniper up on his perch, but he conveniently walked down the stairs as I lay in wait around the corner. One quick knife thrust and the outpost was clear.

Would have been a lot more w@&k if it wasn't for that tiger or leopard, whatever it was, thank you. I looked around but couldn't find a body to skin, so it must have faded away in the meantime. Too bad, those skins are worth decent money.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that was a very entertaining read, I could visualise it as if I had been there  :) :-X I think I even know which outpost you were describing.

One part reminded me: buildings on stilts. I once was inside a camp with houses on stilts and on the other side were some pirates -- I could see their legs. I thought I'd give it a shot, literally, and popped one guy's knee cap. It was fun as they went ballistic on the other side without seeing me while I kept shooting at their legs :-D Then I had to rush through a hole in the corrugated iron fence as they were about to round the corner and spot me. Behind the fence I could see the outline of a pirate as he was tagged and I thought hell, this should w@&k, and aimed for the silhouette of his head in order to perform a headshot through the thin iron.. and indeed, the silhouette faded into thin air not without gaining me another +25XP or so for a headshot.  :-() :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on January 03, 2013, 11:41:59 AM
that was a very entertaining read, I could visualise it as if I had been there  :) :-X I think I even know which outpost you were describing.

One part reminded me: buildings on stilts. I once was inside a camp with houses on stilts and on the other side were some pirates -- I could see their legs. I thought I'd give it a shot, literally, and popped one guy's knee cap. It was fun as they went ballistic on the other side without seeing me while I kept shooting at their legs :-D Then I had to rush through a hole in the corrugated iron fence as they were about to round the corner and spot me. Behind the fence I could see the outline of a pirate as he was tagged and I thought hell, this should w@&k, and aimed for the silhouette of his head in order to perform a headshot through the thin iron.. and indeed, the silhouette faded into thin air not without gaining me another +25XP or so for a headshot.  :-() :-X

Indeed - good read, D_B  :-X

I was wondering if you could wound the pirates, and if so, would their friends come out to help.

It is also good to know that your bullets will go through sheet metal  :-()  I wonder what the AMR rounds will go through; might just have to test it this afternoon.


Quote from: Art Blade on January 03, 2013, 10:01:44 AM
I can't help but notice that "s"  ???  :-D

:laugh: He has a wife and a girlfriend  ;D
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


Quote from: PZ on January 03, 2013, 12:32:22 PM
I was wondering if you could wound the pirates, and if so, would their friends come out to help.

I had completely forgotten about wounded pirates calling for help! I made some great kills in FC2 just by wounding one merc and waiting for his mates to come and help!  >:D

@Art... whose "S" are you looking at, mate?!?!  \:/
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I'd noticed that we can't wound the pirates in this game. It's one of the best features in FC2 which I sorely missed
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)

Art Blade

hehe JRD  :-D

Well, we can wound them (they'll shout something like, "ARGH! I'm shot!") but they will ignore those wounds and keep charging or start to retreat, but no friends have come to help them so far.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


As the old saying goes... with friends like those, who needs enemies

Too bad wounding doesn't w@&k; that was a great feature in FC2

Art Blade

At least shooting in their general direction works almost like wounding them because they'll start to shout which attracts other pirates/mercs. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I took on a supply drop race from the radio tower north of the Hubert Shore Power outpost. It's one of the quad bike ones and is pretty much steeply downhill all the way. I was doing OK until I hit a rock just before the second last blue smoke marker and the whole rig barrel-rolled and spat me off. But the quad kept sliding downhill, upside-down, with me running after it, and it slid right over the next smoke marker which apparently counted because that marker went out and the next one beckoned. I caught up with the bike as it righted itself soon after and I was able to get back on board. One blue marker left and then the red, and I still had fifteen seconds to spare. I gunned it through the last blue smoke marker, then, with noteworthy precision, piloted the bike straight into a tree trunk. Hurriedly backing up and squinting through the black smoke pouring out of the motor, I wrestled it around, over-corrected, hit another tree, wrestled some more, got it sorted and finally made it to the red smoke - with 2 seconds to spare.

The Rakyat guy only just managed to utter a comment about how he wished all their drivers were as fast as me before the bear jumped on him. Oh crap... I got the Bull out and started pumping rounds into the bear - all two of them. Guess who hadn't reloaded the gun since the last time he'd used it! This resulted in a frantic game of ring-around-the-rosy (the rosy being a small wooden shack) with a cranky bear on my case and me desperately trying to stuff more rounds into the shottie. I got a few in before I ran into the bear's butt after sprinting around a corner of the shack (he hadn't chased me all the way around after all), and fortunately those proved enough - Smokey went down with the last shell.

I reckoned I earned those points :-()

Since the next mission was the one to find the "man in white" in Badtown, I thought I'd drive and then hike up to the very high ridge ENE of the tower I'd started the supply race from, where there's a kind of radio shack or something with a hang glider next to it, and fly to the town. This glider is located just below the highest peak on the north island and I thought it would give me more than enough flying time to reach Badtown. I was right - I cruised over the town from what appeared to be an altitude of a couple of hundred metres. Trouble was, I was way too high. As I passed over the town, my alter-ego piped up and started going on about how it was the town from his dream, etc. This locked me into the mission and as I flew a little further on I got the warning message about leaving the mission area. Damn... I was still miles up, and of course no wingsuit/parachute at this point in the game. Which meant a lot of tiresome maneuvering and trying to lose altitude within a pretty small radius - I would only have to fly a little beyond the town in any direction to make the warning message appear. So I had a brilliant idea - I'll fly over one of the surrounding rivers, let go of the glider and drop into the water. So that's what I did.

Missed it by that much...

Jim di Griz

 :laugh: and  :laugh: for both stories fragger.

The first one I thought you were going to say the Rakyat guy had just enough time to say "..." before the buggy blew up  :) or that the bear might get caught out that way.

It is funny though how well laid plans can go catastophically wrong with mounting and often unexpected interferences from elsewhere piling into the fray.
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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Art Blade

those were two very funny episodes, fragger  :laugh: :-X man, it cracked me up when I read, "before the bear jumped on him"  :laugh: hysterical! :-() :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


 :laugh: :-X :-X :-X

Oh man... I love open world games... both the site and the games  ;D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


 :laugh: :-X that's priceless, fragger, simply priceless!



One thing I'll say for FC3, there is much scope for funny incidents! I think there'll be plenty more to come from all of us 8)

Art Blade

I was walking across a small wooden bridge that span across a small river and was quite close to the ground when a pirate came along in a car, saw me, went ballistic, went in directions I couldn't understand and finally ended up below me under the bridge. Since it wasn't steep at all, he survived, the river was shallow, too, so he didn't drown, either. I tried to spot him so I went close to the ledge and tried to tease him by jumping around above his head. Until I found myself jumping down at him with an unexpected takedown from above.  ??? :laugh:


The outpost I wanted to liberate not only had a caged bear of their own but always another wild bear roaming about nearby and I knew that from prior "funny" situations which involved inhaling said bear's breath. So, apart from tagging enemies in that outpost, I waited until I had that bear tagged, too, before proceeding. I found a sniper position on a slab of rock that provided shelter but faced a rather steep cliff to its rear side. In order to use it as a hideout, I had to stay close to that edge which kind of prevented any safe escape but hey.. better than the other options (no high grounds and forest everywhere). I sniped the first guys and of course their mates went on seek-and-destroy mode, running towards me.

Between me and them I had that unobtrusive and unsuspicious bear.. I threw a rock between pirates and bear. The pirates and the bear immediately went to investigate.. and found one another. A moment of silence, then waves of yelling, shouting and roaring descended upon me and the attackers' silhouettes vanished one by one.. Outpost liberated. With the caged bear still sitting innocently in there. Of course I had to free him, which resulted in another wave of yelling, shouting and roaring. Now the outpost was definitely cleared.  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Jim di Griz

Nice to act as Fate's agent  :-() bringing all those elements together  :-X
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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Jim di Griz

Something odd happened to me today. I'm fairly sure it was intentionally designed like this by the game. I decided to get to the communications centre via hang-glider, wingsuit and lastly parachute and that's when it happened.

Due to starting so high up, I had plenty of chance to observe the layout from the air, so decided to land on the rock butte where the big dish was, thinking to save myself some time and have an immediate advantage over the troops all facing outwards below me.

As I came in, Sam called me frantically warning to approach from the ground and I began to rise up, as if caught on a strong thermal...and I mean a volcano vent thermal. I think I rose a hundred metres in five seconds. So neither Sam or the game wanted me taking the simple route.

By way of apology, the game did sent two panthers in to take out most of the first tier guards for me whilst I was tagging them - I only had to shoot a few snipers and one poor fella blithely minding his own business off to the side. I did find my second merc-in-a-rock there too - he was inside one of the artillery gun emplacements, about a metre under the surface...

The mission overall was a bit of fun though, seeming more like a BF3 MP blow up objectives match with me defending the detonator against all comers.
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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Good one Jim! I tried to enter the bunker from above since I managed to get on top of it pre-mission-scripted, but nothing. The damn game is so linear to where it comes to main missions, there was no way of even entering the bunker from what looked like a simple opening with a ladder :-\\

Funny that the game gave you a sort of thermic upwards experience.... I got a down-pressed experience once I tried to be cleaver and use a hang glider to approach a mission area ::)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Jim di Griz

Ouch, forcing a crash landing that'd kill you or leave you seriously wounded for the privateers/pirates to finish off - that's harsh.
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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In my case, it pushed me into the ocean, so I had to swim my way up to the darn yacht :-\\ ;)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

I had my first "rock-solid bear" -- I could hear him, I could see his silhouette, and the bitch scratched me badly. I managed to kill him but was unable to skin him.

[smg id=5306 type=link align=center width=500 caption="2013 01 05 00018"]

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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