buddies or the church ?

Started by shiba, April 02, 2009, 03:25:18 AM

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Hi, I've reach the mission where I must choose between helping my buddies at Mike's place or go to the church and save the guys.
I tried both to see what happened but I finally chosed to save my friends (friendship never dies ! haha and I ain't that much into religion after all :p) so I was wondering if it has a real repercussion later ?


As far as I know there are no repercussions of either choice.

Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer.
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


SPOILER-Nope, no difference, and you won't win either mission. This is where you are taken to the next map.
Are you listening to the wind now? Tell the wind to bring me some beer. F*ck the beer, we need women!


Will you set your connections aside for the greater good, or stick by your friends? Your choice. I couldn't abandon my friends. Me and them(aside from Marty, who was my first K.I.A. buddy) had been through a lot


Yeah, I went with the buddies first time through, I figured, hell it's closer and come to think of it, I've never seen a civilian in Pala...
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I went for my buddies on my first playthrough, but never thought about trying the other option... guess I was saving the surprise for my 2nd play.....

well shiba, all I can say is: come back to this post when you finish the game...
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity



The advantage of chosing the church is that you can enter the 2 restricted areas in town and steal all the factions diamonds  ;)

Art Blade

... because every merc is at Mike's, you're free to take them unmolested ... haha, nice one!  :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


******* SPOILER********

... and if you choose Mike's, you can shoot your buddies yourself and be sure they are dead for good  ;D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Quote from: JRD on May 06, 2009, 12:35:35 PM

******* SPOILER********

... and if you choose Mike's, you can shoot your buddies yourself and be sure they are dead for good  ;D


That's interesting... had not thought of this easy option - have you tried it and discovered that the buddies are missing from the LZ?


Quote from: deadman on May 06, 2009, 12:13:26 PM

The advantage of chosing the church is that you can enter the 2 restricted areas in town and steal all the factions diamonds  ;)

Good tip deadman...

Try this for a thrill - grab a 6P9 and sneak your way into each of the garages - man that's an adrenalin rush to get in and out without firing a shot.  Having the 6P9 makes it so that you'd better not miss with that head shot!


Quote from: PZ on May 06, 2009, 04:42:41 PM
Quote from: JRD on May 06, 2009, 12:35:35 PM

******* SPOILER********

... and if you choose Mike's, you can shoot your buddies yourself and be sure they are dead for good  ;D


That's interesting... had not thought of this easy option - have you tried it and discovered that the buddies are missing from the LZ?

No, I haven't... on my 1st playthrough I was too naive to do that, I wanted to help my buddies (imagine my shock when I got to the LZ) and on my actual playthrough (2nd go) I went to the church..... will let you know on my 3rd go ;)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Art Blade

Good idea... I'll probably go to Mike's and see the last man standing going down :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Does anyone know if it's possible to eliminate all buddies before reaching the LZ? I haven't tried but had considered the possiblilities.  On my first playthrough one of my buddies went missing after subverting a mission but before I could reach him at the meeting place, and I was wondering if this was a scripted event that prevents all buddies from being eliminated so that the arms dealer will always be dead when you reach the LZ. Any thoughts?


Welcome to the forums mmosu,

I was playing through intending to kill all my buddies at Mike's in Leboa (just before you go to Bowa) to see what happens at the LZ.  In an earlier play through, I managed to do away with all but Josip and he was the only one at the LZ (I think).

In other plays through I killed all my buddies inside Mike's when the mercs attacked, but when I checked my stats page, they were listed as abandoned (not deceased).  Because of that, I decided to kill all my main buddies so that they rotated through the roster, but developed a problem.  I didn't kill them fast enough - reached 27% and I still had two buddies left that I had not killed and it was unfortunately too late to do so.  Here is what I plan to do next time:

  • Do the two buddy quests for my main buddy so I get the reputation increase for doing so
  • Do a main mission and accept the subverted buddy mission, after which, kill my main buddy which will then cycle another buddy into his/her place.
  • Be sure that I do a mixture of buddy quests and main missions, keeping track of each so I do not lose out on anything.
  • Release the other buddies (locked up in the different areas)
  • Finally, rescue the wounded buddy north of Schwasana and have then cycle through.
What I hope to do is balance the main missions/buddy quests so that I can kill my main buddy at each step so I gradually decrease the number of buddies.  Hopefully I'll be able to kill them all before I go south to Bowa.  We'll see how it goes.

Art Blade

welcome mmosu :)

I tried to kill everyone during my last playthrough, but I couldn't get rid of the last buddy (both spaces in my notebook were empty: no best buddy, no rescue buddy). Because the last buddy would survive the blast at Mike's, I didn't opt for the church. So when I went to Mike's, my last buddy let me in. Killing inside Mike's is an illusion -- even if you do it, they will be regarded as missing and show up at the landing zone in the endgame. Of course, my Leboa-buddy did show up there. I'm not sure if I could have killed every buddy in Leboa before going to the semi final  ;)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Shouldn't you just be able to kill your rescue buddies, then when you have one left, kill your main on a subverted mission? I've never tried this but I can also confirm that if you kill a buddy they won't show up at the LZ. I'm not sure what happens if they die because of someone else, outside of Mike's.


Yeah, but I've been down to one and had only that one show up at the LZ


Thank you for the welcome! What about offing the plane crash buddy as soon as you come across them.  Since you come across them in the open world and not inside a "no fire" building you could just pop him while he's lying there helpless and that would make one less guy to deal with later on.  It should theoretically be possible to get rid of everyone if you get at least one person per main mission, but it seems as though everyone i've talked to who has tried has had something go wrong to prevent them from doing it, as if the game is set up not to allow it.  What's up with that man, I want to kill the arms dealer at the LZ myself!


Quote from: mmosu on July 07, 2009, 07:10:38 AM
What about offing the plane crash buddy as soon as you come across them.  Since you come across them in the open world and not inside a "no fire" building you could just pop him while he's lying there helpless and that would make one less guy to deal with later on.

You would then loose his two side missions that help increasing your reputation.
Besides, if you don't want him in the LZ, just don't help him, it won't count as a "buddy met" in your note pad and he won't show up for the party  ;)
I think the game will always "save" one buddy. If you have only two left, you won't have a rescue ready buddy, only your best buddy.
Never managed to shoot them all either  :(
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Too bad, I can't tell you how many times during my first play through when talking to the arms dealer I thought "this guy is shady, I'm definately gonna clap him if I get the chance".  Imagine my disappointment when I arrived at the LZ ready to pry a briefcase of diamonds from his cold, dead hand and instead ended up in the middle of one of the biggest freakin dirty double-crosses of all time!  >:(


woosshh... I never realised its THE arms dealer (the one at the gunshop) you are supposed to meet in the LZ and take the case with the diamonds  :-[

Which shows how the story lacks depth  :P
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


haha, I never realized that either JRD! 

And a belated welcome here too mmosu.  btw I just noticed your on PS3...do you do any multiplayer of FC2 or other games?
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A little bit of Metal Gear Online and Street Fighter II HD Remix, but I haven't got into either of those too deeply or FC2 multiplayer yet, too much to explore in single player still . . .

Art Blade

Quote from: mmosu on July 07, 2009, 08:59:53 AMwhen I arrived at the LZ ready to pry a briefcase of diamonds from his cold, dead hand

I always thought he had a nice shirt, but never realised it was the same guy.

lol, has anyone, except mmosu?  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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