Day of the Jackal

Started by B33 ENN, April 29, 2010, 09:03:20 AM

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When you start the game, it explicitly states your primary goal is to hunt him down nd kill him. After what happened at Mike's, when all my buddies (and myself?) got killed, I've wondered around and lost interest in the mission structure of the factions as they appear to lead into a linear funnelling style of gameplay, and the choices don't affect the story at all.

So, instead, I figured I'd invent my own missions, much the same as the ones they give you; but, primarily, I want to find the Jackal on my own terms.

I had assumed that when you begin, the Jackal is created also as a constantly available target somewhere on the two maps of the game world, but I get the feeling now he doesn't. He merely appears as a theatric tool to give a sermon when you complete an Act and get ressurected, but of course you are sick, cannot move and have no weapons indoors anyway.

Is that the case? There is no Jackal opponent?
"Do your mother a favour, buy a Lance & Ferman Military Laser."

Art Blade

The Jackal only makes his appearance during those cut scenes and cut scene like events. You can't find him or fight him (unless you use cheats, and then it will disturb the game progress)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


 :D Shame. Unless...

Mike is the Jackal! Anyone else noticed he's never in his own bar...?  ;D
"Do your mother a favour, buy a Lance & Ferman Military Laser."


I can go along with this idea  :-X

Mike probably sent the baddies to Mike's bar to kill all of your buddies.  ;D


I thought it kind of odd that your main mission was to kill the Jackal and you end up doing everything but.....
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

true. Haha, ironically, he doesn't even need you for that  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: PZ on April 29, 2010, 10:08:54 AM
Mike probably sent the baddies to Mike's bar to kill all of your buddies.  ;D

I knew it, double crossing...

Well, I'm enjoying my tour as a freelancer now. The last job for Deepthroat at Shwasana was too easy in the end. Got my usual spot northern side of the bay, big rock on the hillside just near the wooden look-out platform overlooking the whole bay. Sniped everything that moved, then aimed the M79 at the sky, choosing clouds for aiming markers. Fired a few shots to get the right elevation, and bombarded the far side of the bay trying to hit near the marked point on the map. Ker-ching... never even saw him, whoever he was. Probably didn't even need to snipe the guards, but made good practice at that distance.

Strolled back towards the Northern bus stop, but just had to pop that landrover patrol before leaving the area. How should I do it this time? I know, hide in the burned out bus on the intersection and take pot shots. They like ramming their way to me, lets see if they can get me in this wreck. No? What's the matter boys? Stuck? Bullets just ricocheting off the rusty metal? I'm standing right here in yer face ya dumb merc! never mind, have to pop you point-blank and borrow your truck, mate... It's a long walk to the bus-stop in the mid-afternoon sun, and I forgot my sun-block   8)

Arrived in Pala, had a bite to eat while I figured out my next move, threw a grenade over a wall to keep the local boys from getting bored, then decided to make my way to a cell tower south of Private Property. Not been there before. Decided to try the riverboat rides on the jetty just outside of town. Not really used the riverboats much, usually too scared I'll be caught out in the open, unable to see who from what. Usually, I only swim across rivers to avoid the patrols or checkpoints.

Surprise, no one bothered me most of the way so I could enjoy the scenery for a change. Came across a few local ASBO's hanging by a safehouse just northeast of Private Property. Always cautious to remain far enough away, so I pulled up to the bank and sniped 'em. Hmmm, nice little riverside spot, think I'll have this... once the war's over, property prices are sure to surge and I'll be quids in with this little number. Plus, always fancied a retirement learning to fish.

Right, now quickest way down to the cell tower is right through the PP, then past some checkpoint. Sun's going down fast, colours are beautiful this time of day, good cover too. Think I'll swim to the opposite bank, see who's home through the scope.

Only 2 guys in a boat, couple on the bank below? Can't see anyone up above on that swanky looking estate, either, but they're probably playing cards or something. Reckon I'll snipe away the hired hands below and then use the M79 to lob over a few hello's and crash the party.

Yep, they weren't expecting that! Map says there's some explosives around, will keep lobbing till we get some fireworks going... Dance boys, dance! Right, they're paying attention now so swim across and pull out the AR-16 for some crouching tiger, hidden dragon :P God, I'm loving this gun, two bursts and merc say bye-bye.

Right cleaned up maybe 7 or 8 playing hide'n'seek, but must dash, got call-waiting: Deepthroat needs another favour. Hope the target will be close by, don't fancy walking all night. Hmmm, checkpoint charlies bearing 12-o-clock... what to do? Think I'll rush them, give them a fighting chance rather than snipe, plenty of places to hide around their camp anyway. Okay, the AR really makes this unfair on them  ;D Surprised two while they stood together hiding behind a wall, trying to reload.
Can't feel too sorry for them though, plenty more mercs where they came from.

Okay, Deepthroat guy needs someone popped at Mokuba... not too far, on my route actually... ker-ching...  :) Dark now, looks a built up area on the map, village maybe, no idea what's there so best find a highspot and overlook the area. Think through the options, can't get complacent, I'm only one guy.
"Do your mother a favour, buy a Lance & Ferman Military Laser."


Another good story  :-X

**Potential technique spoilers**

If you haven't discovered it, there is a great sniping position close to the main area of Shwasana - from the position you described, it is to your right (western side) among the steep hillsides.  It is accessible via a foot path on the western edge of the area.  If I recall correctly, there is a diamond at that spot.

Try using the swamp boats for travel - sometimes they're faster that going overland, and sometimes even safer too.  For instance, when in Bowa and I need to go to the Post Office (or any point near there), I always take the swamp boat at the base of one of the southern bridges out of Mosate Selao.  I hardly am ever bothered by anyone along the way, except on a few occasions, the mercs at a GP on the beach along the way.  After you travel the maps for a while, you'll discover which method to use for easiest and fastest transport.

Here's another fun way to go when in Bowa and you need to do anything in the northwest region - travel to the northwest bus stop, then go to the armory just to the east and wait for a GLAT to arrive from the south.  Shoot the mercs and steal their truck then go wherever you need to be - launching grenades at anything that moves.  ;D


Quote from: PZ on April 29, 2010, 01:00:47 PM

If you haven't discovered it, there is a great sniping position close to the main area of Shwasana - from the position you described, it is to your right (western side) among the steep hillsides.  It is accessible via a foot path on the western edge of the area.  If I recall correctly, there is a diamond at that spot....

Try using the swamp boats for travel... Shoot the mercs and steal their truck then go wherever you need to be - launching grenades at anything that moves....

I think I know the spot you mean, I went there on my first mission in the game and collected that diamond. Never thought to use that area to snipe as I never been back there until now.  :-X

As I have been doing the rounds, I noticed a lot of these water bottles that flash, but I can never pick them up - what is the situation with them?
"Do your mother a favour, buy a Lance & Ferman Military Laser."


They're worth a bit of health return if you are health deficient.  Nothing happens if your health is full.

Art Blade

Quote from: B33 ENN on April 29, 2010, 11:15:16 AMthrew a grenade over a wall to keep the local boys from getting bored

LOL  :-X

Very good read, and phrases like that I like in a story  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Well, it's been a few months, I'm sure, that I've been out here. Decided to get totally lost in the South, and after that fiasco at Mike's up North, I learned a simple lesson: the only friends in a place like this are the kind you carry and reload. So every chance I get I shoot these so called "buddies" looking to rope me into a free favour. Only ever get involved if there's a good chance I'll be able to put one through the guy so he can't double crosss me down the line.  >:D Chinese guy wanted me in on some passport scam but I avoided it. Something about it just didn't add up from his feeble sell, and I didn't see what was in it for me. The Irish guy saved my bacon one time so I figured I owed him, but then he tried to get me to walk into an ambush at the airport. Sounded too much like something Flora pulled on me in the North at the junkyard. That day I decided to replace her with a new friend, paranoia, and he's never let me down. So I  hid away and watched while Frank took care of it himself. Got to admit, he certainly could handle himself, shame I had to put him down like a bad hotdog. Never liked indigestion so I never gave him a chance to turn my stomach. Still thinking I was a friend and all, I stabbed him in the back - but I used a whole clip to make sure he didn't suffer. Just the Chinese guy left on the list now... if he keeps outta my way, we could both make it through this. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to chalk up another failed relationship to experience. :'(

Since I decided to go walkabout, learned to take care of myself a lot better. I'm in this for myself now, not gonna be anyone's patsy. Makes no difference to me if the Jackal lives or dies because there's always another waiting to fill the vacancy... Law of the jungle. So if one is as good as another, why bother, better the devil you know, right? At least, that's my excuse, you can find your own - but any which way you cut this cake, you'll find the those Texans have it right, in this game, you gotta make your own rules. So I realised I don't need the gun shop anymore either, with that shifty Jackal wannabe always safe behind his chicken wire, ratting out his own kind to corner the market. Wonder why? So he can raise the prices down the line once there's only one choice in town? Not for me thanks... Never liked franchises, something about fast food always smacked of a slow death, and instinct tells me it's got to be the same in this racket. Why pay when I can pick up the latest gear for free off the vulture food I leave behind wherever I go? Much more fun too, like a box of chocolates, never know quite what you're gonna get. Only ever hurts when they jam up on you, but guess that's why my mum always said chew properly before you swallow. When all else fails, I learned the machete is unbeatable if you charge them like a mad elephant. It's all in the whites of the eyes...  :o

You can use the waterways a lot more to get around down here than up North. Most of the time it's pretty clear, but when it isn't I realised I can just dive down, hold my breath long as possible and swim past trouble outta sight like a sub. Once or twice I even took out a boat without firing a shot. Just swam right along side, up real close; popping my head up till the guy tries to shoot, then duck under, come up the other side, then again from the back. Dumb merc ended up shooting his own engine so many times he blew the boat up killing himself and his buddy. Good play when your far from shore and can't shoot back. Guess the mercs with the lowest IQ's get to do boat duty in this man's country. Since I discovered that trick, I tried something similar with the boys on shore. Had one of those days when all the guns I picked up finally gave out after enough jams. Left me with just my machette which I normally reserve just to carve the turkeys at night when I don't want the whole crowd to know I'm in town. On this bright sunny day though, I was in the thick of it already when the hand-me-downs let me... erm, down. Plus, there was even bigger trouble. Normally, can duck and dive, scatter them, and then serve them up one at a time. :-X

Not today, they had a guy with the high ground packing a spud launcher. Back before I ditched the gun shop, I never left home without one alongside a sniper rifle, like it was a religion or something. These days I almost never have either as you just don't come across them lying around. You gotta go after a merc who has one if you think you're gonna need it. Usually, they are too savvy to let go of it without taking you down first, so I avoid snipers and rocket guys as part of a healthy diet. This time though, it was bad recon on my part for not knowing there was a spud-boy on the block. Rushed into this mess and everytime I thought I was safe, I hear that whistle and just pray I'm gonna make it. A few too many close calls and I was fast running outta syrettes as the flankers on the ground started closing in. I took a risk, figured he'd spud me where ever I went, except maybe their own back yard. I managed to skulk and dart my way to their club house and the mercs followed me back since the spud-boy could see me all the time from up high. To my surprise, it didn't stop him firing at me. With maybe 7 or 8 mercs closing in, I realised if he was that stupid, maybe he was stupid enough to take out his own guys if I let stayed put behind some hard cover and let them walk right up to me. Went exactly like that too, one round after another he pretty much whacked all his own guys as they came home. I didn't have to machette a single one! In the end it was just him, me, and the path leading up to him. If I could get close enough using cover, I could charge him when he switched to the lead. I learned another lesson that day: out here, patience is it's own reward, and creativity is the best weapon.

Be lying if I said I haven't felt homesick, but then there's no one back there for the likes of me anyway. Nah... I'm much better watching the sun rise and set over the cliffs out here. Food could be better, but you can't complain when it's free, and a Zebra gets you a fair way out here. Just a shame there aren't any freezers, but that's another thing I like about this place, nothing gets wasted. Whatever you leave behind feeds some other poor wretch lower down on the food chain... Guess that's enough for now, got to move on, before I get too comfortable.
"Do your mother a favour, buy a Lance & Ferman Military Laser."


Hey B33 ENN!  Good to see you and you brought presents in the form of some fine narrative too!

Don't be to harsh on the little Chinese guy.  I think whatever past indiscretion earned him that scar knocked him a bit loopy.  He's an obnoxious jerk, sure but underneath it all I think he's child at heart just looking for laughs, a good friend and and whatever else he can manage to scratch together.  While far flung (opposite sides of the map from Mike's) his errands are easy to get into and back out of with barely a scraped knuckle.  Reputation is reputation and that's the only coin I got when it comes to pushing around the faction's bully boys, that is short of drastically voiding their warranties by folding spindling and mutilating.

I think in a perfect world that our prankster would have been running a noodle shop somewhere and his regular customers would come in for his chatter as much as to get fed.  Sure he likes to set a barb but I can't recall him ever willingly putting a knife in my back.

Happy hunting and keep an ear open for that foot step that falls behind you.  :-X

Oh and I gave you a kudos for finding for finding your way back out of the bush and not going completely expat.  :-D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

well said, mandru, and he got a slap on the back by me, too  :) Kudos for that delicious read and for returning home rather than getting lost somewhere on the net.  :-X

Just on an aside, I like two approaches described: Boat dummies and silly sniper "support" - well done  ;D :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: B33 ENN on October 12, 2010, 07:03:52 AM
... Dumb merc ended up shooting his own engine so many times he blew the boat up killing himself and his buddy. Good play when your far from shore and can't shoot back. Guess the mercs with the lowest IQ's get to do boat duty in this man's country. Since I discovered that trick, I tried something similar with the boys on shore. Had one of those days when all the guns I picked up finally gave out after enough jams. Left me with just my machette which I normally reserve just to carve the turkeys at night when I don't want the whole crowd to know I'm in town. On this bright sunny day though, I was in the thick of it already when the hand-me-downs let me... erm, down. Plus, there was even bigger trouble. Normally, can duck and dive, scatter them, and then serve them up one at a time. :-X

Not today, they had a guy with the high ground packing a spud launcher. Back before I ditched the gun shop, I never left home without one alongside a sniper rifle, like it was a religion or something. These days I almost never have either as you just don't come across them lying around. You gotta go after a merc who has one if you think you're gonna need it. Usually, they are too savvy to let go of it without taking you down first, so I avoid snipers and rocket guys as part of a healthy diet. This time though, it was bad recon on my part for not knowing there was a spud-boy on the block. Rushed into this mess and everytime I thought I was safe, I hear that whistle and just pray I'm gonna make it. A few too many close calls and I was fast running outta syrettes as the flankers on the ground started closing in. I took a risk, figured he'd spud me where ever I went, except maybe their own back yard. I managed to skulk and dart my way to their club house and the mercs followed me back since the spud-boy could see me all the time from up high. To my surprise, it didn't stop him firing at me. With maybe 7 or 8 mercs closing in, I realised if he was that stupid, maybe he was stupid enough to take out his own guys if I let stayed put behind some hard cover and let them walk right up to me. Went exactly like that too, one round after another he pretty much whacked all his own guys as they came home. I didn't have to machette a single one! In the end it was just him, me, and the path leading up to him. If I could get close enough using cover, I could charge him when he switched to the lead. I learned another lesson that day: out here, patience is it's own reward, and creativity is the best weapon...

Absolutely hilarious  :-X

🡱 🡳

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