3rd play - different start...

Started by PZ, December 30, 2009, 08:38:20 AM

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Starting my 3rd play in the game, I decided to try something different.  After the initial fight scene, when my brother wants me to continue, I strolled into town instead.  There was a single observation point available so I opened up a bit more of the map.  Then, Pick pocketing everyone I came across, I collected enough to purchase a treasure map, which was then used to further my earnings to the 6,000 level where I could purchase a large medicine pouch.  Still pick pocketing, I collected enough revenue to purchase the full complement of medicine vials (15).  Interestingly, when you do this method, there is not a single guard in town except for 3 (unarmed) that are guarding a codex page.  3 fist fights later and the codex page was mine.

My notoriety also did not increase at all even though I punched the lights out of many villagers.  Now, I've almost exhausted all I can do without going to the main mission starting point, but it sure has been fun!


I'm glad they worked on side missions on AC2... it really makes for great replay value!  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


cool idea to stretch the boundaries of where/what you can do at any given time.

Two questions I've been meaning to ask you.  I think you mentioned you had the Auditore Cape, does that mean on your initial playthrough you found all the feathers?  I think that the cape gets unlocked from that.  if so, kudos to you.  I've got 49 to go still, but haven't played in a few days.  You do seem to be getting some good hours in of play time though.

That leads to wonder if you are getting the trophies for your achievements if your internet connection gives you grief.  I don't think you need the connection to get the trophies, but I'm not sure.
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@JRD - yes, the replay is excellent and I think that you'll enjoy the game quite a bit.  I'm actually going to do AC1 on the PC to get the initial story line - my son thinks that I'd probably like it.

@space - I don't think that I have the Auditore cape, only the armor - I've not managed to collect many feathers yet.  In fact, I don't even have all the treasures, but in this latest play through, I intend to do all the side missions possible before doing any of the main missions so that I complete each small section of the map that is revealed by completing the main missions.

I'm not sure if I am earning any of the trophies either - never saw anything appear on the screen (that I noticed), but will check the stats.


ah.  the trophies come up as a PS3 message in the upper right (not in game) and give you a satisfying "pling" sound.  Some are just for finishing parts of the story etc., but some are for doing specific actions which are fun to go out to do (ie. poison an NPC and then air assassinate him, sweep 5 guards at once with a long weapon, hide 5 dead bodies in hay bales, stuff like that).  Anyways this is probably the first game I'll "platinum" (get all trophies) I think I'm at 90% right now.  You can see if you have them by going to the Trophy sub-menu within Game on the XMB.
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Quote from: PZ on December 30, 2009, 09:45:57 AM
  I'm actually going to do AC1 on the PC to get the initial story line - my son thinks that I'd probably like it.

Great... AC1 looks amazing, gameplay though... needed a lot of improvement - as you'll find out soon!!

Try to get the director's cut edition... earlier releases will only give you pickpocketing and eavesdroppimg as side missions to "learn" about your target. You'll have citizens rescue as well, but they don't really change gameplay much... stick to the story and the outstanding Holy Land during the Crusades and you'll be happy!!!

Let us know how you like it!  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


After reading the posts here and watching some demos of AC2 on the net, I really want to get into it. Alas, I have to wait for the PC version to come out... This is the first game on my new year's "to get" list.

Art Blade

Welcome to the club  ;D Can't wait... as JRD uses to say, "OhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoy"  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


excellent fragger, I think you'll really enjoy it.
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Indeed you will enjoy it - has much the same experimentation fun as in FC2.  I've funny stories to tell soon.

🡱 🡳

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