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Video games => Far Cry 2 => Far Cry series => Missions => Topic started by: retiredgord on July 20, 2009, 08:43:32 AM

Title: Nasreen's assassination at Airport near Marina
Post by: retiredgord on July 20, 2009, 08:43:32 AM
I shoulda said "No, No, Non, Nyet Nasreen" but those eyes had me say yes to her request that I serve a big dirt sandwich to a dude at the airport nearby.
   Having agreed, I left Mike's and grabbed an A/T and headed up the road to drive to the target area. Having rested a while, when I encountered the DD on the road the other side of the bridge I decided to play a game with him.  He saw me and gave chase, I drove backwards when he got out to shoot, I drove backwards, he gave chase till I stopped. You can see what I was doing..DD trolling and I had a good hit. hehehe. Well that was fun until the jerk got himself stuck so I had to kill him using the .30 cal on the truck before proceeding up the road.
    The noise must have alerted the patrol on the road as they had thought they were smart and stopped at a narrow part to await my arrival.  Poor sobs. I came at them at a good speed, hopped up into the turret and had them dead in a few bursts. What maroons. I get their .50 cal.
    So now the road will be clear and I boogey on up to the entrance and stop to decide in this way or the back door?   Malaria strikes..good timing if an attack can be called good at any time.  Front door, but cautiously as there is supposed to be a RPG or mortar guy that's good.
     I drive in far enough off the road to avoid any other patrols that could get me from my six, yet still not far enough for their guards to see me. I slink up the rocks on the right side and jump up them until I can see the first guard and the house. Out comes Duke  to check the area for the RPG guy. I see the guard and I slowly scan the far side to locate the heavy weapon and THERE HE IS... looking very small at this distance, halfway down the far side.  I grab Duke and am about to get the RPG guy when a round wizzes near me.  It seems they've spotted me.  Yep..I hear that whoosh and see a small tip of fire coming at me.  I jump down behind some rocks, and the rocket goes over my position, but still too close and I and move forward until I get a bead on the shooter nearby. I quick peek around the rocks near the house and spot the shooter  and squeeze off a round and the guy is gone...down.  With no idea where the shot came from the guard at the house is still looking when he goes down. I hear another whoosh and look up in time to see the rocket will hit nearby but now I see him and there will be no more as a round finds his head..
   The last shot has stirred up the whole area and the mercs start a runnin looking for the perp.  I creep up a few more steps to get a view of the tower and get a shot off to put him outta the equation.  In my sneeking about I didn't notice a guard had gotten up and behind me to the left until, of course, he saw me and started throwing lead rice at me.  I jump off the rock, change to Peter and give back to him but more.  Reload time and also time to try to get to another spot. I run back, jump in the A/T and drive almost up the path on the left side. This spot is good with the .50 cal to help lessen the opposition. Afew charge the A/T but become compost.
It seems quiet so I hop out and start a slow move up and along the path, checking often with Duke again to see where any mercs are hiding.  A slow creep up almost to the RPG guys position doesn't show any movement near the mouth of the hangars. Ahhh there is one, back by the tree in between.  A shot wounds him but that's ok cuz  a buddy is coming to get him and save him..NOT. Another round  puts him down and then there is 3-4 running about to find cover. One runs out into the open and then into the hangar by the tower. Another hides behind some crates outside. The others are still near the back, dead or alive, I don't know or care. I decide a frontal approach will get me better results o I change to Peter and charge across the runway. First to talk to his maker is the guy behind the crates, then I'm out and running in front of the hangar shooting to drive the merc into the corner where I give him a treat or two..pineapples.  He's  now history.  Out the front and time to stalk the others.  I grab an A/T and take it across from the hangars and strafe the results and then the car..same thing.  Where is the guy? I still haven't seen anybody that might be my main target.  I sneak around the back by the tower and get shot at by a wounded guy.  Mercy killing.  Now up btween the hangars and then catch some rounds from someone else.
   As I run I realize this vermin is Mr. Get-em-high that Nasreen wants planted in a bone orchard. We dance a fews tunes, he get me a bit and I get him alot.
    Mission accomplished flashes in my head.  Time for the drive back to Mike's for the debriefing.  I drive to  get the .50 cal, drive up near the house, shoot up a straggler and head back to Mike's with a warm and fuzzy feeling for the good I've done.
Next time'll be No!!!!
Title: Re: Nasreen's assassination at Airport near Marina
Post by: JRD on July 20, 2009, 09:01:07 AM
All right... the action packed tales of retiredgord are back  8)

I missed those tales along with Duke and Peter... some of my best buddies as well  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Nasreen's assassination at Airport near Marina
Post by: PZ on July 20, 2009, 09:16:18 AM
lol, I particularly liked "lead rice" and "bone orchard" - that Nasreen is a bossy gal...
Title: Re: Nasreen's assassination at Airport near Marina
Post by: Foghorn Leghorn on July 21, 2009, 09:06:03 AM
Excellent story, retiredgord.  I felt like I was right there in the middle of the action!   :-X
Title: Re: Nasreen's assassination at Airport near Marina
Post by: PZ on July 21, 2009, 09:15:16 AM
I just completed another play through, and the mortar is equipped only during the mission where you meet Reuben at the airport.  In addition to the mortar merc on the west side, the sniper in the tower is equipped with an RPG as is another roaming merc on the north side.
Title: Re: Nasreen's assassination at Airport near Marina
Post by: Art Blade on July 21, 2009, 09:56:15 AM
great story, retiredgord  :-X

I too liked "lead rice" and also "he get me a bit and I get him alot."  ;D ;D ;D