OpenWorldGames Server ONE

Video games => ArmA => ArmA2 => Topic started by: Art Blade on June 25, 2009, 12:18:23 AM

Title: 2D editor (2DE) "normal" game editor
Post by: Art Blade on June 25, 2009, 12:18:23 AM
This is for tips how to use the 2d editor (2DE) - that is the regular editor you see in the game menu.
Title: Re: 2D editor (2DE) "normal" game editor
Post by: Art Blade on June 25, 2009, 01:38:45 AM
We have a start here, thanks gvse. The quote is from a time we didn't have an ArmA II forum :)

Quote from: gvse on June 23, 2009, 01:23:41 AM
Now, for the editor. Once inside it, select units to place single item/character, or groups to place... groups ;). Then double click anywhere on the map to drop the unit/group, and you will see a new window with a number of options. Select e.g. blufor (for the us side), then from the menu below select what you want: men, men(fr) - spec-ops, ship, buildings, etc. You can also adjust whether they are in cargo/formation, their skill, where they are facing, etc. The important bit here is that selecting a unit as "Player" gives you control over the avatar, "non-playable"=out of your control, "Playable"=you can switch to the unit in case your "Player" unit dies, etc. Once you do that you should see the option "Preview" on the right hand side, so go and preview what you have! :)
It took me a long time to figure out how to put ammo crates on the map. Well, hit unit, double click on the map to open the unit window and, instead of opfor/blufor, select "empty," and this gives you access to yet more vehicles, ammo crates, etc. Now you should be all set for exploration! :)