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Video games => Far Cry 2 => Far Cry series => Missions => Topic started by: retiredgord on June 22, 2009, 04:57:25 PM

Title: Sepoko Artifact Mission
Post by: retiredgord on June 22, 2009, 04:57:25 PM
So I'm walking around in Mike's chatting with people and when I get to X"attitude" he asks me if I can go out to near Sepoko to pick up some artifacts he has stashed there.  It seems others are interested in them and he wants to be the salesperson.   Ok, I agree, tho as you might be aware of, this guy is getting on my very frayed nerves.
Off I go to take the bus to that wondeful little area,ringed in by fences and inhabited by some air-heads with itchy trigger fingers. The bus stop is just north of Crash Site and there's a handy gun shop nearby just in case.  I pick my spot and the diesel engine sounds and takes me to the stop. I disebark and start thinking about what to do next. The G A/t should be patroling by here soon so I'll borrow that truck. When two more bodies have been prepared for composting, I drive the truck towards Sepoko and take the road from the northwest that'll bring me close  and overlooking the town.
  I get a good spot a istance awy where most rounds won't be of a bother and look for, and try to snipe the merc on the tower. The shooting has woken up that sleepy village so I help with a nice bombardment of the area there with the grenade truck.  Some mercs are getting close so I stop for a few minutes to help change their minds about killing me..I did it first. With a lull I decide I should move my position so I can eliminate the townsfolk and be able to search in peace for my prize.
  Moving left over to the rock face I try to sneak in closer to the fence as I wanted to try to get below and behind the opposition.  As I jump over a couple of rocks I'm completely surprised to find a couple of boys from the Welcome Wagon BEHIND  the rock.  Oh Deer poop!  I start to fight and have a set-back when the Malaria kicks in.  Double poop.  I give the mercs a couple of bursts, snatch a pill and start to head back when my strength returns.  All the while these guys have decided my head would look better separated from the body. Having had more practice at this stuff than they,  and with some persuasion from Peter, they are convinced to come to a DEAD stop.
   This gives me enough time to head back to the truck, move it closer and re-design the area with high explosives.  There is now a lot of quiet so the sneaking starts. Just as my head starts to move around the big rocks to the n/west a couple of rounds zing close by. Stop and drop, peek, locate and then I notice that the sniper has cowered behind the fencing on top of the tower.  Oh oh for him..his leg is showing and a bark from Duke drops him on his face and out of cover.  Another bark and he will no longer worry about the leg..ever. I quick move into the area, two more little gunfights and the ownership has changed for a brief spell.
   I check the GPS and see that the prize I seek is back
closer to the road.  Into the truck  and a short drive puts me near the spot.  Hop out, grab the prize and get the notice that I'm to return to Mike's with it soon.  Ok. I can do that easily.  I drive back to the bus and take it back to Mike's where I'm given my thanks.
   I think I'll just do a few more things for this guy before he becomes compost.
Title: Re: Sepoko Artifact Mission
Post by: PZ on June 22, 2009, 05:33:39 PM
Nice read, Gord, and coincidentally, I did the same mission early this morning on the PS3 - used the stealthy approach though.  The take home lesson is that there are 1000 ways to approach a mission!
Title: Re: Sepoko Artifact Mission
Post by: retiredgord on June 22, 2009, 06:17:03 PM
I agree on all the different ways.  Approach from 50 ft to the right or left and you may need a buddy-rescue. In these missions, as of now, I don't have a rescue-ready. I die , I re-play.  lol
Title: Re: Sepoko Artifact Mission
Post by: Art Blade on June 22, 2009, 06:44:07 PM
Nice read, Gord :) Seems the boys had a few surprises for you up the sleeve  ;D In Sepoko are two mercs I try to take care of with extra care... the sniper of course, and in the center, next to the sign "trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again" is an RPG merc who sometimes costed me dearly, so I try to get him as soon as possible or avoid him as long as possible. All that of course only when I don't have a barrage of grenades at the ready.