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Video games => Far Cry 2 => Far Cry series => Missions => Topic started by: retiredgord on May 25, 2009, 05:24:19 PM

Title: Quarbani's Lost Box
Post by: retiredgord on May 25, 2009, 05:24:19 PM
Well don't that beat all.  There I was just visiting Mike's and Quarbani figures I've nothing better to do with my time.  He asks and I relent to go to the Oasis to get this box he hid there of personal effects.  Yah sure.  Ok I'll do it.
I pop over to the Gunshop to pick up newer stuff. I hate when any weapon kinda just sparks and you suddenly have a hot potato in your hands. But I digress.
So now armed with Duke (Dragunov), Peter (Peter Kills Mercs) and McMac (Mac 10) and Machete I  head to town to take a bus.  Gotta love those bus drivers, never see them but always there for the ride. Anyway, away I go to the S/E Bus Stop and pop into by little 1 room bungalow over in the Safe house to the S/E. Into the house to check the time..5:45 a.m.  Sun-up soon gotta get a movin.
I drive down toward Oaisis and spot a nice huge rock that I'll use for cover.  I then sneak the last 50 yds or so up to the edge of the rocks and find a little ledge overlooking some of the basin. I hear humming, bad so it has to be a merc, and I inch my way forward to the left of a M/G position and peek down.  There is one dude staring into the basin so Duke speaks. I shot him..he was supposed to be on guard, you know. That of course wakes up others so I ended up taking some rounds from someone almost straight ahead but outta sight.  I pull an Art Blade and lob  a 'nade down into the basin to see what it cooks.  Well a scream and an explosion tells me I got another and a vehicle of some sort.  I start trying to eyeball the guy(s) that are popping off rounds at me  and just notice out of the corner of my eye 2 mercs trying to get up to my right near the M/G.  No, no and I grab Peter and start letting him do the talking. One goes down almost immediately and I manage to get a quick burst off to finish the other in short time. Ok I spot the other two dudes and have a short firefight debate with Peter winning.  I lob another 'nade and it lands near the ammo setting off a nice display of pyrotechnics.  I wait a few minutes while reloading and decide to go down.  These guys won't be able to outtalk Peter no matter what they got.  I slowly walk down and gun  the final merc that was hiding near the burning Assault truck.  I check my Handy Dandy GPS and see that my package is near and head off that direction.  Down a narrow cut in the rock and there it is. I pick it up and saunter back toward my ride.  The device  tells me I have accomplished my mission..NO S*IT. I head to the Bus stop and take it back to town.  Grab that little rocket and jet back to Mike's for some more outpouring of gratitude.  Sure.
Title: Re: Quarbani's Lost Box
Post by: Art Blade on May 26, 2009, 08:47:21 AM
good story... man you do sound like a pro  ;D And thanks for featuring me (love my hand grenades) :)
Title: Re: Quarbani's Lost Box
Post by: PZ on May 26, 2009, 10:14:22 AM
Nice read retiredgord!   :-X
Title: Re: Quarbani's Lost Box
Post by: JRD on May 26, 2009, 10:18:25 AM
Excellent story retiredgord.  :-X

Duke, Peter, McMac and I are good friends too (and Bob is my uncle  ;) )
Title: Re: Quarbani's Lost Box
Post by: PZ on January 17, 2011, 07:49:18 PM
I did a variant on this mission this morning - there is a secret passage on the northern side of the mountain - it is in this passage that the lost box lies.  After leaving the southeast bus stop, heading toward the oasis, I parked the truck near a dead tree.  You can find the opening to the passage if you go half way up the side of the mountain and check all the bushes - a dense bush hides the opening.  Into the passage to quickly pick up the package, then back out the way I came in - using this method, I did not expend a single round, nor incur the wrath of a single merc.  :-()
Title: Re: Quarbani's Lost Box
Post by: Art Blade on January 18, 2011, 10:42:06 AM
I remember that part with the hidden entrance. Took me a couple of playthroughs to find and remember it  ;D
Title: Re: Quarbani's Lost Box
Post by: PZ on January 18, 2011, 12:24:54 PM
There are lots of interesting tidbits like this "secret passage" that can make a task easier.  I recall the stories about several difficult diamonds that turned out to be not so difficult after all.  I guess finding these gems is all part of the fun (no pun intended)  :-()