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Video games => Far Cry series => Far Cry 3 => Topic started by: Dweller_Benthos on December 16, 2012, 05:05:19 PM

Title: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Dweller_Benthos on December 16, 2012, 05:05:19 PM
OK, so, rant time, settle in boys an girls.....

Right, so I pop in the first disc and start the install. It asks for the second disc, sure, OK no problem. Hmmm..... no choice to put an icon on the desktop, weird.

Once it's finished, I run the two patches I found on the Ubi site, 1.01 and 1.02, both of which are over 250MB, so I grabbed them at w@&k so as not to run up my limited bandwidth at home. Fine, they are both in, we should be good to go.

Fine, how do I run it? Oh, there it is, a shiny new U-Play icon, let's click that and see what happens. I should have guessed, 50MB of updates. Eh, it was time for supper anyway. Half an hour later, it's now running. Still no sign of an FC3 icon or anything.

Oh, there it is, a "My games" link. Weird, it says I have no games, visit the U-Play store. OK, so maybe I have to enter my CD key there and it will unlock. Right, click the link and.....

"Ubi store is unavailable, if you have questions, please visit the support page"

My supper is starting to feel a little unsettled down there.....

Go to the Ubi site, poke around, no, that can't be right? Oh, there's a link to my account, maybe I get it there. Nope. Eh, might as well change my avatar while I'm here. Nope. It just brings me back to the store page. OK, forget that for now. Back to the U-Play interface.

Click my games again, still no joy and it says the store isn't available. Beginning to get a bit frustrated here. Well, a few more rounds of that.... huh, well, let's see if there's something else installed, nope, only thing on the start menu is a Ubisoft group with two links, one to install and one to uninstall (don't tempt me....).

All right, let's poke around the install folder on the hard drive. Right, there it is, the FC3 EXE, let's hit that, and see what happens.

U-Play comes back up, but now at least it's listing FC3 under my games, we're making progress. I enter my CD key and........

It tries to download over 250MB of update 1.03, which I did not see when I looked for updates at w@&k, so it must be fairly new. That much data would take a while on my connection, and eat bandwidth, so it will have to wait, I won't be playing FC3 tonight, back to Minecraft for me.

Maybe sometime this week I'll try again, once the bad feelings this whole debacle has created have faded a bit. If you look for me on U-Play, check my quote, that pretty much sums up my opinion.

Oh, and does anyone put their correct birthday in the stupid popup that keeps asking for your birthday? How stupid is that. I just put in the oldest date they had (is a 112 year old really going to be using this service?).

Oh yeah, U-Play sucks.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: fragger on December 16, 2012, 10:28:33 PM
That really does suck, D_B :(

I can sympathise. Each of the first two updates took about an hour to come down on my connection. With the actual game install and some other mucking around with my UPlay account, it took nearly three and a half hours for me to get the game installed, patched and running. Now there's another patch? Bloody hell.

Three quarters of a gig's worth of patches for a game that came out a week and a half ago is pretty bad form.

But at least I did get the game happening in the end - I'm really sorry to hear about all the drama you're having. I really hate this online crap with games nowadays.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Dweller_Benthos on December 17, 2012, 06:43:37 AM
Well, I grabbed the 1.03 patch today so I'll run that tonight. Maybe.

Thing that toasts my biscuit is that you can't bypass it and play anyway, you HAVE to have it updated, no choice. If you can't update, then, well, too bad, you don't play at all.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 17, 2012, 10:02:59 AM
I loved the "don't tempt me.." bit  :laugh:

Man, that sucks balls.

I've never liked the online crap as in being forced to go and stay online. Worst of all is GTA IV: you need to go online with steam, Games for Windows Live and Rockstar. Three bloody online "services" at once just to be able to fire up one single game. FC3: go online with steam and U-Play. I can't even do a manual backup of my savegames any more with FC3 since it's apparently 99% stored "in the cloud" and only some pointers worth a few KB (not gigs or megs) are on my HD. I hate having to register with bazillions of "services" and to connect to them and to stay online with them.. welcome to the new era of the data-mining world.

The only few things positive for me are steam giving me English versions of every game I link to them; the always working screenshot function even for games for which nothing else works and last but not least the brilliant voice chat with conference function (multi voice chat).

However.. D_B, matey.. hope to read truckloads of your first FC3 impressions soon  :)
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Jim di Griz on December 17, 2012, 11:10:32 AM
Damn and I thought the UPlay thing on the PS3 version was irritating enough; appearing every time you load the game up or want to exit - asking you to redeem the code, buy the online passport or cancel - what's freaking wrong with remembering that I have already entered the code and simply saying? 'Oh, we know you, go on through and have fun.'

The multiple online programmes 'needed' nowadays to play a game is one of the major things stopping me going over to PC gaming - thing is we don't need their 'services', they need us.

Sony for all their weird and secretive ways with regard to regional discrepancies and up front communication, still don't require you to be logged in to play a game.

We're getting a Wii U in a few weeks, so that'll be an interesting comparison.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 17, 2012, 11:57:03 AM
Have any of you tried cancelling out of the update prompt?  Because of the v1.02 problems on the console, I've not done the update.  Each time I start the game up comes a prompt informing me that I must update in order to continue - cancel out of that and I'm quickly on the island.

Probably not that simple on the PC version though.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Binnatics on December 17, 2012, 12:48:19 PM
Damn D_B that's pretty damn irritating. I hope you get things running and looking forward to your experiences, but man this is yet another horrible story of people getting f^%#@ by that crappy online 'service'. Indeed they need us and not the other way round.

Quote from: PZ on December 17, 2012, 11:57:03 AM
Probably not that simple on the PC version though.

Don't know PZ, Steam auto-updates anything in my library so I wouldn't even know when the game gets patched again. It even auto-updates my video drivers if it thinks it's needed. I think I will have problems with that anytime in the future, but I'm currently too lazy to change it and too spoiled with a fast machine that doesn't (yet) experience problems with intense software 8-X
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: fragger on December 17, 2012, 01:33:19 PM
I bought my copy in a store, not through Steam, so thank heavens I don't have to deal with them, I only have to concern myself with UPlay. After the installation process, Ubi went and applied the patches before I could even get a chance to start the game so I was never given the choice to opt out of the updates.

Since I don't have to worry about Steam, I can play fully offline. The sequence for firing up the game is: Start the UPlay launcher from desktop; select "Go Offline" when the login window pops up; select Far Cry 3 from the Games window that appears; click on "Play".

Knowing that there's a 1.03 patch I'm reluctant to go online in case it automatically starts downloading and I'll have to wait an hour for it to finish, and possibly screw something up in the game like with the Jackal tapes in FC2.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 17, 2012, 01:39:34 PM
there are too many bugs in the unpatched game already you won't even notice if they add one or two more  :-D
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Binnatics on December 17, 2012, 01:41:22 PM
heheh :-()

I could as well play off line if I'd wanted. Steam does offer off line gaming once the whole bunch is installed and validated
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 17, 2012, 01:51:05 PM
steam message: "look, son, you may play offline once you've installed patch 1.03"
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 17, 2012, 02:42:40 PM
Quote from: Binnatics on December 17, 2012, 12:48:19 PM
... Steam auto-updates anything in my library so I wouldn't even know when the game gets patched again. It even auto-updates my video drivers if it thinks it's needed. I think I will have problems with that anytime in the future, but I'm currently too lazy to change it and too spoiled with a fast machine that doesn't (yet) experience problems with intense software 8-X

I haven't played through Steam in a while, but isn't there a toggle to prevent auto-updates?  ????
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 17, 2012, 03:29:41 PM
they did a couple of updates recently. After one of those, I noticed that games that I had the updates disabled for were all of a sudden shown as updating yet "paused." When I checked the settings, they were still not allowed to update. Now the really strange bit: When I tried, for the sake of it, to actually "un-"pause the update, they were about finished! Somehow they had downloaded a couple hundred MB and now only a few more to claim, "ready to play"  ???
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 17, 2012, 03:37:24 PM
Sounds like Steam to me  :D
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Dweller_Benthos on December 17, 2012, 06:27:33 PM
Well, I applied the 1.03 patch I downloaded today and fired it up. Worked OK but man are there some annoying things. Can't turn the music down, only on or off, so off it goes. My custom key config seems to confuse it, I remap a lot of stuff, one being the interact key to space bar. Well, at the beginning of the first guard post mission it tells me to hit space to get out of the truck. Well, hitting space did nothing. I had to go back to the control config and reset them to default, go back in game and hit "E" to exit, even though it was still telling me to hit space. Sheesh.

Oh, yeah, and driving controls didn't seem to w@&k either. At the first mission where you gather plants and hides I got into the Datsun or whatever it is and started driving. Well, I couldn't steer right, only left and drove right into a tree (see screenshots thread). Couldn't turn on the radio, couldn't switch seats, could only steer left and accelerate/brake. Fiddled with the control config a bit and got it to steer right, but by this time it was too late, the car was stuck and I had to hoof it.

Supposedly a 1.04 patch will be coming, at least they are going to address the stupid HUD issues. Don't get me started on how much I hate that.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 17, 2012, 08:09:37 PM
Sounds like a relatively significant list of annoyances, D_B  ???
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: fragger on December 17, 2012, 08:19:31 PM
I had something similar Dweller. LIke you I wanted to remap the interact key to "Space". I then found that I could get into a car using it but couldn't get back out. So I went into Options and put it back to "C", got back into the game and still couldn't get out of the car, using C or Space. "E" finally got me out and I didn't even map that... But now it only recognises C as the interact key with E no longer doing anything ????

I've also noticed that if you remap the vehicle controls, it makes no difference to the hang glider (or wingsuit later in the game). They obstinately remain as W:Dive, S:Climb, A:Bank Left and and D:Bank Right (C to let go and drop). Oddly enough, when using the wingsuit my parachute deploy key is Space (I discovered after numerous high-speed dirtnaps) and there isn't even a remap option for that.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Dweller_Benthos on December 18, 2012, 11:27:17 AM
Basically the same problem I had, fragger, even though it was telling me to use space to get out, it wouldn't let me, then when I remapped to E, it still told me to use space, even though E worked. Go figure. I think I may just revert the driving controls to default and live with it. Then there's still the problem of the space being interact, I can't change that, it's been space since the days of Wolfenstein 3D and I ain't changing now.

Oh yeah, U(don't)Play isn't so bad now that it's working, but the install was just horrendous. Pretty much the same as Steam, IMO, at least it doesn't download 3MB of updates (or something) that Steam does each time I launch it. People on high speed probably don't notice it, but for me Steam takes a good 30-45 seconds to load up because it's downloading something every time. When I was on dial up still, it would take up to 5 minutes. I asked Steam support and they couldn't give me an answer as to what it was doing.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 18, 2012, 12:39:14 PM
I had/have the same problem with the remapping. I like F to be the interact key and of course, it stated "hold F to leave the car" -- it was enough to make me vomit on a bread trying to get out of the fecking car. When I finally managed, by accident, hitting three keys at the same time, I thought it was "W" as in forward but now I know it was E thanks to you guys.

Careful when reaching the Southern map, D_B, you will have to use a wingsuit and the prompt will be "use CTRL" while it will be your "change seats" key instead. Safe landing :)
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 18, 2012, 12:54:11 PM
Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on December 18, 2012, 11:27:17 AM
... I asked Steam support and they couldn't give me an answer as to what it was doing.

They're either incompetent or lying.  Likely a bit of both.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Binnatics on December 18, 2012, 02:05:10 PM
Quote from: Art Blade on December 18, 2012, 12:39:14 PM
... Safe landing :)
:laugh: :laugh:

I agree on the whole change key and incorrect message thingy. It's incompetent. Something else that bothers me even more is the fact that you always have to 'hold' the key to make things happen. Why the f^&%@ did they do that? Are they scared I will take the wrong decision or that I press the wrong button?? Well, thanks for the care but I manage. Meanwhile, they take the whole speed (read; skillfulness) away once you start a) looting b) "interacting" c) changing weapons. Speaking of weapons: Why the HELL did they configure the mouse wheel to be the "change throwables option" instead of the change weapon option? I change weapons more frequently and more in a hurry than I do change from grenades to Molotov. And you can't remap that. That's ridiculous!!  :angry-new:
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 18, 2012, 02:27:36 PM
true.. completely incomprehensive.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Dweller_Benthos on December 19, 2012, 08:32:20 AM
Ah, so that's why my mouse wheel just keeps changing between grenades. I thought I had changed it, but apparently "next weapon" & "previous weapon" means throwing weapons only. Should have known. So, the only way to change hand held weapons is by the number keys? I really haven't played that much, still only have the 1911 and I dropped that at the guard post raid to pick up an AK.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Binnatics on December 19, 2012, 09:00:12 AM
As far as I know the number keys are the only way to change handhelds. Too bad. Would be acceptable if it was a press-'n-go way of changing, but somehow you have to press it firmly in a way, like holding the button for half a second or something. It happened too many times to me already that I want to change from sniper to shotgun because a tiger wants to eat me and I keep hammering that "4" (where I address the shotgun to usually) until sudden death in the tiger's mouth because the damn weapon doesn't change. I have to keep reminding myself "press it firmly" or else it won't w@&k in a panic situation :angry-new:
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 19, 2012, 11:02:44 AM
Quote from: Binnatics on December 19, 2012, 09:00:12 AM
... I have to keep reminding myself "press it firmly" or else it won't w@&k in a panic situation :angry-new:

This is a complaint I have on the console as well; instead of simply (and quickly pressing a button), in many instances you need to hold the interact button for a while.  For example, getting into vehicles, opening doors, virtually anything you want to interact with.

The "heal" button is also something you need to hold for an extended time, and the problem is that it is slow to respond.  For example on the PS3 the triangle button is used to heal and to put out fires.  Under relatively frequent circumstances when in a hot fight, there seems to be a lag between when the software responds and when the outcome starts.  Here's an example:

I'm shooting at the bad guys (and they are returning fire), and my health diminishes - I hold the triangle button, but something became "stuck" - the heal never takes place.  I need to release the triangle and then hold it again.  What is annoying is that because you have to hold the button in the first place, there are a couple of seconds before you realize that nothing is happening, all the while you are taking more damage.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 19, 2012, 12:00:08 PM
I found out that sometimes the heal button doesn't w@&k at all while in a fight and losing health. However, the game seems to expect you to fire a weapon in order to release the stuck healing key. You might want to try that, next time :)
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 19, 2012, 12:07:54 PM
Quote from: Art Blade on December 19, 2012, 12:00:08 PM
I found out that sometimes the heal button doesn't w@&k at all while in a fight and losing health...

Under these circumstances, when I release the button and then hold again, the healing takes place; seems like a bug to me.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 19, 2012, 12:10:38 PM
if that's no bug then the devs responsible should be hanged and shot. Oh and add the QA guys to that.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 19, 2012, 12:45:43 PM
Indeed, or another pin in mandru's Ubi voodoo doll
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: durian on December 19, 2012, 01:02:00 PM
I totally gree about the heal. It's so frustrating when you need to heal during  the thick of a fierce firefight and you die just because it takes so long to w@&k. FC2 heal was more quick, just press L2 (on PS3), you don't need to hold it. Have no idea why they decided to change how the heal w@&k  :D

Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: DKM2 on December 19, 2012, 03:53:06 PM
lol, well, my rant is still crashing to bsod, I've tried just about everything I know and can find online to adjust things, nothing has worked or even helped a little bit.
It plays just fine, but after 20, 40 minutes, boom! I'm not having fun at all like that.
I think I'm going to give up for awhile, go back to GTAIV or something, and wait for a patch.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Binnatics on December 19, 2012, 04:07:17 PM
That is weird DKM... usually when BSOD'ing that means something's wrong with your vid card. That's what caused it in my case several times. But if your system works fine with GTA IV which is quite demanding, it wouldn't be that  ????
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 19, 2012, 05:46:54 PM
That's horrible, DKM2 -- compared to all the other rants, in my opinion the reason for yours is the most dreadful. :( I sure hope that you'll be able to play soon.

As to BSOD, like Binnatics I think something with your hardware may be the reason but I don't know if it is your vid card, could as well be your mobo or PSU. Then again, as all the rest (at least GTA IV) seems to w@&k, it sometimes is a driver issue. Try either a newer or an older version of the vid driver. Under really weird circumstances it can also be a sound card / -driver problem.. not exactly easy to find the cause. Good luck with that  :(
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 19, 2012, 09:00:34 PM
Driver is always what I try first.  I'm using a nVidia, and usually go to their site to check on which drivers are best suited bur a particular game I'm playing.  I had a very annoying situation where I was doing 50 minute screen captures, and about 2 in 10 times the  program would fail.  Complained to tech support and they said it was a driver issue; I didn't believe it, but sure enough, the driver update fixed the problem.

Good luck with that, DKM2
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: DKM2 on December 20, 2012, 05:55:21 AM
Thanks, but it's a new video card, GTX670 with 2G Ram, new 310 driver, I've put
CPUZ's Hardware monitor on my second Monitor and watched while playing, the GPU
never goes over 61 deg. (highest core CPU temp never over 52 deg) when playing FC3.
Maybe I'll try again using GPUZ instead, and look at memory, and gpu loading, but the
problem is mostly all drivers (.sys) in the errors reported, at least a half dozen different ones,
but mostly usb, and that makes me believe they got some kind Keyboard input problem.
I hate it crashing like that, not good for the system as a whole
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Binnatics on December 20, 2012, 06:36:10 AM
Indeed problematic, I hope you get it sorted out mate! I know how frustrating it is to keep searching for an illogic error. You might be right about the keyboard. Try an old one with a tulip plug (these green round things with lots of pins. That may give you any direction ????
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 20, 2012, 07:43:06 AM
^ PS/2.. today's mobos usually don't come with that kind of socket any more, they are usually USB only.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Dweller_Benthos on December 20, 2012, 08:10:35 AM
You wouldn't happen to be getting the old "IRQ NOT LESS OR EQUAL" error, would you? That's usually a driver or something trampling on something else's memory and the system goes belly up.

This can give you some info: (
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 20, 2012, 09:53:34 AM
D_B, as an aside: your steering problem with a car only going left, it might have had to do with a car that got partially wrecked. I had that too after I crashed into something, I could no longer steer straight. Just mentioning, so you can try again and see if it was just a one-time incident due to a broken car or indeed a key mapping problem. :)
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 20, 2012, 10:22:54 AM
Quote from: DKM2 on December 20, 2012, 05:55:21 AM
Thanks, but it's a new video card, GTX670 with 2G Ram, new 310 driver...

Doesn't sound good - I read up on the 310, and it has been tailored to improve operation with FC3
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: DKM2 on December 20, 2012, 01:04:28 PM
Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on December 20, 2012, 08:10:35 AM
You wouldn't happen to be getting the old "IRQ NOT LESS OR EQUAL" error, would you? That's usually a driver or something trampling on something else's memory and the system goes belly up.

This can give you some info: (

ya, about half of them are. guess I'll give it another shot tonight.
nice little program btw, thanks.

edit: New patch out, 1.04, replaces the 2 major DLL files.
says it fixes crashes in MP, hope it crosses over to SP too.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on December 20, 2012, 04:54:58 PM
thanks for the info about 1.04, I just quit to get the update..

"only" 205.1 MB.. already feel sorry for D_B and fragger and mandru..  :(
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: DKM2 on December 21, 2012, 05:28:50 AM
Sadly, it didn't help. also FC3 doesn't even make my vid card sweat.
Played FC2 all night, no problem.

"You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell! "
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Dweller_Benthos on December 21, 2012, 01:13:31 PM
From the nvidia site:

QuotePerformance Boost – Increases performance for GeForce 400/500/600 Series GPUs in several PC games vs. GeForce 306.97 WHQL drivers. Results will vary depending on your GPU and system configuration:
GeForce GTX 680:
Up to 38% in Far Cry 3

That's for the 680, so YMMV
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Dweller_Benthos on December 21, 2012, 01:14:22 PM
Quote from: DKM2 on December 20, 2012, 01:04:28 PM
ya, about half of them are. guess I'll give it another shot tonight.
nice little program btw, thanks.

edit: New patch out, 1.04, replaces the 2 major DLL files.
says it fixes crashes in MP, hope it crosses over to SP too.

Does your blue screen say what DLL is causing the problem?
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 21, 2012, 08:23:47 PM
Sorry to hear of your continuing woes, DKM2; I almost feel guilty that my install was so easy.  Interestingly, because I did not do any of the prior updates, all I needed do when installing was to complete the main game installation, and then when Uplay started, do the 274 mb v1.04 update; nothing else.  I was really worried because I am not using the latest nVidia drivers, nor do I have a reasonable OS - I'm still using Vista64
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: B33 ENN on December 28, 2012, 05:51:26 AM
Put me down for another UPlay sucks vote LOL. I always switch it to offline after I'm done registering. Might only fire it up online with the game now and then to upload progress bonus data.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: DKM2 on December 28, 2012, 07:10:35 AM
I could only about 20-30 minutes before crashing,
so I gave Uplay full access under Vista's Security, and run it in Admin mode and online,
I can get 2, 3, maybe 4 hours of play now.
Uplay is doing some funky DRM I guess.

Ubisoft vs Pirates (
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: durian on December 28, 2012, 12:53:23 PM
^  :laugh:
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: PZ on December 28, 2012, 05:37:28 PM
DKM2's Youtube  :laugh: :-X

I think your issue likely lies elsewhere other than security because I play using a limited account and everything works just fine.  However, I did install using an admin account because there is often an issue if more than one application is being installed even if you initiate the parent using admin rights.  I don't recall if you installed using an admin account, but knowing how Windows is fussy, that might be one cause.

Another might be the default installation directory - did you use one other than default?

Like B33 ENN, I too play in offline mode once the application is successfully installed.

PS: welcome back B33 ENN; it's been a while since I've seen you in the boards  ;)
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: nexor on March 11, 2013, 04:43:40 AM
I posted a question about Origin and Uplay in the Senior member's only   :question

Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on March 11, 2013, 10:02:49 AM
public announcement to all who don't know about the Senior members only: It doesn't exist.
private announcement to nexor: shush! They must not know.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: Art Blade on March 16, 2013, 08:39:02 AM
I wanted to check something at fc3outpost (u-play) when I just now read an announcement regarding their login "policy"

QuoteImportant note – to improve your account security, as of
April 3rd you will only be able to login using your email address.

Usernames can still be used as your display name in forums and games.

Apart from the fact that we are far from April 3rd (maybe they didn't mention the year for that purpose so they can backdate it) they have implemented it already. And you have to type in your password, too.

For security reasons? it isn't even an HTTPS connection which means both password and email addy will be sent openly and unsecured. There is basically no difference between using a username or an email address. The email addy would be harder to guess, OK, but hey, it's not even the UBI main account. Anyone who sniffs network packets or has a keylogger and whatnot can access that data. Apart from the chore of having to punch in every single bit of an entire email addy, it is plainly silly.

I'm not going to use that fc3outpost site again unless absolutely unavoidable.
Title: Re: OK, here's my official "I can't f^%#& stand U-Play" thread
Post by: TheStranger on March 16, 2013, 01:54:50 PM
Best thing is that everyon who plays online has to play with his or her account name...there is no way to choose a ingame nick and ubisoft won't change that. Silly and easy thing for hackers...