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Video games => Other games => Fantasy and Sci-Fi => Topic started by: eor123 on September 29, 2010, 10:49:59 AM

Title: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on September 29, 2010, 10:49:59 AM
Although it is an RPG, which I don't particularly enjoy, the reviews for ME2 are so universally positive I thought I would at least give it a shot. Picked up a used copy yesterday and started playing it.

Haven't gotten very far but it is visually impressive and the story line is certainly above average. I immediately recognized Martin Sheen's voice. And the women all have really nice butts.  8)

The timed hacking sequences are a nuisance to me but one is easier as it uses electronic schematic symbols. I've worked with electronics all my life and can mentally process those symbols easily. The hacking sequence when you must match up text strings is proving to be a problem for me. I haven't figured out a trick to solving those yet.

Having to stop the action and scroll through the weapons and powers/abilities wheels in order to make a changes REALLY annoys me but that seems standard fare in RPG's. No surprise there. I prefer the simple "choose between 2 or three weapons, pick up ammo as you go and shoot yourself up when wounded" school of thought in gaming.  Hmmm...kind of sounds like FC2, doesn't it? ;D

We'll see what happens...

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: JRD on September 29, 2010, 11:20:22 AM
I too considered purchasing ME2 not long ago. It's an RPG and my past experiences with that particular genre of games has proved very negative for me. Too much choices and something I see as action breaker as you have to micromanage each and every bit of the game in order to survive, or choose a random pre-programmed setting which makes all the options in an RPG pointless.

Of course, all changed when I picked up Borderlands las month and didn't stop playing since, but again, it's not a typical RPG but rather a hybrid RPG/FPS.

Keep us posted about your impressions of ME2 eor...!!  :-X :-X :-X
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: spaceboy on September 29, 2010, 12:07:09 PM
yeah, I'd like to hear more as you progress.  Now that it's announced ME2 is coming to PS3 I'm at least interested to see what all the fuss is about.  I must admit, however, that RPG's don't typically interest me either.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on September 29, 2010, 01:07:53 PM
I played ME1 until like 80/90% through and all of a sudden halted it. No idea why I didn't feel like going on any more but I remember one thing: Incredible amounts of different armour suits and weapons.

As much as I like to gear up best possible, I hate it not to know which is which and when or where to get better gear, or what the best gear is. So no matter which RPG I play, I kind of always cheat my way through gear (or whatever currency there is to buy gear) just so I know what the heck it is all about and on what to focus when it comes to making up my mind regarding loadout and suitable gear. What I can't stand is the thought that there might be cool stuff out there and I missed it  :)

ME1 was strange in a way, you didn't play on your own but had to assemble a team of three out of like 5 or so possible members. Each of whom had different assets you had to consider for the next mission when assembling your team. And you could (and should) pass them your surplus gear or even buy gear for them to make them less vulnerable or provide them with more firepower. Since they were all different species, all of them had their own armour suits that were incompatible with most other species.. you get the picture, I believe.

There was some sort of freedom choosing missions, i.e. no specific order how or when to play those, but it was kind of annoying to use your spaceship to jump across the galaxy to get to "hubs" where a set of missions awaited you. So what I did was continuously jumping across the universe to find suitable missions. And then the choice of assembling a team for that mission. And "dress" my team. And myself. Argh..

So when I first learned about ME2, I thought well, let's see what it looks like on youtube & Co, and it didn't convince me.

RPGs I liked to play were The Elder Scrolls IV, Oblivion -- great game. ALPHA Protocol, for my acquired taste, excellent. I'm looking forward to playing Borderlands. But not ME2 :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: JRD on September 29, 2010, 02:38:07 PM
Quote from: Art Blade on September 29, 2010, 01:07:53 PM
(...) What I can't stand is the thought that there might be cool stuff out there and I missed it  :)

(...) I'm looking forward to playing Borderlands. But not ME2 :)

Hmmmmm... you are in for a surprise my friend.

Either you are going to love it or hate it. There's ALWAYS something better out there, ALWAYS... and the best part is that you never get the same thing in the same spot... hell, you never get the same thing anyway  ;D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on September 29, 2010, 02:42:24 PM
I'm afraid I will end up trading this one back in but I'll try it for a while. It is such a major title, I felt obligated to try it.

I do have Killzone 2 on deck.  8)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on September 29, 2010, 04:06:13 PM
Quote from: JRD on September 29, 2010, 02:38:07 PM
Hmmmmm... you are in for a surprise my friend.

Either you are going to love it or hate it. There's ALWAYS something better out there, ALWAYS... and the best part is that you never get the same thing in the same spot... hell, you never get the same thing anyway  ;D

Well, that is different. "87 bazillion guns," wasn't it :) In this particular case, I'll have fun with the fact that there's a random weapon generator at w@&k (and I could always mod a weapon outside the game, hehe). The titles I was referring to have a limited number of stuff. It usually requires more than one playthrough to find out where is what or how to get it. Or, someone offers loads of good stuff and you'll never know what you'd like best because you have only got a limited amount of money.

I like to have the problem of choosing which of my weapons/gear I want to carry around for the next mission (or period of time) but I don't like the problem of choosing which of someone else's weapons I could afford to buy only to find out it's not what I wanted and ranting all the time because a different piece might have been a better choice but can't go back to buy that one instead. What I need and want is a test run first and if that was cool, get it. If it wasn't, I'd like to try the next one and so on. You know how I like to test stuff  ;D It's just so I can decide properly, after knowing the facts  ;D If I can collect weapons, I'd like to stash them some place and get back to them. Reminds me of FO3. I collected every single weapon type there was (I had that mod with walls packed with all different weapons down in my safehouse). And after that, I created (modded) my own weapons.. see "Artmod" which Ricamundo is so fond of  ;D I did the same with Oblivion, collected everything and then created (modded) my own stuff. Can't help it, I like it like that :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: spaceboy on September 29, 2010, 07:24:18 PM
Quote from: eor123 on September 29, 2010, 02:42:24 PM
I do have Killzone 2 on deck.  8)

It's nice you've got the best of both worlds to play the exclusives for both 360 and PS3!  Now KZ2 is a great FPS (both online and story mode).  Good time to play now as KZ3 drops in January!
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on September 30, 2010, 11:14:33 AM
I'm afraid ME2 is going to be a bust. Frankly, it bores me. Too much dialogue followed by action that I can't get immersed in because I have to stop and adjust skills or gadgets or direct squad members here or there.  I may pick it up later but I've already switched to Killzone 2, which seems to better match my tastes.

I think after attempting and disliking 5 different RPG-type games, I can safely assume that I shouldn't bother to try another one. I'm somewhat stubborn.  ;D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on September 30, 2010, 01:30:11 PM
It's always good to know yourself  ;D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on October 06, 2010, 01:52:34 PM

As usual I find myself liking a game more after quitting and returning after a  few days with a fresh perspective.

One thing that helped was dropping back to the easiest difficulty setting and restarting.

At that difficulty level it appears that I am able to blunder my way through and complete missions without having to master the weapon and power wheels nor understanding  leveling up, bonuses, squad points, etc.

If you strip away all of what I consider to be nonsense it appears you have a very good third person shooter in which you have a great deal of latitude as to where you go and when. In fact, I don't know why this cannot be considered an open world game -- perhaps an "open galaxy" game?  ;D

Much like rescuing the buddies in Far Cry 2, you assemble a squad buy traveling to different planets to rescue them from predicaments or assisting them. After they have joined your squad, they each have a personal quest  that can be undertaken, rejected, or delayed.  Upon assisting the squad member their powers increase and they become loyal. Oh, and you get to change their outfits which in Miranda's case is cool because I now have her in a skin tight black leather outfit.  And she has been genetically enhanced. 8)

There is a main story line that progresses but at this point I'm so far off that line assembling my team, assisting them with their personal quests and accepting smaller quests  from people you run across, I frankly have no idea how long it will be before I get back on track.

Unless the game forces you to adhere to the main story line after assembling all the team members and it progresses very quickly from that point, I see the potential for well over 100 hours of gameplay.

You have options as how to interact with people and the tone you take in these exchanges increases your status as a paragon or renegade and options in future encounters are determined by that status. Higher paragon--more charm options. Higher renegade -- more intimidation options.

It is pretty immersive. I'm defining my self as paragon but still drinking myself to a stupor at every bar I come across, tipping exotic dancers, trying to talk my way into the VIP room at the club, buying alien porn mags, and seducing my red headed yeoman.  ;D

I mentioned earlier the great deal of dialogue and little action. That was because I felt compelled to stop and talk to everyone who had a conversation icon, which is really not necessary.

There have been some funny exchanges and I wish I had taken better note of them. One from Jack...a psycho, heavily tattooed woman who wears a leather strap for a bra... " It's weird. I am a total bitch who wants to kill every thing I see but at the same time I am a little girl. Never mind, it's very complicated." Another from an Asari Matriarch bartender... "What can I do you for you hun? sex. I just cleaned the bar."  ;D   

Now that I am into the game there is plenty of action. So far it has been challenging at times but manageable by using cover and taking out attackers as they approach in small waves that are pretty predictable. Open a door, take a few steps toward cover and prepare for an attack. There is usually a "big" opponent at the end of each encounter that has to be taken down with a heavy weapon and some "power manipulation."  So far, nothing I haven't been abel to handle but I assume at higher difficulty levels, one would have to master the squad members' weapons and powers selection as well as be able to direct them on the battlefield. As it is now, my squad members seem to take care of business pretty well without me taking any action other than shooting from cover and healing them when they go down.

After some 20 plus  hours of game play, I am slowly figuring out how to do a few things beyond just covering and shooting the enemy but frankly, it is overwhelming at times. I guess people who are accustomed to the  RPG format have no trouble with all that stuff.

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: spaceboy on October 06, 2010, 04:14:36 PM
glad you're getting on better with it now eor!

and, hey if you like readheads, have you seen Trip from Enslaved?!?  She's in the trailer on the first post here: (
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on October 07, 2010, 04:31:39 PM
Eeyore, your description reminds me of two things.

1) Sounds like ME1 and why I stopped somewhere after like 80% (perhaps 80 hours) gameplay

2) Sounds like ALPHA Protocol regarding talking and shooting and all. Perhaps you'll start to like AP after ME2. :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on October 07, 2010, 08:52:28 PM
Getting deeper into the game now...was trying to play the field with all the girls. As a result, Miranda no longer speaks to me and Jack told me to f@#k off because I won't dump Tali -- incredibly sweet but can't take off her suit to have sex with me without risking her life. Kelly is no longer flirting me and them Samara with the big boobs and heavy spiritual mojo shows up and kneels at my feet, swearing allegiance to me.

I swear to God...this game is a mirror of my relationships in college!...and I'm having about as much success.


Aspects of this game completely allude me still... I have absolutely no clue what some of the upgrades accomplish but I keep activating them.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on October 08, 2010, 07:33:23 AM
I like your style there, Eeyore.  ;D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on October 08, 2010, 09:39:06 AM
Well... I [virtually  ;D] got laid before embarking on the end-of-game suicide mission. I was beginning to wonder if I had somehow managed to mishandle all the women so badly it wasn't going to happen. All that effort in being  a paragon and engaging in those seemingly endless, mind numbing conversations with the female team members.... <whew>

Jack showed up in my cabin and the psycho-killer walking tattoo and I shared a intimate moment. The sweet thing even cried.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (

Alas...the mystery of whether her nether regions are tattooed and/or pierced  remains as we somehow managed to have sex while clothed. can't get everything.

I grew bored with hopping around the galaxy, mining planets for precious metals that were no longer needed to upgrade weapons, armor, ship, etc. I had upgraded everything that was available to me. I decided to move back onto the story line and complete the game.

I got caught up in the final battle's adrenalin rush and was up almost all night.

Took me 42 hours to complete the main story line and numerous side missions. There appears to be dozens of unexplored planets remaining, but all that was left to do was scan and fire probes into them collecting precious metals I apparently had no use for. Most every system has one planet with some sort of situation that requires a landing and a brief quest. I could return to that play through and search out those missions later.

The human crew members of the ship were all gone and Jack acted as if nothing had happened between us. It looks like I would have a shot at Samara and her cleavage if I listened to more of her stories but knowing I'd never be able to see her blue bits, even if I got lucky, made me wonder if it was worth the effort.

And besides... I felt "loyal" to Jack -- after she bared her twisted soul to me.

You see...that's what happens when you get old.  ;D

I liked the game quite a bit, in spite the RPG-annoyances. I was able to w@&k around them or master enough of the skills to get through the game without really understanding what I was doing much of the time.

Then I did something strange....

I restarted the game, as a female, and increased the difficulty level a notch. I'm Xena Shepard this time -- a cocky [ pun intended ] lesbian bitch.  :-()

It is difficult to romance another female in ME2, but not impossible from what I've seen. So I am finally living out my fantasy of being a lesbian. It just feels.....right.  8)

Don't worry I'm all right. I have no intentions of bedding the krogan. ewwww.


Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on October 08, 2010, 03:41:55 PM
maybe you'd enjoy ME1, too. Sounds like there's no big difference, you can romance the shiny jewels out of yourself with about any female crew member and can have a female to female experience, too.

You pig.

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on October 10, 2010, 10:29:43 PM
I downloaded some new content yesterday and imported it into my second play through which is about 75% complete with respect to the main story line.

So  far I've been pretty impressed with the new weapons, characters and missions that became immediately available after re-booting the console. It appears that it may extend game play by 5-10 hours. I have completed one of the new missions and it was pretty cool -- one of the most difficult and one of my favorites, in fact.  The end-of-mission "boss battle" took place in virtual space like "The Matrix" and involved a powerful human / AI hybrid.

One mission takes you to the crash site of your previous ship where you place a monument and search for remains / dog tags of the crew. As you walk among what is left of different parts of the  ship, you have flash backs of the ship and the crew. It is gently snowing and very quiet -- the only mission you undertake alone. Some pretty classy moments, IMO.

There are a few really compelling characters in this game and the voice acting is superb.

It is interesting how a game I was ready to discard has become one of my favorites and I can now see why this game is at the top of most "Best Xbox 360 Games" games and "Best Video Games" lists.

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on October 11, 2010, 09:45:02 AM
I'm glad you're immersed so much and that you're enjoying the game a lot :) Keep having fun :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on October 12, 2010, 09:36:12 AM
My alter ego.... Commander Bettie Page Shepard.

[smg id=2612]

[smg id=2610]

[smg id=2609]

[smg id=2605]

Commander Shepard sharing an "After Action" report with Yeoman Kelly Chambers.

[smg id=2611]
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on October 12, 2010, 10:28:08 AM
Nice ;D :-X

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: mandru on October 13, 2010, 05:45:09 AM

Quote from: eor123 on October 12, 2010, 09:36:12 AM
My alter ego.... Commander Bettie Page Shepard.

Interesting name that.

Betty Page was a pinup queen in the '50s and was sometimes quite naughty (well for the 1950s).  So I was a bit surprised to see that name pop up on the latest media viewer on the OWG home page.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on October 13, 2010, 08:52:40 PM
I am an admirer of Bettie Page...thought I'd honor her by naming my Commander Shepard after her.

On my next playthrough, I was determined to be a total badass and see how high I could get my renegade points. I'm making some progress and am seeing some new dialogue options as a result.

For this adventure I went with a California cheerleader archetype. Meet Commander Lizzie Bee (inspired by Lizzie Borden) Shepard. Don't let her looks fool you...she is a real psycho bitch and already has the blood of numerous civilians on her hands. A ruthless, renegade soldier....

I prefer FPS's but if I have to watch someone run around with big guns blowing up aliens, I'd rather it be a girl. LoL

[smg id=2616]
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: mandru on October 13, 2010, 11:33:54 PM
Ah!  :)

I wasn't aware you could select your own namings in Mass Effect 2 and thought the game designers had slipped in an homage.

You will never hear me complain (well rarely anyway) about girls with big guns.  ^-^
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on October 14, 2010, 03:12:27 AM can customize your character, complete with a first name.

The level of customization available for facial features is impressive -- probably 30 parameters for each sex, give or take. You also choose your background -- orphan, army brat, or colonist kid. Each of these gives the character a slightly different personality. And you choose whether you are a sole survivor, war hero, or ruthless. Again, each of these choices effects the character's personality.

A lot of options as to orientation -- soldier, engineer, infiltrator, vanguard, sentinel, etc. Each specialization comes with it own set of default weapons and skills.

Since I prefer shooters I have always assumed the role of a soldier, because I  have access to all of the weapons. The biotic powers are good to have in a fight but I'm not sure I want to deal with learning how to use them. I'd rather just aim and pull the trigger.  ;D

The replay potential on this game is immense, given all the character options and the manner in which decisions within the game effect events and your options in the future.

When I take a major decision, I pause and consider how the consequences will play out in future -- and in this case Mass Effect 3. I will be able to import my character form ME2 into ME3 and I understand that the story line track will be altered to reflect has what happened in the past.

I am trying to manipulate events so that the majority of my team can survive ME2 and be able to reappear in ME3, as some of them did in the ME1 to ME2 transition.

I think that's pretty cool.   
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on October 14, 2010, 11:04:39 AM
That's something I always liked about RPGs, character customisation. I usually spend quite  some time creating a face for my character, given the game allows it.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on October 19, 2010, 07:20:31 PM
Really enjoying this game...still. Trying to manipulate events to change both short and long term outcomes and trying to master the subtle conversation options.

Starting to play around with different classes in order to have access to new skills.

I really prefer watching a female Shepard but I felt obligated to do a play though as  a heroic, handsome male.

Making a good looking male Shepard was quite a challenge. Creating attractive fem Sheps is easy for me.  ;)

The male templates are all freaky looking and how they end up in game play is somewhat different from how they look in the editor. You have to sit through a lengthy opening cut scene if you decide you don't like the way your Shep looks and want to start over. Wish they had an "older guy" template.

Now I know why so many custom male Sheps I see look like extras from a Terminator movie.

Anyway...  here's my male Shepard. He's had extensive cosmetic surgery, Named him Brad [ my name ]. Wish I looked that good in real world.  ;D

[smg id=2619]
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on October 20, 2010, 08:57:32 AM
He has a look as if he was about to faint (kind of cross-eyed). Otherwise, I think his hair line shifted down a bit, I think I can see the belly button on his forehead.

Just kidding  ;D Brad looks handsome.


Hehehe  :) I had the same issues as you, in ME1, and I too like creating female characters more.. :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on October 20, 2010, 07:25:41 PM
All of the customized Shepards appear a little cross-eyed in the static shots as they are usually looking to their right in stead of straight ahead. My wife noticed the same thing.

I tried to give him a gray beard to look more like me but it always came out yellowish.

I suppose the lack of an older guy template reflects the video gaming demographic.

Shame...I think having an older guy or gal template would open up some interesting possibilities.

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on October 21, 2010, 08:46:22 AM
yeah, and cool gimmicks like chamber pots, walkers, wheel-chairs, and dentures to play around with. Oh.. perhaps NURSES too?  ;D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on October 21, 2010, 09:34:19 AM
Not THAT old...yet.  ;D

50 is the new 30, right?
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on October 21, 2010, 11:24:39 AM
oh.. I'd be in my mid-20s now.. cool idea, agree  ;D But I don't see why you wouldn't like to play around with nurses..  ^-^
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on October 31, 2010, 04:21:04 PM
My alter ego, Hecate Shepard kicking some Geth a$$ -- and looking good while doing it, I might add.  ;D

Mass Effect 2: Project Overlord Gameplay (
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 04, 2010, 10:48:46 PM
Think I mentioned this in another thread, but I had ME1 since it came out and didn't start playing till last march. Since then I've completed both games about 15x  8)

What I've been doing is leveling up each class to 60 then importing that character to ME2. All of my characters so far have been male paragons, but I plan to do a female renagade...

Best DLC for ME is 'Bring down the sky', and for ME2 'Lair of the ShadowBroker' 'Overlord' and 'Kasumi'...

I went on a Halo marathon after Reach came out and played them all back to back to back  :) I'd totally forgotten how tedious the 'flood' was, but I muddled through it  :D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 04, 2010, 11:02:16 PM
After playing through ME 2 several times I picked up a used copy of ME 1.

Having a hard time adjusting to the game controls and it is very hard to make a good looking male or fem Shep. I've started over countless times tweaking the appearance of my character -- so many times, I'm not making much forward progress in the game,

Compared to ME2, ME1 just seems "cheesy." The have a cartoonish appearance and sound. 

I'm going to try to complete ME1 at least one time so I can import my character and see how that works.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 05, 2010, 06:42:44 PM
Usually takes me 40-45 hours for both games. Getting to lvl 60 in ME will take 2 plays since the first run is locked to 50.

I'm glad I played ME first although I like both equally.  :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 10, 2010, 02:04:17 PM
Quote from: eor123 on October 21, 2010, 09:34:19 AM
Not THAT old...yet.  ;D

50 is the new 30, right?

If that makes 65 the new 45 I'm all for it  :-D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: PZ on November 10, 2010, 06:20:29 PM
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 10, 2010, 07:05:57 PM
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 16, 2010, 12:29:23 PM
Quote from: eor123 on November 04, 2010, 11:02:16 PM
After playing through ME 2 several times I picked up a used copy of ME 1.

Having a hard time adjusting to the game controls and it is very hard to make a good looking male or fem Shep. I've started over countless times tweaking the appearance of my character -- so many times, I'm not making much forward progress in the game,

Compared to ME2, ME1 just seems "cheesy." The have a cartoonish appearance and sound. 

I'm going to try to complete ME1 at least one time so I can import my character and see how that works.

How'd it go?

Since that post I finished my lvl 60 Adept run and played through ME2 again with that class. Now I'm heading to Ilos with my lvl 60 Vanguard. Managed to get the Quarian ally achievment on the way which was the final ally cheevo I needed.

I'll finish this run shortly then make another run through ME2 with this Vanguard....the Vanguard 'charge' in ME2 is quite fun.

Finally, since all my plays have been paragon so far, I'll be making one renegade female soldier for my last 3 plays....then I'll just wait on DLC and ME3...

Call me nuts, but I'm really enjoying these games  :-()
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 16, 2010, 02:24:25 PM

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: PZ on November 16, 2010, 02:33:53 PM
Quote from: Art Blade on November 16, 2010, 02:24:25 PM
So said General McAuliffe (an Allied commander) in Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge  :-()
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 16, 2010, 11:39:24 PM
what -- did he know KingRat?  ???
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: PZ on November 17, 2010, 07:59:50 AM
Quote from: Art Blade on November 16, 2010, 11:39:24 PM
what -- did he know KingRat?  ???
I think he must have known you because he said it with such emphasis!  :-()
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 17, 2010, 08:49:04 AM
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 17, 2010, 10:39:53 AM
Quote from: Art Blade on November 16, 2010, 11:39:24 PM
what -- did he know KingRat?  ???

He might have, FDR was still president when I was born  :o
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 17, 2010, 10:46:19 AM

It was funny, however, when you demanded to be called "nuts"  ;D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 17, 2010, 11:55:07 AM
Quote from: Art Blade on November 17, 2010, 10:46:19 AM

It was funny, however, when you demanded to be called "nuts"  ;D

:-D Sometimes I think I am...last night at 11pm I said "just another hour and I'll put up the controller" 5hrs later  ^+-+
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 17, 2010, 12:50:24 PM
Alright. If you put it that way, call me nuts.. with capital letters.. every single one of them  ;D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: fragger on November 18, 2010, 04:02:43 AM
Quote from: KingRat on November 17, 2010, 11:55:07 AM
:-D Sometimes I think I am...last night at 11pm I said "just another hour and I'll put up the controller" 5hrs later  ^+-+

I call that perfectly normal behaviour myself :-()
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: PZ on November 18, 2010, 08:52:15 AM
My wife and I watched a blue ray disc last night and the only player we have is the PS3.  You use the game controller to perform the movie functions, and it felt strange in my hand because I'd not been on the console since my last bout with Medal of Honor.  It's funny how quickly you lose that familiar feel.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 18, 2010, 09:21:30 AM
Quote from: fragger on November 18, 2010, 04:02:43 AMI call that perfectly normal behaviour myself :-()
you're nuts, too  ^+-+ :-X
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 20, 2010, 10:07:01 AM
Quote from: KingRat on November 16, 2010, 12:29:23 PM
Quote from: eor123 on November 04, 2010, 11:02:16 PM
After playing through ME 2 several times I picked up a used copy of ME 1.

Having a hard time adjusting to the game controls and it is very hard to make a good looking male or fem Shep. I've started over countless times tweaking the appearance of my character -- so many times, I'm not making much forward progress in the game,

Compared to ME2, ME1 just seems "cheesy." The have a cartoonish appearance and sound. 

I'm going to try to complete ME1 at least one time so I can import my character and see how that works.

How'd it go?

Since that post I finished my lvl 60 Adept run and played through ME2 again with that class. Now I'm heading to Ilos with my lvl 60 Vanguard. Managed to get the Quarian ally achievment on the way which was the final ally cheevo I needed.

I'll finish this run shortly then make another run through ME2 with this Vanguard....the Vanguard 'charge' in ME2 is quite fun.

Finally, since all my plays have been paragon so far, I'll be making one renegade female soldier for my last 3 plays....then I'll just wait on DLC and ME3...

Call me nuts, but I'm really enjoying these games  :-()

I've played through ME1 twice now...once as a male paragon soldier and once as a  female renegade infiltrator. I only got to Level 38 with the paragon Shep since I did an abbreviated play though. I made it to level 44 with the femShep...not sure what else there was left to do for the six last levels though.

The Paragon Shep let Ashley kill Wrex then decided to leave her behind on Virmire. He allowed the Rachni Queen to live and saved the Council. No romancing.

The Renegade killed Wrex, left Kaiden on Virmire, killed the Rachni Queen, and let the Council die. She pretty much killed everyone who got in her way. Romanced Liara.

I imported those characters to ME2 and have enjoyed the slightly different cut scenes,  dialogue options, etc. that have resulted form my choices in ME1.

One surprise was seeing Liara in the opening cut scene as the Normandy is under attack. It has always been Ashley or Kaiden, depending on whether Shep is a male or female. I assumed since Kaiden was dead in the femShep storyline Ashley would be there.

Although I am much more fond of ME2, ME1 has some really endearing aspects.

As others have mentioned, the storyline in ME1 is superior. The Renegade conversation options are often amusing. I took great pleasure in repeatedly hanging up on the Council when they started giving me a hard time. In one exchange, I warned the Council I'd hang up on them again if they gave me any crap. The Turian was carrying on about how important he was and how I couldn't talk to him the way I was. I said "Ooops" and cut them off. Joker says, "That never gets old does it?"  ;D

I'll admit to laughing out loud on several occasions  when femShep was being a total bitch. Much more fun than when a male does it. Loved it when Kaiden says, "That's a little extreme, Commander."

I really prefer the weapons and ammo upgrading in ME2. It just seemed like I kept acquiring all this junk I didn't really need in ME1. Even making an attempt to distribute out the goodies to the entire team, I still ended up maxed out on stuff, forcing a "liquidation" on two occasions.

The decrypting...ugh. My least favorite part of the game. It took me a complete playthrough to be able to decrypt things with enough confidence I didn't feel a need to save the game before each attempt. Most of the time, I never knew what I was doing wrong. The controller input is VERY finicky...hit the buttons too fast, hold them down too long or not long enough and you fail.  The sequencing wasn't the issue for me. it was the physical interface with the controller. When I first started playing, I thought the game was glitched and almost returned it. I was hitting the buttons in the correct order and was still failing.

The facial animations for the femSheps in ME1 are awful. They do this thing with their noses that is really screwed up -- exaggerated creases on the bridge of the nose and they "duck face" their lips.
It is virtually impossible to create an attractive femShep in ME1. If you think you have, you find out later that she looks awful with a giraffe like neck you cant change. And you don't have the option of changing her casual wear to hide that stupid looking neck. peave of mine. I enjoy watching an attractive femShep kicking a$$. My ME2 femSheps are hotties, IMO.  ;D

The sniper rifle in ME1 is seriously fubared. I love sniping, but until you are deep into the game with many upgrades, the sniper rifle is essentially unusable. Someone described aiming it as " a drunk in an earthquake." And starting out as an Infiltrator being "untrained" in either assault rifle or shotgun and not having access to a good sniper rifle wasn't much fun for me.

The sprint and conversation control sharing the "A" button on the controller caused me some grief. I was stopped in mid sprint for a conversation I didn't want to have many times.I was never able to master covering in ME1. It seemed very inconsistent. I never knew if it was going to w@&k or not.

I had issues with the audio. Many times I could not hear what my squadmates were saying, even with the music turned off and the conversation maxed out.  A shame, because quite a bit of the banter between squadmates is funny.

There is an issue with the autosave which caused me some grief. For the most part, autosave points are generous and in logical places but on a couple of occasions they are non-existent and if you aren't paying attention and don't manually save, you are in for a shock. In particular on Noveria [sp?]  where you must track down Benezia. I made it to the end of that mission but was killed by Benezia. When the game restarted I was all the way back at the main building preparing to get into the Mako for the long drive to Peak 15 -- almost two hours earlier! :D 

A similar thing happened on Ilos. I failed to reach the conduit before the time expired and the game restarted with my arrival on Ilos almost an hour earlier. I had not noticed that no autosaves were occurring. I learned my lesson that time. My fault ultimately, but I wonder why the Autosave schedule is so radically different in those two missions?

The planets, ships, and stations you visit on ME1 side quests all look the same. It gets pretty monotonous -- much like the scanning for minerals in ME2.

And with ME1, I found a vehicle I dislike more than ME2's hammerhead. I really disliked the Mako. Targeting on that thing was atrocious. Got really tired of climbing up mountains in order to get to debris I couldn't unlock because of my decryption or electronics skills being too low.

Honestly, I was pretty happy to finish up with ME1. I did it just so I would have a history to import to ME2. I believe some choices made in ME1 are going to have consequences that carry through to ME3. I think the choice whether to kill or spare the Rachni Queen is going to end up being a very important one, just as the one whether to hack the Geth or fry them in Legion's loyalty mission in ME2. Of course the potential ramifications of the bigger choices are obvious.

I now have begun new playthroughs on ME2 with the characters I imported from ME1. I'm a little burned out on ME2 for a while but I'm going to keep at it. I want to import these two characters into ME3 and see what happens. I'm glad I started with ME2 though. Had I started with ME1, I might have quit and never even tried ME2.

If the overall improvements from ME2 to ME3 are as substantial as those from ME1 to ME2, it's going to be one Hell of a game.

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 20, 2010, 10:39:40 AM
[admin]removed this post because it was nothing but a quote of the entire previous post[/admin]
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 20, 2010, 12:15:27 PM
Reading through that massive post makes me think.. I did what you said you would have.. I started with ME1 and never got to the end (I don't know how far I got, perhaps 75%) and indeed I shied away from ME2.

Maybe I'll pick it up again one day :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 20, 2010, 04:01:06 PM
"I've played through ME1 twice now...once as a male paragon soldier and once as a  female renegade infiltrator. I only got to Level 38 with the paragon Shep since I did an abbreviated play though. I made it to level 44 with the femShep...not sure what else there was left to do for the six last levels though.

The Paragon Shep let Ashley kill Wrex then decided to leave her behind on Virmire. He allowed the Rachni Queen to live and saved the Council. No romancing.".....didn't want to quote the whole post, so I'll just make a couple comments using this leader...

1] After making level 46 on my first play as a soldier I've made 52-54 with all the other classes. Since you gain XP for everything you do I spend hours on the Citadel just taking care of all the assignments and talking to everyone. Give Kaiden points in decryption or electronics, and Garrus or Tali the other. This is key especially if you're a soldier...then start exploring the planets for debris/resources; I stay away from firefights till I get past lvl 20...

2] Meeting up with Wrex on Tuchanka is a much more rewarding experience than dealing with his brother, and I can see it impacting ME3 along the same path as the Rachni Queen....

3] I'm just the opposite with respect to the Mako vs Hammerhead. Targeting wasn't a problem once I figured out the 2 level scope. Weaken an enemy then get out and finish them off for extra XP.....

4] If you're interested in a checklist to see what you might have missed, this is a good one {both games} (

I'm just about to finish my final ME2 paragon run. After that I'll embark on my renegade femshep play; looking forward to the different conversations... :)

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 20, 2010, 04:18:55 PM
Just wanted to add a good Mako tip.....enemies target the nose, so get the nose behind cover and fire at will  :-D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 21, 2010, 01:29:12 AM
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 21, 2010, 09:44:42 AM
The problem I have with the Mako targeting is that there are too many times in which I have a target in the "crosshairs" with an unobstructed shot but the round is incorrectly deflected off the Mako or whatever I am using for cover. Yet the enemy is able to hit me. I am often forced into an exposed position in order to get a hit on a target. There seems to be a discrepancy between the game's visible and virtual barriers -- most noticeable when in the Mako.

I experienced a very strange glitch when battling Benezia. I was taking cover with Liara behind a crate and Benezia used her biotics to lift the crates.  The crate landed on my body and Liara was standing on my head. I wasn't dead but couldn't move. I kept trying to move but no combination of controls worked. I panned the view around and could see why -- My neck was stretched out almost the length of my body and was still stretching. My head was attached but my neck looked like a piece of stringy, melted cheese. When Liara fell dead a couple of minutes later and was no longer standing on my head, my neck quit stretching but never returned to normal.

My HUD indicated that I was a full health. I laid there long enough Benezia quit shooting at me but the only control that had any effect was the weapon selector...I couldn't change weapons but it made the noise associated with a weapon change and I could see one of my arms twitching.  I could aim in a limited arc but couldn't shoot. And I didn't appear to be holding  a weapon.

I finally had to reboot the Xbox and restart from a save point.

The question is...why didn't I take a photo of this freakish glitch?  :D :D :D

I do seem to have a knack for flushing out the strangest glitches in my video games.  ;D

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 21, 2010, 10:04:53 AM
I've had that glitch before; iirc it's a well known one. I make it a habit to save in the corridor just before entering the lab. Also, as soon as I can I head to the platform behind Benezia and fight her clowns from there  :)

Started my renegade run last night at 10PM, finally got off the Citidel at 4AM. Managed to reach lvl 11...
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 21, 2010, 10:09:42 AM
I'm glad I started using the Wiki morality guides for ME1 and ME2. It is not always obvious which response nets paragon or renegade points. Helps when you are trying to max out either ASAP.

I find it quite amazing that someone took the time to keep track of all the possible responses and their morality implications.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 21, 2010, 01:25:00 PM
interesting read :)

When I used the Mako in ME1, I remember I tried to find a suitable angle for an attack form above (some rocky ledge) so I could drive forwards, aim and shoot, and retreat in a straight line to get out of sight. Rinse and repeat.. until the enemy was down. :)

I always saved like a maniac, especially after everything important and before anything which had the potential of having an impact on the game.

Since I'm on a PC and fond of cheating, I maxed out both the renegade and the paragon bit. Which gave me a lot of funny opportunities during conversations.. using a savegame, I often tested various approaches for giggles :)

The funniest bit ever was a situation when I was in some kind of a club and someone was blackmailing me (or something like that, he tried to play me) and I had some kind of guard next to me (of a species known for their ruthless ways). One of the dialog options made me pull my gun.. and I shot that ba$t@rd in the head. That alone made me laugh already because it was ridiculous, but what finally cracked me up was the comment of that guard, something along the line of "Nice.. maybe you humans are worthy, after all"  ^+-+
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 22, 2010, 09:47:06 AM
I just took the most renegade of actions... helped Morinth kill Samara. Good for 45[!] Renegade points.

In gameplay, Morinth assumes the appearance and voice of Samara but the conversations in private with her are different.  She also has a "dominate " power which turns organics against their squadmates. I've used it but really can't see that it helps much.

Otherwise, I have read that choosing her does not effect the outcome of ME2. ME3...well...that is a different matter. I think my Renegade is going to have a pretty tough time of it in ME3.  I think I'll keep the Collector base at the end of the game as well. Go big or go home, right?  >:D

Morinth is romance-able but I've seen a clip of what happens if you let her convince you that you can survive sex with her.  :o

Hate to cheat on Liara. I hinted that we might have some little blue kids together after all this is over.

Then again... I probably lied to her as well.

It's fun being an evil bitch, although it is hard w@&k.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 22, 2010, 12:20:17 PM
I got the 'dominate' but kept Samara in one of my paragon runs. Make a save when you first enter the apt.; side with Morinth in the fight so you get dominate then replay from the save and dominate stays in your powers.......I'll keep Morinth when doing the renegade run.  >:D

To tell the truth, I'm not a very good renegade. Checking the wiki I can see I've left a lot of points on the table. I didn't shoot Finch, but I did use the 'intimidate' answer "so what!" and did get the same points as if I'd shot him. The Turian guard would have been more impressed ( like Art said) if I'd just shot him.

At level 30 right now, but the red bar is only half full with just a bit of blue.  (:)0

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 22, 2010, 12:32:58 PM
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 22, 2010, 02:27:32 PM
Just finished my play through as Lilith, the ultimate Renegade. I maxed out on the red scale long before making it to the final missions.

Even though everyone was loyal, I Lost Mordin in the final battle. I usually have him escort the surviving crew members back to the ship but I stuck with the renegade plan and let them fend for themselves. And of course they died as a result.

An empty ship doesn't bother me since I've done about everything that could be done in this playthrough. Time to start over and be the ultimate paragon. 

Interesting cut scene just before the suicide mission. Shepard went to her cabin and stared at a photo of Liara. Looks like the evil bitch is truly in love. I went to the Shadow Broker base after it was all over hoping to hook up with Liara for a third time but she just stands there repeating" Thanks for coming by."

Made the rounds debriefing the crew after completing the final mission. They are all in agreement that giving the Illusive Man the Collector base was a mistake. Even Miranda has doubts.

Interesting exchange with Legion regarding why he is wearing a piece of N7 armor.

Oh and I tried hooking up with Morinth. Didn't go too well. 

Let's just say, "Critical Mission Failure"  ;D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 23, 2010, 11:34:41 AM
I guess you'd have to consider me a 'compassionate renegade'  ^+-+ I let the rachni queen live and I didn't turn in Giania to Anoleis. Still managed to get the renegade achievement and the Lord Darius mission which scored more red points when I whacked him  >:D

Finished the day at lvl 45 with still plenty to do; so my target of 50 this play looks to be in the bag. I remember my first play as soldier took 3x to reach 60, and that last play from 59 to 60 was a slog. Just for reference, there's a total of 862,100xp and lvl 59 is hit at about 662,000xp...I had omnigel maxed at 999 and credits maxed at 9999999  ???

I am enjoying the different conversations, and laughed at Conrad when I made him cry  >:D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 23, 2010, 11:47:38 AM
I missed the Conrad assignment. I signed his autograph and never heard from nor saw him again. Never got instructions as what I was supposed to do.

Blew him off the second time...still never saw him again.

I think I read on another forum about there possibly being a glitch with his mission.

I had fun messing with Giana. I gave Lorek Quinn the evidence, went back to Anilos' office and taunted her.

Ran into Giana in Ilium in ME2. She wanted me to help her sting a smuggler. I warned the target of her investigation rather than set her up for Giana. Giana was pissed. "You've screwed me twice!"  ;D

Having fun taunting Fist in ME2. Paragon Shep let him live in ME1. I can't walk by him at Afterlife and not harass the guy.  ;D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 24, 2010, 08:28:14 AM
An interesting encounter when attempting to recruit Okeer.

The Asari I let go from Saren's lab on Virmire in ME1 made an appearance. Once again, I let her go to max my Paragon points.

Zaeed said, "Someday that is going to bite you in the a$$."

Intriguing.  8)

I've never been able to gain and keep everyone's loyalty while playing as a Paragon. Perhaps I imported enough points from ME1 this time...and I think I can retrain powers to max out points before the critical exchanges take place. I would really like to see everyone survive the suicide mission. I did it in an early play through but don't remember how.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 24, 2010, 11:12:31 AM
The only time I've had any unloyal team was my first play, and I only lost Miranda on that one.

If you want to save everyone, including the crew, go right to O4 relay after Legions loyalty mission. On the collector ship use Legion, Tali or Kasumi in the vent; Jacob, Garrus or Miranda to lead fire teams 1&2 and leave all the heavyweights (Grunt, Garrus, Zaeed) to 'hold the line'  8)

I finished up my renagade run at level 55 and immediatly started another play. 55 is my new high, previous was 54. I've seen all three endings now and thought this one was pretty good. I didn't select either Udina or Anderson, but Udina still gave a great 'fist in your face' speech  :)

I finished with well over 100% renegade and about 30% paragon. Saving the Rachni queen cost me, but I was able to save Wrex and still get 9 renagade pts by intimidation, unfortunatly Shiala and Rana weren't so lucky... >:D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 25, 2010, 09:22:06 AM
Nearing the end of my ME1/ME2 Paragon playthrough. Haven't picked up Legion yet but everyone else on the team is loyal.

Fun to speculate about the future and potential plot twists...and to ponder how choices made now will effect the future. ME offers players a unique experience beyond the mere gaming aspect, IMO. Been paying more attention to hints as to possible future developments.

I think I'll do one more ME1/ME2 playthrough...and just play as myself, responding to choices and conversation options as I would -- no morality guide, just my instincts. I played that way the first times through and that really is how one should play it, IMO.

I'll still be on the paragon path but will avail myself of renegade options when the mood strikes me.

That should set me up pretty nicely for ME3 -- paragon, renegade, and a paragon with a occasional bad attitude  and temper.  ;D

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on November 25, 2010, 10:26:04 AM
 ;D As in, "oh, he's a true angel, so sweet and lovely.. when he's not splitting heads, that is."
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 25, 2010, 11:12:59 AM
"I'll still be on the paragon path but will avail myself of renegade options when the mood strikes me."

Like smacking around Elias Kellum maybe?  ;)

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 26, 2010, 11:12:38 AM
Well, made it to lvl 60 early on the Noveria mission; still have plenty left to do. I think making lvl 55 on the first run made this rather easy...have a full red bar and about 10% blue.

One renegade move I almost didn't make was Shiala; I found that cut scene rather disturbing...sigh, I'm going to miss Shiala making a pass at me on Illium   :(

I'll finish this up today so I can get started on ME2 renegade run  >:D When that's done I can get around to the backlog of games I've got here...

IMO, game of the year should be between ME2 and Red Dead  :-X
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 28, 2010, 07:12:57 PM
Yes, killing Shiala is a unsettling scene.

Just completed my male paragon run through ME1 and ME2. Managed to keep everyone alive and got down with Miranda in the engine room. Kasumi made a hilarious comment when I stopped in to see her after the mission was completed. She said " People are talking. And I hear it all. You and the engine room? Really?  So just how genetically modified is she?...I mean...Wow. "

I sure hope Kasumi returns in ME3. She has turned out to be one of my favorite characters. 

I thought the max number of levels the first time through in ME1 was 50. Congrats on the 55. I managed to get to 48 in what was probably my last play through as a new character.

I did manage to accumulate enough paragon points this time to keep Wrex alive. Curious to see how that will play out in ME2. I ended up saving Kaiden again. The game sat in limbo for 30 minutes while I made up my mind. It was purely a rational choice this time. I play as a soldier and never took Ashley along with me on the missions anyway. I don't think I'll need her skill set in the future. If I was playing as an Adept or Engineer, the choice would likely be different. Also, human biotics are more rare than than someone good with guns. 

And I now know how to complete the Conrad Verner mission. I didn't know you have to return to see him a couple of additional times.

And I didn't know that you get a bonus of 100,000 creds if your imported ME1 character had more than 1,000,000 creds when ME1 ends.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on November 29, 2010, 11:59:40 AM
Quote from: eor123 on November 28, 2010, 07:12:57 PM
Yes, killing Shiala is a unsettling scene.

Just completed my male paragon run through ME1 and ME2. Managed to keep everyone alive and got down with Miranda in the engine room. Kasumi made a hilarious comment when I stopped in to see her after the mission was completed. She said " People are talking. And I hear it all. You and the engine room? Really?  So just how genetically modified is she?...I mean...Wow. "

I sure hope Kasumi returns in ME3. She has turned out to be one of my favorite characters. 

I thought the max number of levels the first time through in ME1 was 50. Congrats on the 55. I managed to get to 48 in what was probably my last play through as a new character.

I did manage to accumulate enough paragon points this time to keep Wrex alive. Curious to see how that will play out in ME2. I ended up saving Kaiden again. The game sat in limbo for 30 minutes while I made up my mind. It was purely a rational choice this time. I play as a soldier and never took Ashley along with me on the missions anyway. I don't think I'll need her skill set in the future. If I was playing as an Adept or Engineer, the choice would likely be different. Also, human biotics are more rare than than someone good with guns. 

And I now know how to complete the Conrad Verner mission. I didn't know you have to return to see him a couple of additional times.

And I didn't know that you get a bonus of 100,000 creds if your imported ME1 character had more than 1,000,000 creds when ME1 ends.

Logical choice to keep Kaiden when playing as a Soldier or Vanguard. Getting to level 50 opens up the 'X' gear, armor, weapons etc.. Started my 55 to 60 play with Colossus X armor...getting to level 60 opens up more bonus's in ME2 and you pretty much start at lvl 7 after Freedoms Progress.....77:11 total playtime to lvl 60...

I was several hours into my ME2 renegade play when I decided to restart. I had started as a soldier and picked Anderson in the setup although I'd opted out of making a choice at the end of ME. I guess they force you to choose and I didn't really want to play as a soldier this time. Went with sentinel and picked Udina on the restart.

Ran into Conrad in the Eternity Lounge and shot him in the foot  ^+-+ Funny interaction/response from the Asari bartender (Liaras father?) If playing as a paragon you're not supposed to see Conrad on Illium, just receive a message from him. However there's a glitch where he shows up anyway and that's why you hear the 'gun in my face' comment from the renegade play...
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on November 29, 2010, 12:10:02 PM
I had my fill of that a$$hole Turian Council member last night night. Even though I'm paragon leaning, I just couldn't refrain from telling the Council to shove their offer of reinstatement after they wouldn't listen to me and threatened me for working with Cerberus.

Doing so led to even more threats from the Council and Udina thinks I might start an interstellar war.

I'm a femShep. Blame on my hormones.  ;D

I have a feeling the Council is going to beg for my help when the Reapers start showing up in Citadel Space and kicking their butts in ME3.

"Nah Nah Nah...Told you so!"  ;)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: deadman1 on December 13, 2010, 12:42:32 PM
Here´s a little teaser for ME3  :) (

I put it here rather than give it it´s own topic because the game wont be released until late next year.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: mandru on December 14, 2010, 06:40:51 AM
That is a cool preview of Mass Effect 3 deadman.  :-X

I saw it on a game award show on TV that also had a few other first glance videos at some of the other games that are going to be released in the next year.  ME3 really caught my attention because of the discussion about it here but there were a few others as well that looked pretty interesting as well.  Prototype 2, Resistance 3 and Uncharted 3 all look very promising.

I posted about the previews and the award show over on this thread if you are interested (the link is hidden in the spoiler button). (
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: PZ on December 14, 2010, 10:04:15 AM
Because Uncharted 2 was so much fun, I'm looking forward to Uncharted 3.  Even though linear, the graphics were excellent, and it seemed like there were no two places that were exactly the same (like we see in most games)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on December 17, 2010, 08:13:27 PM
Uncharted 2 is a truly beautiful game, isn't it? 
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on December 17, 2010, 08:19:15 PM
Wanted to share a really awesome fan made video tribute to Mass Effect 2. Cut scenes and original soundtrack.

Watching this actually made me want to start playing it again. It's fun being an epic hero.

Mass Effect 2 - Music VIdeo (
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on December 18, 2010, 12:13:00 PM
Cool vid, thanks for posting  :-X

According to my file, I'm on my 21st play of ME2. That's not counting a couple ME & ME2 plays before I got xbox live. So far I've taken a default (couldn't make one I liked) male shepard paragon to level 60 in every class then played those through ME2.

My attempt to make a female renegade turned out much better, and I'm very pleased with the import of my 2nd (had to tweak #1 during the ME2 import). Upped my difficulty to veteran on this play as Infiltrator, can't wait to pick up the 'widow'  >:D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: eor123 on December 18, 2010, 01:09:07 PM
Yep..I love the widow rifle. Nothing more fun than hitting one of the big mechs with a few head shots and watching it detonate with a mini-nuke type explosion.

I played through a couple of times as Infiltrator but didn't enjoy it very much. Seems like you don't gain enough in powers and tech to offset the loss of weapons availability and skills.

On a whim, I tried Vanguard and enjoyed it -- not so much in ME1, but in ME2 you get the "Charge" ability which allows you to slam into your foes with incredible force. While not always enough to kill them, it will knock them off their feet and you can finish them with a shotgun blast to the head at point blank range. Of course you have to use this power judiciously as it can get you into bad trouble just as fast.

Having access to Shockwave makes dealing with the Husks pretty easy. The ones who aren't killed outright are knocked down and stunned allowing you time to pick them off with a shotgun or reload if needed.  That is only time I use cryo ammo in ME2. Works well on husks. 

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on December 18, 2010, 01:58:40 PM
Vanguard in ME was ok; I maxed out fitness, combat armor and the shotty (with HE), gun and spam immunity  >:D Although, like you said, the ME2 biotic charge is a gas. You should try Sentinel if you haven't yet. The Sentinels tech armor is great. I max it out to 'power' armor and use pistol, smg and pick up the sniper when I get the chance. I also like the mix of tech/biotics with overload, warp and throw.

This Infiltrator run has been interesting. I found that using cloak works well against the Praetorian; he''ll turn on your squad and hitting him cloaked gives extra damage(+40% in my setup). I like using neural shock on unprotected organics; stand'em up and headshot  ;D. I mined a ton of eezo so I spend alot changing things around, like before recruiting Tali I'll change my bonus power to energy drain and go heavy on the disruptor ammo.

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on March 30, 2011, 11:34:26 AM
Picked up the Arrival DLC yesterday; not bad for 1.5-2 hrs. Managed to get all 3 cheevos, but had to try 3 different characters to get 'Last Stand'  :D

I'd started playing Arrival with a Sentinal just before the IFF mission. Sentinel only lasted a couple waves in Last Stand, but I was more focused on advancing the story so I didn't try to hard. After I completed the game I switched careers and loaded a Soldier thinking that would offer a better fighting chance....wrong!  ^+-+ Made the mistake of trying 'group dominate' for my bonus power when I should have used fortification or barrier or geth shield...without the extra shield my soldier couldn't survieve even one wave.

Anyway, switched to my Vanguard and dropped to casual from veteran. Vanguard with barrier, heavy charge and inferno ammo on the geth shotty and Mattock AR worked great. I'll bump it back up to veteran on another play to see if that made much difference...
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on March 31, 2011, 01:11:17 PM
Just found a nice review of Arrival, really looking forward to playing it : (
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on April 01, 2011, 12:02:58 AM
Quote from: Fiach on March 31, 2011, 01:11:17 PM
Just found a nice review of Arrival, really looking forward to playing it : (

Good review, thanks......I laughed when I read this> "For the hardcore fan, that means you'll spend around 2.5 to 4 hours on it across multiple playthroughs." When I checked my career saves I counted 20 so I've started playing some of the older ones. Found several so far that I needed to play all 3 DLC's  :-D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on April 01, 2011, 04:03:32 AM
You are going to be a busy gamer mate :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on April 04, 2011, 10:42:48 AM
Quote from: Fiach on April 01, 2011, 04:03:32 AM
You are going to be a busy gamer mate :)

I opened a virtual pandors box  :o Finished up last night; had deleted one career so now 19 are up to date. Checked my pre-internet profile and found 3 more careers from when I first played. I actually connected my xbox to the internet just to get the Cerberus stuff, then wound up getting the rest of the DLC. Anyway, the 3 careers on the offline  (KingRat) profile have all those DLC plus Kasumi & Zaeed to do.

I deleted one so I still have a couple to play with. Good thing I like this game  ;D I only need an 'insanity' run to complete my ME achievements so I might do that first...
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on April 04, 2011, 01:36:07 PM
LOL! Rather you than me :)

I bought the CE and there was a problem with the code, I played the game 6 times before they sorted the code out for me, I was so browned off with the game I have been avoiding it like the plague since.

I guess at least Ill have the armour for the next playthrough and DLC's :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on April 06, 2011, 12:47:58 PM
Quote from: Fiach on April 04, 2011, 01:36:07 PM
LOL! Rather you than me :)

I bought the CE and there was a problem with the code, I played the game 6 times before they sorted the code out for me, I was so browned off with the game I have been avoiding it like the plague since.

I guess at least Ill have the armour for the next playthrough and DLC's :)


20 down 1 to go....I must say that by doing it this way I've been able to try many different class/power combos. Sentinel w/heavy reave was fun, I was spamming reave like crazy 'oh the agony' in their screams as you drain the life out  >:D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on April 06, 2011, 11:24:58 PM
LOL sounds cruel .... hey are you Art???
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on April 08, 2011, 10:53:48 AM
Quote from: Fiach on April 06, 2011, 11:24:58 PM
LOL sounds cruel .... hey are you Art???

Art?  :o no, but I do have some relatives over in his neck of the woods.

ME3 details; might have some spoilers if you're not up to date with ME2> (

All sounds good to me....I'm ready  :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on April 08, 2011, 12:06:34 PM
Nice find, I liked the video at the end :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on April 08, 2011, 02:21:29 PM
Thinking that was James Sanders in the tower?
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on April 08, 2011, 05:31:45 PM
According to Jarrett Lee (Bioware) it isnt. *shrugs* :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on April 08, 2011, 06:37:44 PM
Quote from: Fiach on April 08, 2011, 05:31:45 PM
According to Jarrett Lee (Bioware) it isnt. *shrugs* :)

yea, I just read that while checking scans. Ash is looking pretty hot with her hair down  :-X
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on April 09, 2011, 01:17:34 AM
Whats weird is Bio can make awesome female NPC's, but you cannot (usinfg the same engine) make a female shepard that doesnt look like a cross between susan boyle and sly stallones mom. :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on April 10, 2011, 02:27:47 PM
I am not cruel! ???

well, maybe. Just a bit.  :-D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on April 10, 2011, 04:42:20 PM
Quote from: Art Blade on April 10, 2011, 02:27:47 PM
I am not cruel! ???

Saying it, dont make it true :)

Have you played ME 1 and 2 Art?
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on April 11, 2011, 08:47:36 AM
ME1, yes, but not finished. For some reason the game didn't really convince me so I started to cheat (maxed out the good and bad rep at the same time allowing for multiple choices when it came to dialogues). I did like a few elements, some part of the story, but I didn't like the managing system of your crew and their outfits. Or stupid missions like driving around on planets in a rover looking for minerals or stuff like that. So, I was caught in between "yeah, cool game" and "aww man, this is really annoying to no end"
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on April 11, 2011, 04:25:35 PM
They got rid of the vehicle and in ME2 you scan the planet from your ship, they actually made it more boring lol :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on April 11, 2011, 06:06:40 PM
hehe, that is a point, I understand.. :) I like RPG elements in action games, ME1 was cool and had sometimes funny conversation options (pull a pistol and shoot rather than talk) and the rooms and buildings and all that were cool but the controls were strange, the aiming was strange, managing a crew was very strange, gear the crew up was horrible, finding really good and fitting armour for the different species of your crew was a nightmare, developing skills and all that stuff was meh.. it looked cool but it played bad. Maybe that's why I never picked it up again once I quit in the middle of something.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on April 12, 2011, 12:12:51 AM
Quote from: Art Blade on April 11, 2011, 06:06:40 PM
I like RPG elements in action games,  managing a crew was very strange, gear the crew up was horrible, finding really good and fitting armour for the different species of your crew was a nightmare, developing skills and all that stuff was meh.. it looked cool but it played bad.

LOL, you are not an RPG player Art, everything you listed there is what RPG players love :)

I know what you mean about "elements", eg. Borderlands has RPG elements, but gathering a party through quests, kitting them out, poring over equipment stats trying to find the best gear for each member is the meat and potatoes of a good RPG :)

Its weird, but I HATED them with a passion, until a friend strong armed me into trying Baldurs Gate, by the time I finished that gem, RPG's became my favourite genre of videogame. They just have so much more depth, than any other videogame style, that I can think of :)

Did you play Fallout at all? I think you would really enjoy it, as you only have to look after one character, one style of weapon and maybe only two (or three at the most) statistics.
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on April 12, 2011, 11:14:40 AM
I think you got it right or at least it depends on the game if I like an RPG. Yes, I played FO3 and even created mods for it (you can find some of my stuff here at OWG boards and downloads) which was fun and I loved the game. Same goes for STALKER series, great games. And The Elder Scrolls IV, Oblivion, was absolutely time-consuming, loved it (and created mods for it) :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on April 12, 2011, 01:43:21 PM
Cool :)

Have you tried Alpha Protocol? Thats a nice mix of guns and RPG.

I only have FO3 on the 360 so mods are not usable for me :(
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on April 12, 2011, 01:49:35 PM
Sorry about those mods.. but Fiach, my Irish friend, let me reveal a secret ( to you ;)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on April 12, 2011, 04:54:21 PM
Quote from: Fiach on April 12, 2011, 01:43:21 PM
Cool :)

Have you tried Alpha Protocol? Thats a nice mix of guns and RPG.

I only have FO3 on the 360 so mods are not usable for me :(

Played AP over the weekend. Another marathon session without sleep; started saturday and played straight through till I finished up sunday evening. Now I'm trying Just Cause 2 again.... 8-X
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on April 12, 2011, 06:42:56 PM
Just read this review and understand why I liked AP despite the flaws> (

"Alpha Protocol's Michael Thornton isn't Bauer, Bourne or Bond - although the game is eager to invite all these comparisons. It's Shepard."

Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Fiach on April 13, 2011, 04:58:38 AM
Sorry mate I had forgotten those threads, yup a good game .....and probably the hottest female characters in a videogame ever :)

King Rat, when I played the game first, I played with pistol secret agent style and any time I had dialogue options I tried to say something like Bond would say in that situation, it was a great role-playing experience. :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on April 13, 2011, 11:12:47 AM
KingRat, in case you want to read some more and perhaps wish to post, we have an entire board ( dedicated to AP :)
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: KingRat on April 16, 2011, 05:36:25 PM
Quote from: Art Blade on April 13, 2011, 11:12:47 AM
KingRat, in case you want to read some more and perhaps wish to post, we have an entire board ( dedicated to AP :)

Thanks Art,

I did see that as I usually check to see which games are being talked about. I moved from AP to Fallout 3, but made some mistakes and it was 'game over' and I was only at lvl 12. I'm reading the Prima game guide right now to see where I went wrong and what I need to do different/better  :D

Think I'll start a new play rather than trying an older save.... :)

Any tips for the DLC? I se there are 5 available, but I'd like the one with the best goodies  ;D
Title: Re: Mass Effect 2
Post by: Art Blade on April 16, 2011, 09:23:22 PM
In case you're talking about AP then I am completely unaware of any DLC. Sorry, old chap :) As for the other games (ME and FO) I haven't played ME and for FO we have a board which might help you find answers or just post your request there :) Again, I have not downloaded any DLC for that game.