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Video games => Far Cry 2 => Far Cry series => Memorable moments => Topic started by: JRD on April 06, 2009, 09:32:23 AM

Title: Car Bombing a Guard Post
Post by: JRD on April 06, 2009, 09:32:23 AM
Cheking how my videos look like and how to place them properly in the forums...
Captured with FRAPS and converted to mpg1 using Xilisoft (thanks spearhead_22 for the tips)
I think the audio is bad and the file is too large (12 MB) for such a short video...
Hope to hear from you guys...
spaceboy, you seem to try a lot and can give a few tips too

[smg id=31 type=av]

Pay attention and you will hear one of the mercs saying "Oh f@#k!" when he realise what is about to happen
Title: Re: Car Bombing a Guard Post
Post by: PZ on April 06, 2009, 10:12:30 AM
Fantastic video clip jrderntl!  Spearhead_22 and spaceboy seem to have developed the technique for HD on YouTube so I hope that they can give insight to the rest of us as we learn to make our videos.

Good job...
Title: Re: Car Bombing a Guard Post
Post by: Dweller_Benthos on April 06, 2009, 10:25:52 AM
LOL! I love the barrel rolling across the road after the explosion.
Title: Re: Car Bombing a Guard Post
Post by: JRD on April 06, 2009, 10:29:13 AM
I used the same technique to get the convoy that goes throught that same GP, blew the truck and the GP at the same time. ;D
Didn't captured that though.. will do it again and post!
Title: Re: Car Bombing a Guard Post
Post by: spaceboy on April 06, 2009, 10:34:06 AM
That's excellent.  Obviously a well practiced techique.  It was poetic.  I too liked the barrel rolling as well as the way the tree shook like hell.

The video looked great, can't wait to see more.  The file size seems about right, they are big.  You may try converting to MOV (quicktime) it's what I've been doing based on spearhead's recommendation.  But I think the quality on yours is better than mine even after clicking HQ...
Title: Re: Car Bombing a Guard Post
Post by: DKM2 on April 08, 2009, 09:19:37 PM
If your going to return a POS truck, that's the way to do it....   ;D