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Video games => Assassin's Creed => AC: II => Topic started by: PZ on March 14, 2010, 08:50:50 AM

Title: PC version
Post by: PZ on March 14, 2010, 08:50:50 AM
Well fellows,
I was browsing the software isle of the local super store yesterday and did not find some of the games I was looking for, but I did find the complete version of AC2 for the PC - $49

Because I wanted to see how it plays on the computer versus the console, I just couldn't resist the purchase so I left the store with a small package.  After installing, I experienced what Art explained in another post - you must be connected to the Internet just to play the game solo.  Although I really dislike having to have Internet on just to play a game, here we are.

I experienced the same in AC2 for the PC as I have in other games.  It is much easier to control Ezio's movements with the mouse.  While the PS3 controller feels crude, "boxy", and clunky, the movement is crisp and precise with the mouse - I could actually free run the rooftops with ease!

My hardware allows me to run the game with full graphics, and the result is that the appearance of the environment is also better with the PC.

In summary, if I had to choose only one gaming system, I'd choose the PC, but it sure is nice to have the console to fill the niche of playing in bed just before going to sleep or rising in the morning!  ;D
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: fragger on March 15, 2010, 04:06:23 AM
Thanks muchly for the info, PZ :-X

I'll be picking the game up this Friday. It'll be interesting to see how the price here compares with $49US.
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: Art Blade on March 15, 2010, 07:00:46 AM
I got it today, UK import, 50€ (fair enough, considering). It needs a UBI account (which I still have from FC2) and indeed you must be online all the time.

Of course I have had to suffer from a connection faliure, resulting the game to stop working until the connection was re-established. It saves online, and restored the game from the last savegame. Apparently it saves whenever you do something relevant, like finding a treasure.

Looks great, feels great, but that online requirement is something I'd love to shove up their you know what.  ;)
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: PZ on March 15, 2010, 08:53:08 AM
Quote from: Art Blade on March 15, 2010, 07:00:46 AM
... but that online requirement is something I'd love to shove up their you know what.  ;)

I'm with you on that one - don't like the way that games are going if this is the general way of thinking.  Who knows, one of these days that might even mean that unless you have a fast Internet connection you won't be able to play.  That will be the day that I give up on gaming and find something else to do.

I tried to get online with my son this weekend with Uncharted2 - he was on the phone with me and started a cooperative game with an invitation to me.  Although the game tried linking with the server, it failed on several synchronizations and we finally had to give up.
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: Art Blade on March 15, 2010, 12:59:47 PM
I forgot to mention that my PC version already contains Bonfire of the Vanities and Battle of Forli, as I had hoped they would, following the example of AC1 when the PC version got out late but had more content.

And I might add, DAMN that AC2 game is good  ;D :-X
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: PZ on March 15, 2010, 01:11:20 PM
I'm stuck on this game nearly as much as I was on FC2.  I just completed the DLC versions on the PS3 starting from scratch and they fit perfectly into the main story line.  In fact, you'd never even know that they were not part of the original sequence.
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: RedRaven on March 15, 2010, 01:58:59 PM
Quote from: PZ on March 15, 2010, 01:11:20 PM
In fact, you'd never even know that they were not part of the original sequence.

That's good to hear, it shows good forward thinking on the dev's part. Though it seems more and more games are being made with DLC content in mind such as Borderlands with its 3 DLC's each expanding on the core game and adding plenty of new features too. Lets hope Ubisoft keep it up when it comes to FarCry 3 (of which there is still no news yet :( ).
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: spaceboy on March 15, 2010, 07:02:01 PM
glad to hear you're enjoying the game Art  :)

I think the sequences fit so well, because they really were part of the original plan for the game but pulled out as they weren't complete.  The game was fine without them, I'm not complaining, but they really are added back INTO the story rather than added ON.

As for DLC, I got a free "Chronicles" DLC for Heavy Rain which was a little prequel episode to the game.  It was cool to see more of one of the characters before you met her in the game.  More is planned for the other characters.  But, yeah, like Borderlands all pre-planned.
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: fragger on March 16, 2010, 05:01:56 AM
Damn, now I don't know what to do. I'd love to get into this game, but that internet thing has really got me baulking. My connection is not the best - it's often slow and I get a LOT of dropouts, so I can see myself waiting, waiting, waiting, and then waiting some more for the connection to re-establish itself after a dropout... then doing it all over again with the next dropout 20 minutes later. And that's if it does reconnect - on occasion, it goes down for the count. Also, I'm on a prepaid wireless connection, which is all I can get in this boonie apart from phone cable dial-up (shudder). This means that, in a way, every time I play, I pay. I don't think it would add up to very much, but it's still money getting spent. I must say, I'm not keen on that idea at all.

This trend of compelling gamers to be online to play really rubs me the wrong way, especially when it's only SP. I know the game developers want to protect their products and thwart piracy, but it only works well for those with bullet-proof connections and whizbang transfer rates. I don't have either of those, so I'm tossing up weather to get the game or not. I just don't know if the game's worth the frustration that I know I'll experience with my stodgy net connection. And as for the dollar factor, I expect to keep paying for something that I've already bought only if it burns fuel, requires regular maintenance, or needs to be insured. Not a computer game.

It's so annoying because I was really looking forward to getting into AC2. I was going to pick it up next Friday, so I'll go to the shop then and see how much it is. Maybe I'll let the cost price be the deciding factor.


Quote from: Art Blade on March 15, 2010, 07:00:46 AM
Looks great, feels great, but that online requirement is something I'd love to shove up their you know what.  ;)

Shove it sideways, Art ;D
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: spaceboy on March 16, 2010, 06:25:56 AM
perhaps you only need the internet connection at startup, but not during every minute of gameplay...any way for Art or PZ to test that out?
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: Art Blade on March 16, 2010, 07:55:53 AM
every minute. If you deconnect, your game stops and tells you that you lost connection.

There might be one way out, fixed costs... buy a PS3, a good TV set, and the game  ;D
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: spaceboy on March 16, 2010, 08:03:15 AM
that sucks Art.  well I assume I don't need the internet "on" for the game to w@&k on PS3 (PZ might be able to verify) I typically do have it "on" but not always connected to the PSN.  I can test it though tonight.  I'm fairly sure you don't need the connection on.

While obviously I think highly of the PS3, that of course is a crazy solution for someone who prefers PC gaming.  Plus it has it's own need of the internet for updates and such.  (with long download times for some reason) so a stable internet connection is highly recommended for that as well.

welcome to 2010.
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: Art Blade on March 16, 2010, 08:06:47 AM
I just checked the jewel case:
QuoteA permanent internet connection is required to play the game
it reads on the front
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: PZ on March 16, 2010, 10:03:45 AM
I'm thinking that it is necessary for the console too because I regularly see it updating Uplay points.  One spot of brightness - there are many very clever people on the Internet that will find this Internet requirement odious enough to write a hack around it, much like the one for FO3 that required you to be online with MS Live.  I'll bet that a solution will appear before too long.

As to Internet connection, my satellite connection sucks - it takes so long to log into the Playstation network that the console comes up with an error message telling me to check my connection.  However, it has never stopped me from playing AC2 because I know I'm not connected to Playstation network, yet I keep playing.

My PC uses the same connection, and while it takes the game a long time to load, even my dropped connections don't cause the game to fail.
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: PZ on March 21, 2010, 09:44:39 PM
Well, as I continue playing the PC version, as I advance in the story line I must say that the PC version is orders of magnitude easier to play than the PS3 version.  The precision of the mouse movement has made all the difference for me and I've even been able to do the timed events with relative ease.

It is remarkable how different the PC vs. PS3 versions are - same content, but completely different difficulty.
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: PZ on March 23, 2010, 09:17:32 PM
I'm wondering if any console players have been able to catch the fleet-foot guards while chasing them in the assassin's tomb quests - I've never been able to run fast enough on the PS3.  However, on my first run through using the PC version, I'm able to catch the guy - I can run through the gates before he is able to close them!

I've always wanted to be able to do this in the PS3 version, but I figured that the developers had it programmed so that you could just barely not catch them.
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: spaceboy on March 24, 2010, 06:20:47 AM
I was unable to catch him either PZ,  got close but he always kept ahead.
Title: Re: PC version
Post by: PZ on March 24, 2010, 06:26:08 AM
Fascinating - I've played those scenes so many times, I don't remember the count, but like you, was never able to quite catch up.  There was a time or two, just before he got to a door that I knew he was going to close where I almost thought I was going to do a flying assassination, but no joy.

I couldn't believe it when I ran through the door before he could close it using the PC - gave a different animation altogether because I didn't need to find the circuitous route.