My shiny new MP maps for PS3

Started by Jim di Griz, September 11, 2012, 01:31:16 PM

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Jim di Griz

A shame you folks probably can't play these - or that might be a good thing, as they may be a bit too simple - certainly compared to some I've seen mentioned here  ;)

Anyway, I decided to have a stroll through the map making terrirtory today - got totally absorbed and ended up not playing the game at all  :-D

I got two made, an adapted jungle mountainside pre-set called Peaceful Evening and a savanah lakeside pre-set (again modified) called Old Fort. The latter is very likely one of umpteen thousand with the same title...but I'm good with that.

Peacful Evening is set just before sun-down and so any snipers will have real problems getting any easy pickings - plus there are shallow ravines behind the ridge, so anyone can sneak up on 'em. It's just two camps, a colonial mansion and colonial garage with the HQ in it for each side. The clearing in the centre is a loose junkyard and it has a few extra trees plus eroded depressions.

Old Fort is more of an 'everybody meet up and fight it out in the old fort' kind of thing - more of a deathmatch kind of map, though each camp is nestled in a hilltop woodland. This one is set close to dawn and the storm factor is set high - not easy for snipers either  :)

Like I say, very unlike that these are realy worthwhile - but I did have a lot of fun making them and it is a sweet feeling to wander through something you've made in this manner.
Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer  - Major Holdridge
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I know what you mean Jim, you can have at least as much fun making maps as you can playing in them :-D

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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