Game rating: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Started by PZ, November 28, 2010, 11:54:08 AM

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Game title
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Category            Rating            Comments
Story line10The story continues where AC2 left us.  Ezio has claimed the Apple of Eden and Rodrigo Borgia had been defeated.  I like the fact that this is a true sequel to the original.  While AC2 was set in many areas of Italy, this one is based in Rome.  As each piece of the story developed, I could not wait to see what happens next, even though I typically try to accomplish side missions to build experience first.
Graphics10This is only the second game that plays in 1080p (Gran Turismo 5 is the other), so needless to say, the graphics are outstanding.  You can see the texture of the stones, bricks, and cobbles - you can even see the discoloration of the moss, old weathered stains, and greenery growing between the cobbles in the streets.  The fighting animations are outstanding as well and gives one a great satisfaction as the opponents are defeated in a wide variety of ways.  This is the first game in which the general game play graphics quality is almost as good as the cut scenes.

The graphics are so beautiful, I often find myself walking the countryside just to tour the neighborhood.  For instance, I was climbing all over the Colosseum, and it actually felt like watching HDTV
Sound10Like in the second iteration of the AC sequence, the music is excellent - I would not mind having the sound track to play on my stereo.  The voice acting is equally good - the actors that were used to record the dialog did a great job.
Game play9I'm currently playing on the PS3, and have found the controls to behave similarly to AC2.  They are easy to master, and controlling Ezio in 3rd person perspective is very easy, and feels quite natural even though FPS is (was) my favorite genre.  I found the design of the city, the fighting mechanics, and the free run capability to be better than what I experienced in AC2 - maybe I'm just becoming more adept to running the roof tops of Italy, but it does feel different.  The only reason I did not rate this category a 10 was due to timed events.  Timed events are my least favorite aspect of any game - I like to carefully plan things.  However, in this game, you can at least complete the mission (albeit not at 100% synchronization) - unlike in AC2 where you were simply stuck if you could not figure a way to get through it.
Replay value8I judge the replay value of any game against that of Far Cry 2, which I played over at least 40-60 times.  I know that I will play this game many times, but it will not approach that of FC2.  However, I must say that there are literally dozens of different side missions you can take on, including items quests that will unlock bonuses.  There is so much to do, that it will take some time to get it all done, and although I rarely try to achieve everything, this games offers leverage - get these things completed and you can unlock cheats or items that are not generally available.

Final thoughts
Overall this is the best game that I have played.  Other games have offered wonderful experiences; Just Cause2 allowed me to freely roam the world, causing all kinds of chaos.  The Fallout series keeps me entertained with mods, and Far Cry 2 in mysterious Africa.

For me, the most important aspect of a game is graphic quality in a believable environment (no zombies, space avengers, etc.) - for that ACB is number 1.  Second is the sound - I detest head banging music in games (typically I just turn it off).  In ACB, I go to areas simply to hear the music as I stroll through town.  Third, the story line - I like it to capture my imagination like a good book - it does not have to be absolutely correct, but it helps to be close to reality - the experience in the game is almost like a history lesson when you dive in to the Animus documentation.

The bottom line is that this game will keep me entertained for a long time, and I have already completed the main story line.

Art Blade

Alright, that's it. I'm going to get it when it's out for the PC  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I believe that you will enjoy it if you had any affection for AC2.  This one offers quite a bit more.  In fact, I like it so much that I'm going to get it for the PC as well, once it comes out.  Although I hate to spend double the money for the same game, the experience on the PC is so much different from that on the console.


After a few weeks really busy I`m catching up with four pages of unread messages... and oh boy, am I glad to see a game rating for ACB or what?!?!  ;D ;D ;D

I really love game ratings... all is there and I can really measure the player`s experience. It works specially well when you know the writer`s likings  :) :-X

All threads about AC2 had me convinced that this is a must have game. Having said that, my anxiety to read about ACB can only be compared to my anxiety to play AC2 (which I haven`t yet  :'( )

Great review PZ... I`m looking forward to some vids and pics from our members!  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Thanks for the comment, JRD - I'm glad that you found it useful.  I'll be posting pics and vids as soon as it comes out for the PC - it is just to difficult for me to get the console to behave the way I want.

On an aside, I was on my PC yesterday, and because I have AC2 installed, I went in for a while to play - it sure is fun, but you can see a big difference in the graphics and game play.  Things are smoother in ACB, and don't seem to w@&k in such a "box-like" way when navigating the world.  However, playing ACB must have honed my fighting skills, because I'm way better in AC2 even after a long hiatus than when I was regularly playing!


I have never played any of the Assassin's Creed games, but I saw some vids of AC2 a while back.

From what I read here, I think I'll be keeping tabs on them for a Steam sale at some point :)

It sounds to me like I will like them better than other possibles like Prototype etc...  :-X
"Do your mother a favour, buy a Lance & Ferman Military Laser."


If you like almost photo realistic graphics of real world places, you might enjoy the game.  When I first learned about the AC series, I was reluctant to purchase because I was fond of the modern weaponry seen in other games like FC2.  However, I took the plunge, and am glad that I did.  The weapons in the AC series are loads of fun to use, and gives one a great sense of satisfaction to see the precise administration of the blade to the intended target.  The assassination animations are excellent, unlike the cheesy fight sequences I've seen in other bladed games.


Good to know... I haven't got into 3rd person games yet but am building a list so it's good to know what's good  :) I definitely do like good quality graphics and scenery matched to great well thought out gameplay.

Like you I also am partial to modern projectile weapons  8) but I recently bought Mount & Blade: Warband so will need to "sharpen" up on the older methods  :-() :-() :-()
"Do your mother a favour, buy a Lance & Ferman Military Laser."


I've almost finished the first play through, but I wanted to start the game again because I'd already forgotten the initial story.  The first part is linear in that you are required to accomplish a few key tasks that sets the stage for the open world - it is very well done.  If you're interested in back story, then it is helpful to have played one of both of the earlier iterations.  In fact, playing ACB has prompted me to start another game of AC2, and it has been a pleasure all over again.

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.




"Do your mother a favour, buy a Lance & Ferman Military Laser."

🡱 🡳

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