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War and Combat / Re: Hitman (2016) Season 1
Last post by Binnatics - February 13, 2017, 04:44:27 PM
Another kudo well earned! Excellent play Mr Blade!! :-X 8)

And keep it coming. I bet you will master this one in the top 100 too, although it might not w@&k on the second playthrough ;)
Music videos / Re: Cooking By The Book
Last post by Binnatics - February 13, 2017, 04:31:34 PM
Is this a valentines thingy? ;)
War and Combat / Re: Hitman (2016) Season 1
Last post by Art Blade - February 13, 2017, 03:04:15 PM
Thank you, fragger :) Oh yes, it is tough. Really tough. It's almost like trying to walk barefoot on a path that's covered with broken glass. Don't make any noise, don't get spotted.. OR IT'S OVER  :-D
War and Combat / Re: Hitman (2016) Season 1
Last post by fragger - February 13, 2017, 02:14:35 PM
Well done, mate +1 :-X :-X

Whoa - just one save? Not even a reusable one? That IS tough ???
War and Combat / Re: Hitman (2016) Season 1
Last post by Art Blade - February 13, 2017, 11:25:25 AM
you're so right, in every which aspect :-()

Thanks for the kudos, too. :)

I'm currently trying my luck at the professional difficulty level. It means there are more guards, more cameras, and everything is more dangerous. They can hear your footsteps (running, walking.. only if you crouch-walk, that's silent enough, crouch-run is already too noisy) and they've got a peripheral view that is annoying as they seem to spot you just everywhere and at any time when you least need it. One false move and you hear, "huh?" usually followed by mission failure seconds thereafter.

Only ONE save per mission is allowed, not one save slot. So once you saved, that's that. Unless you start from scratch. Save too early, and you'll have all the way to the end without fallback. Save too late means, you didn't save in time and got busted before you could save. So finding the right moment for a save is essentially this: Restart over and over until that point when you consistently start to screw up. That's when you should save, before reaching that point, and try your next move.

I decided to start out with trying the hardest possible mission, the Colorado freedom fighters camp (paramilitary organisation, EVERYONE is armed) and do the suit only, silent assassin challenge. Takes longer than any other approach because you cannot be seen or "it's over, clown." :-D Then continue to the less difficult stuff..

I made it -- damn, it was hard.  :)

[smg id=9454 type=preview align=center caption="first attempt on pro difficulty SASO"]
[smg id=9455 type=preview align=center caption="first attempt on pro difficulty"]
[smg id=9456 type=preview align=center caption="pro description"]
War and Combat / Re: Hitman (2016) Season 1
Last post by Binnatics - February 13, 2017, 09:19:50 AM
I already commented to this topic in the steam chat but that doesn't hold me back to put in something here as well. It's funny how much I provoked by mentioning Art should get under #100 :-D

Art somehow got infected by the desire of achieving 'everything', something that has been influencing my way of gaming a lot in the last 6 or 7 years. In fact, while I slowly loosen up a bit, Art is moving the opposite way ^-^

And like I told you before Art, well done and a big thumps up for your perseverance :-X ;)
This game exactly fits your desires in a video game I think 8)
War and Combat / Re: Hitman (2016) Season 1
Last post by Art Blade - February 12, 2017, 01:30:29 PM
indeed.. I wonder, too. He appears to know all the maps inside out. What looks easy is in fact not easy: Basically all of his vids require meticulous timing which means speed. You can only run that fast so you need to avoid any hiccups, not getting stuck on corners, not getting slowed down by bumping into anything and so on. It has to be one fluid move and perfect timing. The timing is crucial because most NPCs follow a certain routine and if you miss them where you were supposed to meet them, you'll have to wait until they come back and that can take minutes. The longer it takes, the lower the score. Plus, you might end up coming across other NPCs on their routine causing new problems and therefore delays. All of that means you need to know exactly where your targets will be and then time it properly to intercept them. Also you need to know how long it takes to get to a certain location and at the time, where the target(s) will be. You rarely have just that one target, mostly it's two or more, up to five objectives. Sometimes it means steal something and kill someone so you also need to break in and enter usually restricted and guarded areas. That again means that you at times need to find alternative routes to avoid conflicts or just to cut short. Or it might come in handy to get a master key and knowing where to find it is another little job to take care of, eventually. Quite challenging but that's the fun of it, to get it right  :)
War and Combat / Re: Hitman (2016) Season 1
Last post by PZ - February 12, 2017, 09:53:11 AM
Nice video - I wonder how much those really good gamers play per day
War and Combat / Re: Hitman (2016) Season 1
Last post by Art Blade - February 12, 2017, 05:31:58 AM
I decided to add a vid here both for showing the Landslide mission and because it's done by MrFreeze2244 so you get an idea what I use as reference if I don't know what to do or how to improve. He's really good.

This is a "normal" gameplay (as opposed to a speed run) following a certain strategy. It is a very efficient and comparatively fast SA/SO (silent assassin, suit only) which is the highest difficulty: no disguises, just your own suit, never spotted, no dead bodies found except if purposely an accident kill is used which doesn't count towards SA/SO, no surveillance camera footage, no witnesses, no non-targets killed.

I did SA/SO in my 53 seconds, too, minus the "crank it to eleven" challenge Freeze is using as accident kill method. There are tons of challenges that allow for various attempts, basically each mission can be done in ways that unlock achievements of all sorts. You can check them first and then plan accordingly but you can just as well do it the way you want and perhaps coincidentally unlock achievements. It is the reason why replaying missions is almost mandatory due to the vast amount of different challenges you may want to master.

! No longer available
War and Combat / Re: Hitman (2016) Season 1
Last post by Art Blade - February 11, 2017, 09:48:13 PM
I've been busy playing this game after finishing shadow warrior 2 with 100% completion (including playing through on "insane" difficulty) and I've got 100% for Hitman as well now.  :)

I'm a big fan of MrFreeze2244's short and efficient videos. I found his vids by accident but ever since his vids have inspired and helped me improve a lot. I reckon he's a full-time pro player (and I know he's an Englishman) while I'm just a casual gamer. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying it and I've got some quite decent scores (somewhere between top 100 and 300) on the global leaderboard, some of which achieved without any help. There are other missions with not as good a score, like "just" ranking 3,000th or so but hey.. I'd say that usually I'm in the top 500. But scores aren't everything. I also love to play the game just as many players do at least once in a while: kill just everyone rather than stealthily just the target(s) and all that :-D

My recent gaming activity was focussed on a new map called Landslide which is just a variation of Sapienza, the Italian map I showed some pics of earlier in this topic, which I like best. I now know that there are 575 NPCs (non-playable characters, or AI) in the mission Landslide. How? I killed them all  :laugh: It's shown on the score board as penalty. You're not supposed to kill "non-targets" so you get a negative score of 5,000 points per non-target killed. Earned -2,875,000 points for that :-() Took me almost five hours to get them all (without getting killed myself, however I needed to reload a few times because eventually they killed me when I was being a bit too reckless :-() )

On the same map I'm currently ranking 92nd in the world with a fast 53 seconds run and "silent assassin" (best evaluation, meaning never seen, no traces, no casualties) which I did using my own tactics as opposed to replaying something seen on YouTube. I had at least a rank of 106 which I was proud of until Binnatics said I should score in the top 100. And then I tried until I did.  :-() The number one ranking player did it in 27 seconds. I can do it in 29 but there's always a non-target kill which spoils the score extremely (those -5,000 points make a huge difference in the top 100 ranks) but it isn't really fun. It basically requires you to do within the first five seconds: get out of your starting position, equip an explosive, throw it, detonate it, drop another explosive next to a car and start running towards the exit. You'll get there at around 27-30 seconds but you detonate the 2nd explosive just by looking at the elapsed time, at say 20 seconds. Then all you can do is hope that the target actually took the route you needed him to take (I think more than 75% of the time he doesn't) and then detonate the car so it takes him out and him alone. He's usually covered by four bodyguards so usually at least one of them bites the dust when he does and that's it with a good score, doesn't just happen. I tried a few hours and always got that ba$t@rd along with the target. I don't like that type of blind speed run just for the sake of a high score and rank. What I did is different, I actually saw what I did and I can repeat it, every time silent assassin, target only, never seen, no traces. Rank 92.  ;)

All in all, this game is just the way I like it. Single player, no hectic, stealth that actually works and all the freedom to do whatever you think is best. The game is difficult to master because there are around and up to 300 "real" NPCs (that are actually AIs) while there's always some extras hanging around that don't really act much. Like, they won't run away if you kill the guys left and right of them. The "real" NPCs will run away and seek help, give your description to the guards and those will start to hunt you down. Or you're being spotted by a guard who'll go after you while calling in his mates. Combat is quick and deadly for the player, it's absolutely horrible and to be avoided at all costs. Oh, they don't only see you. They can hear you as well.. they notice bullet impact sounds and weapons fired and close quarters combat noises. All of which will result in a state of alert that spreads among the NPCs so you're basically done with if you can't find a spot to hide and wait for it to ebb away. And the best is always the tons of disguises there are. Pacify an NPC and take his clothes.. usually it's some type of uniform, like a chef, a waiter, a guard and so on. Guards may carry visible weapons, even in their hands, so that disguise is nice. If a surgeon runs around with a sniper rifle or a gardener with a katana, it will look very suspicious and can't be a good idea. Also, many areas are restricted. A soldier may enter the barracks, a chef may not. So disguises have some perks that can be good for one and bad for another occasion.

Interested? :) The steel book edition is already in the stores.  :-D
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