Raid the Northern Railyard

Started by JRD, March 18, 2009, 07:29:32 AM

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I'm sure everybody here has noticed the small pathway that leads from the armory and the safehouse in the nrthwestern sector to the northern railway, but I felt like sharing one of my favourite sniping spots in the game. It is also an excellent point to blow the gas tank with a rocket launcher without steping into the area
Approaching from the east, find a rock near a tree overlooking the northern railyard.

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Kill the snipers to the left first, there are two of them.
Shoot yellow barrels and propane tanks and make AI goes crazy
Pick one by one with your rifle. Throw grenades and molotovs to finish the mercs that gathers at the base of the hill you are standing.

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After collecting the diamonds you can either go back to the armory and rearm or take the jeep and proceed to one of the subverted missions
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


If only my first experience there went as smoothly...I had my freshly equipped rocket launcher, but bad intel made me shoot everyone of the damn tanks EXCEPT the one I was supposed to.  Of course, majorly giving my position away.  The merc charged the hill and I battled valiantly eventually getting into the railyard.  All I had was a rifle, pistol, and a couple grenades and still battling the lingering mercs.  I tossed my grenades at the correct rail car but they only managed to do partial damage.  Finally, low on health, I picked up one last grenade off a fallen foe, tossed it under the tank and completed the mission.  Capped the last merc, stole a jeep, and went on my way.  Good times, Good times.  forums and member created pages


I love that path to the rail yard!  In fact, that's the only one I use now.  I recall two missions that come here - one is the propane tank destruction mission and the other is a quest issued by Michele (I think) to pick up the documents.  On the documents mission I was actually able to sneak in with my trusty 'ol 6P9, steal the documents and make my way out only having to kill one foolish guard milling about some concrete culverts.  I've also done these rail yard missions almost entirely from the rock that jrderntl and spaceboy speak of - always taking out the pesky sniper first.  Both are fun in different ways - the sniper route because it is cold and calculating, the sneaky route because it is a real adrenalin blast trying to get in and out without raising the alarm!

By the way, I updated the Leboa majorlocation maps to include the sniper positions and locations of ammo piles, vehicles, etc. so the sniper position on top of the large building is now clearly marked.


I nearly forgot about the documents mission.  They are in the burnt out rail car right?  That was my only successful stealth/no kill mission.  I came down the hill at night one guy was patrolling, another standing sentry off to the right.  I remember totally sweating it out in the rail car hoping for the right time to sneak back out - it was a total adrenline rush.  I kept switching back and forth weapons ready to blow something up if I needed a distraction.  The exit was clean and quiet, but a complete nail biter.  Unlike my poor character (xionyong) at least I was able to pause the game and take a slug of beer to get my courage back up.  forums and member created pages


Exactly my experience spaceboy!  To think that I almost did my usual sniping thing - man I would have missed out.  I hope your story inspires others that may be contemplating doing this mission in another way.


pzrzao, of course it's the same experience as was your successful stealth stories that had inspired me to try it.  ;D  I'm just glad I was able to pull it off.  forums and member created pages


That's the one mission I managed to go stealth for longer.
But I ended up killing everybody as usual. I'm not too patient, and always want to walk around the place to explore without being shot at.
On my current play I'll try stealth approaches instead of blowing things up, now that I know the world better.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


You'll never regret it my friend,
It was great fun initially to do sniping missions from afar, but there is nothing that equals the excitement and dangers of sneaking into an area full of angry AI doing their utmost to ensure your demise.


APR Mission: Destroy the Propane Rail Car at the North Railyard

This main mission takes me out west to the rail yard just south of PetroSahel - should be a relatively easy mission, as long as I'm careful not to go in with guns blazing...

Flora gives me a call before I leave town and wants me to meet her at the safe house south of the rail yard, so I go, curious as to what she has in mind.  Took the bus to the northwest stop heading to my favorite safe house where I went in for a short nap.  Dawn was breaking when I awoke so I jumped into the buggy and headed down to investigate whether or not there was a glider at a safe house to the southwest - there was, and I tried to fly it toward another guard post when some cheeky sniper gunned me out of the sky - spiraling down out of control I eventually hit the ground intent on revenge, a dish best served cold...

Snuck up to the platform where the fool of a sniper was still scanning the valley, oblivious to my presence behind him... a 6P9 round later and his rifle fell to the ground below...  Walking down the trail toward the post revealed another merc, and another report from the 6P9 halted his progress...  finally arriving at the post, the next step was to clean house and steal an assault truck, which was accomplished with little fanfare. step... meet with Flora, who had the brilliant idea of gunning down a suit at the cattle ranch before completing the APR mission.  She then had plans to destroy a rail convoy to the east of PetroSahel, and would need my help.

I have plans for her future that she'd pay money to know ....

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Flora Guillen Subverted Buddy Mission: Kill the Suit at the Cattle-Xing

I left Flora heading toward the cattle ranch - only a couple of posts along the way... not too difficult to clean out.  Continued toward the ranch intent on a new attack point, different from my usual - found a great high sniping position on the western edge of the area and darted a couple of mercs.  They started my way so I threw a couple of Molotovs their way distracting them to the point where I could pick them off with the dart.  A couple of them flanked me, but the golden AK barked them into submission - went down to the ranch house and found the suit cowering in the western room - again the 6P9 whispered it's deadly tune.... on to the armory to purchase the Dragunov and resupply...

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Continuing the APR mission...

Made my way to the foot path on the eastern side of the railyard and hugged the cliff to the left to find an excellent sniper position.  The sun was in my eyes - not the ideal conditions for a seasoned merc...  never did see the sniper on the roof of the large metal building...  sniped a few mercs with the dart before letting loose with 3 Molotovs into the grassy area between the rail cars - propane, acetylene canisters blowing... felt like the 4th of July...  shot the mission target and it strted hissing gas, bit it never did catch fire... oh well, I'll need to go down and chance it...  a couple of grenades and mission accomplished...

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Helping Flora with her mission...

The call from Flora sounded frantic so I made my way toward the big truck in the garage intending to steal it, but a few mercs hampered my progress... a clip or two later and I was on my way to "help" Flora... found her fighting a large group of mercs, with rail cars strewn all over the landscape... she must have killed them all because the firing stopped... good job Flora... took a while to find her cleaning her PCM among the bodies of 3 dead mercs... her strangled cry of surprise when I emptied half a clip of AK lead into her almost made me regret killing her.... almost...

The malaria is hitting me hard these days... I need to find a new supply; maybe the old Priest in the Pala Church can point me in the right direction...  leaving the now quiet area feeling a bit empty myself, trudging toward the bus stop and Pala hearing nothing but my own fotsteps in crunching the dusty trail ...

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"Strangle cry of surprise",  poetic.  Reminds me of that old Guns 'N Roses song "I used to love her, but I had to kill her"  forums and member created pages

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