Passport Destruction

Started by retiredgord, June 12, 2009, 05:37:07 AM

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My new "friend" X wants me to do him a favour and go and destroy some passports that are at the Ranger Station. This fool says why not as I've nothing better to do with my time. I grab a vehicle and head off to the bus stop for that relaxing ride to the S/E  stop near Weelegol Village.  I'm here so much I should get a place..wait I do. They're called Safehouses..small bit of humour there.
  After arriving the buggy is my means of transport up to the closest safehouse where the buggy is parked and those nice .50 cal A/t comes into play.  Off I go again headed to the gunshop just north to change to a newer Duke and McMac and to get a Carl G.  I've always wanted to play around with that weapon. I get that task done and it's off to the safehoue that's in the open near the cell tower. A rest there for an hour refrershes me for my final leg of the job.
    I walk out and along the base of the cliff the cell tower is on and get the high ground for the systematic elimination of those guards at the post .  After that it's a slow stealth creep along the shoreline, as it is still daylight, to a position where I can see the two grenade launcher postions.  Duke tells them to lay down on the job and two big threats are gone.  Now it's time to locate that RPG guy that hangs out near the top . Look..carefully..ahh.. there.. here have a bullet. With that threat gone it's time to fully infiltrate, clean up guards and finish the mission.
  I walk up and along the walkway near the top and start down the stairs and notice I've a good positon for a shot on the hut below.  I send a round there but have alerted the rest of the boys there.  I quickly run down to man the grenade launcher position and lob a few to the far end and along the shore.  Ouch  ouch ,,damn I had failed to check that hut behind me and was taking rounds from the two mercs  now trying to kill me.  I let McMac loose and they're down. Back to the launcher and two more rounds into that hut and then there's a paper rainfall and a "Mission Accomplished" posted on my unit. That's cool.
   I look for and not find any more mercs so I grab all the diamonds in the area and proceed back to that G/p around the corner.  Yep it's been repopulated.  I move along the bank to below the cell tower , have a converstation with the boys and they loan me a vehicle for my trip back to the bus stop  to go back to Mike's for the debriefing.  Not a bad days w@&k.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


Love that dry merc humor you're developing, Gord!   :-X


ya, pretty good. Makes me want to start another SP game.
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."

Art Blade

Haha, I was just thinking about something like making all of those stories part of one big title like "Do it Gord's way." Again another fun read  :-X  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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