Goka Falls bridge collapses...

Started by PZ, June 09, 2009, 07:23:55 AM

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I was doing the mission to kill Prosper Kouassi at the Goka Falls Lodge this morning and experienced something new for me.  I started on the west side of the bridge and sniped most of the guards near the lodge, then worked my way into the back room where Kouassi stood.  Threw 2 IEDs on the floor and then worked my way back to the west side of the bridge and detonated.  As expected, I received the Mission completed message and the second wave of mercs spawned.  This time, the IEDs had torched the entire lodge building - all was afire.  Then a merc spotted me and started on the bridge toward my location when much to my surprise, the bridge collapsed under him and he went screaming into the gorge.  The other mercs heard him and collected on the far side but obviously could not get to me since the bridge had collapsed.


Cool... I think the Prima guide says to place an IED on the bridge, but I never tried it. Usually I come from the other side and always have a bad time killing those mercs. Mostly because I always try to go stealth with the MP5 and always get spotted on the first kill  :(

Will try your way next time.

I'm about to finish my 2nd playthrough and still there is lots to try in FC2... oh I love this game  ;D ;D ;D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Wow, never saw that happen, interesting.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, just when you think you've seen it all - I've been using the silent MP5 lately and have been practicing stealth.  New load out is MP5, flare gun, dart rifle.  For this particular mission, I stopped by the armory and switched to IEDs, but retained the MP5 and dart.  I'll tell you what though, the last 3 times I've done the Goka Falls mission, I've approached from the west, and that area is easy to master from that side - snipe with your dart to get most of them, then sneak in, or just try to sneak in without alerting anyone.  Did that one once, and it is a thrill trying to get in, plant the IEDs and then get out.

I was flabbergasted to see the bridge collapse - I've thrown grenades on the bridge before and they did not phase it.


never seen that either.  Will have to try it.  Amazing finds like these and merc wars make me stay in awe with this game.
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Art Blade

I placed and blew up a truckload of IEDs on the bridge, stayed intact. Maybe fire does the magic  :) Going to find out next time.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


It might be - the bridge did not collapse when the IEDs blew - after detonation, the fire started in Kouassi's room and then spread through the entire lodge.  Once the whole building was torched, a merc appeared from the north side of the building and ran toward the bridge intending to accost me - evidently his extra weight was enough to collapse the bridge, subsequent to the fire.

Art Blade

really, when you think you've seen it all  ;D nice find, PZ  :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thanks Art,  I was just having IED fun like I normally do at the Goka Falls, and this happened - can't wait to try it on the PC so I can capture the screen shots!

(seems like more often than not, I'm on the PS3 when a Kodak moment appears...)

Art Blade

Must be a moment between exitement and anger when you notice you can't take a screenie... a little annoying to have to do it again on the PC, isn't it :)

I'm carrying IEDs around lately and like that, I hope to find more unexpected things too (the merc war was one side effect of horsing around with IEDs).
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


So true, but I don't even have the capability to do the screenies on the PS3  :-\

I now alternate between IEDs and the flare gun - in my secondary crate just so I always have the proper fire starting gear  ;)


Just for kicks, I loaded an old 27% save and did the Goka Falls mission again to see if I could easily reproduce the bridge collapse.  It took a couple of tries, but was successful eventually - evidently the placement of the IEDs inside the lodge is important or at least a broad enough spread to cover all of the spots.  On the successful fun, I threw 4 IEDs inside the lodge, one near the wall opposite of the ammo pile.

When detonated, it took about 20 seconds for fire to start which then spread to the western side of the outside of the building - the ammo pile cooked, and then you could see the bridge supports burning.  A short while later, crrraaaack... and the bridge broke somewhere in the center and the two halves collapsed against the wall of the gorge - was cool to watch.

Now I need to get to the 27% mark on a PC game so I can take some screenies!


Just went to Goka Falls (on the PC) and have not been able to get the bridge to collapse despite placing large numbers of IEDs.  There are some differences in what I experience on the PS3 vs the PC:

  • I'm not on the mission to kill the faction leader - I just went to the lodge to see if I could make it w@&k.
  • I did not encounter the 2 mercs at the building on the river below as I have with the PS3
  • Normally on the PS3, there is only a single merc on the west side of the gorge - on the PC version there were at least 6
Of course, the probable cause is that I was on the mission when I did the PS3 and am not on the PC - guess that I'll need to wait until I receive the mission on the PC to test it properly.


Thanks for the advice. I believe I saw a collapsed bridge like this for less than a second in the DLC trailer, but I wasn't sure how to get it. I guess fire spreading ONTO the bridge is the key, since it seems remarkably fireproof towards molotovs...

Art Blade

good idea... set something alight that then consumes the bridge...  :-X

this whole thing reminds me, one of our members, dke58, managed to collapse a flight of wooden stairs, see his pic

[smg id=642]

maybe there are similarities?

Edit: We now know that this flight of stairs is actually the Goka Bridge :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


While trying to sort out my glitches I found a save at Goka just before I crossed the bridge. I reran it w/o going inside the lodge. I placed IED's on the bridge close to the lodge, on the wall just to the left of the ammo pile, and on the ammo pile. Then made my way over to the glider and detonated the explosives. "objective completed", good...I couldn't see the bridge in the dark, but a couple soldiers ran up and stopped on the point. I sniped them with the dart and took the glider on a path up the river toward the safe house "mission accomplished".....

I'm glad I did the rerun. The first time I went inside to drop an IED and was spotted. In my haste to outrun the guards to the glider I fell down the cliff....didn't kill me so I detonated the IED's and made my way down river. Mission was accomplished so I didn't bother trying a do over.


I just got to the 27% point on the PC and did the Goka lodge mission - did a save just before I started trouble and have tried at least 10 times to get the bridge to collapse, each time without success.  Wanted to get a cool screenie of the collapse because it is quite spectacular with the flames and cracking wood.  I've a 27% PS3 game in which I can regularly collapse the bridge - not sure why the discrepancy!



Although I didn't see the bridge collapse I'm pretty sure it did since the soldiers just stopped on the point. I did a save from the glider just before I detonated. I'll go back and reposition to a better viewpoint  :)


Thanks KingRat - I suspect that once you save a game it already has some presets for the nearest mission to accomplish.  For instance, each time I reloaded the saved game just before hitting the lodge, the merc on the west side was sitting on the ground, then when I tried unsuccessfully to blow the bridge, the same three mercs appeared on the west side of the bridge each time.

On the PS3 - I've a saved game where I start at the safe house on the way to Goka - with this save, I am able to complete the bridge collapse each time - but again, the setup is much the same - a single merc relieving himself on the west side of the bridge, the eastern side of the bridge burning, and finally collapsing.  I'm now wondering if there is a difference between the PC game/PS3 version, or if you can sometimes blow the bridge and other times not.

I'm looking forward to what you discover, KingRat.  :-X

Art Blade

I feel my fingers itching to do that one mission, but I'm busy with a couple of things right now. I'll definitely keep it in mind for my next playthrough or perhaps manage to dig up a suitable savegame (out of a stock of several hundreds.. gah!)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


It would be cool to have a saved game at 27% so that everyone could experience the bridge collapse - the mercs are trapped on the other side, and it's a turkey shoot with a sniper!

Art Blade

Found a savegame at 27%. Thought, keep it simple, and loaded my flamethrower... done  ;D

[smg id=784 width=400]

[smg id=785 width=400]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I love this game  ;D Nice pics Art!


Tried that save point and got a different reaction this time. Detonated the IED's from 3 different spots and finally had to toss a grenade through the door to get 'objective completed'...

Art Blade

thanks, KingRat :)

I see some people develop a certain resistance towards IEDs... no wonder, as our whole club here is recently quite busy sticking them all over the place.... but good old pinapples always do the trick  ;D

Just by the way, I used a 27% game but had to do a malaria mission first, then moved straight on to Goka. I did it without any missions pending, still worked  :) Goka Bridge Falls! hehe
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

I was playing around some more, you can set the bridge on fire from the other side too. Apparently the ropes have to burn, if you only burn the planks, it's not enough.

Then I saw this... merc falling down yet straight upright, proud ba$t@rd  ;D (later he looked like a frog taking his first lessons in rafting, though)

[smg id=786 align=center width=400]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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