Merc War - Mercs vs Mercs, real firefight <incl savegame>

Started by Art Blade, June 02, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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Art Blade

I think that way I found out merx... (oop typo, lol @ typo) ...that merx respawn infinitely inside city walls.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I did a "mini" merc war this morning on the PS3 - was in southeast Bowa, racing north to outrace the Datsun dummy, but he kept after me until the intersection to the airfield!  (I've never had him chase me that far).  Also at the intersection was the ATP that typically patrols that area - I got jammed between the two and hopped out of my Unimog and backed away anticipating the fire fight when the Datsun dummy shot and killed the ATP merc!  (Evidently he wanted me to himself.)

After killing the other guy, the Datsun dummy turned toward me, but by that time my Uni had caught flame, exploded, and landed on top of him - good because I would have hated to have to gun down the dummy that saved my life...

Art Blade

excellent story, PZ, I had to snicker when you wrote "I got jammed between the two" and started choking at "(Evidently he wanted me to himself.)"  ;D ;D ;D ;D :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


lol, thanks, Art - once one realizes that the merc wars are possible, you're likely to watch for this odd behavior at all times.  :-X

Art Blade

indeed it has become my main side mission and pastime in FC2... trying everything possible to provoke some and always having fun at CockFights... I think the devs chose that name for the spot knowingly  ;)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


That's an interesting thought - it's exactly what I'd do if I were to program a game!   :-X

Art Blade

PZ, you inspired me when you mentioned somewhere that you had a merc from Pala follow you. Today, just now, I started a town war at Pala just so the red Datsun from Pala bus stop would follow me out of town towards Cock Fights. After having reached the GP he and I stopped and he triggered a fight with the GPMercs, but it was too far for the CFMercs to hear, so my next attempt was to drive into CF so he would chase me. Instead, the white Datsun from the GP came after me (the red DD was dead already) and drove into the ditch next to the centre of CF and a fight ensued. One of the CFM grabbed the orange AT and drove towards the GP, starting another fight with them. Apparently he won because a little later I heard his AT screech towards the centre again and he actually parked that damn thing in its original garage LOL  ;D ;D ;D This is going to be my new approach from now on.

I used the ignoreplayer cheat to ensure those mercs keep their undivided attention to themselves.  ;)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Cool - I'm going to try your method - sounds like great fun, and I really enjoy "playing" the mercs against one another  :-X

Art Blade

hehehe, same here :) I tried to have more than one merc from Pala follow me, no luck so far (they tend to ruin their cars on the way, still in town, and don't repair their cars for them as it seems to stop them somehow from catching up with what's going on edit: doesn't seem to be important - sometimes they follow, sometimes they don't). However, one merc is good enough, and he follows. Best is to avoid the old game of letting him ram you - you just race into CF centre so he keeps his car in shape. If it's halfways ruined, the GPM will stop him too easily. That's how it appears to me so far. Anyway, if you lead your PalaMerc to the GP and keep driving towards the centre of CF, you will hear the GPM shoot the PM and then they will follow you to CF which calls the CFM... it will cause mayhem  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I wish that we'd posted these thoughts yesterday - this morning I did the barge mission again and after visiting with the Dr. in the clinic, I escaped town toward the east.  I left slowly enough so that 5-6 mercs on foot chased me across the bridge out of town - unfortunately I did not wait to see if they crossed after me - would have been great to see if they would follow to the GP east of town.

I think that I'll start a fight next time I'm in Mosate Selao and see if they will follow me to the GP.   :-X

Art Blade

good idea, I'll keep that in mind. Funny, really, that after all this time it never occurred to me to try to have mercs follow me from cease-fire zones by car. Actually, I didn't even know mercs would do that at all, so big thanks for sharing your idea :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I'm glad that we stumble on these gems in the game and then have a place to express our thoughts - I know that for myself, I've received many more ideas than I've been able to contribute!  Cheers to all contributors at OWG!  ;) :-X

Art Blade

indeed, my thanks to all of you, too :)

I've just had another go, you see the orange CF-AT, the red Pala DD, my wreck, and some seconds later... use your imagination  ;D

[smg id=1321 align=center width=400]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


What great fun, and you were able to capture it too!  :-X

Art Blade

was a lucky "shot"  :) I thought that it looked great, that orange AT swirling dust and nailing that DD with its hood popping off  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

Oh gosh, I can't get that stupid grin off my face  :) :) :) I just had another go at CF, only this time without ignoreplayer cheat. I did use god mode, though, because I wanted to know how far one can take the war  ;D

Started a town fight at Pala, NW where that green Datsun is located. Pulled off towards Pala bus stop and waited for the PM to catch up, the red Datsun finally took off, so we raced towards the GP at CF. I had to drive smartly because that red PM tried to push me off track. The GP sent us a welcome message but both PM and me ignored it and continued driving into CF. The CFM raised the alarm and started after us in the orange CF AT. Now I had the red PM and an orange CFM after me... I drove on towards Scrap Salvage and a little beyond, where we met a Wrangler Patrol... I stopped to repair my car, the orange AT and the red Datsun while the mercs were shooting at each other (and at me) and took off again towards CF. I dragged some of those mercs behind me, passed CF (CFM had respawned) ensuing another fight, passed the GP resulting in another chase because they sent their white Datsun after me. I rushed towards Pala, white GPM after me until we entered the cease-fire zone. The GPM got confused, steered his white Datsun angrily round and round, bumping into rocks, and finally fell off the cliff next to the bridge. I got out to have a look, and enjoyed the sounds coming from under water... a final drowning sound ended the story.

Before I continued writing here I wanted to check again, shot my M79 into Pala, had the new red Datsun follow me, and the story was about the same as above, only there were still some stray mercs on the way from the previous ruckus, so there was some extra fun involved :)

Man, this is crazy, and I am still chuckling about how those mercs hate each other LOL  ;D


I never realised there was a Wrangler Patrol close to Scrap Salvage and how close that was to CF. Now I used him to follow me into CF, a fight started, and that attracted the GP mercs who joined the fight. LOL, another way to do it ;D

Using ignoreplayer, the Wrangler followed the grenade sounds from my M79, always stopped where they set off... a nice way to sucker him into CF ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

Having passed CF towards Scrap Salvage, the pursuing CFM got out to stop me, while I got out to repair my AT which got hit by the Wrangler Patrol. In the pic you see the Wrangler Merc (again) trying to man my AT while being shot at by CFM (used that dirty red Datsun to get there)
[smg id=1328 align=center width=400]

In the next pic you see another Wrangler Patrol driving into CF, starting another fight.
[smg id=1329 align=center width=400]

This is really fun :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

You know what, it's even more you can add to that chain of events... Driving from Pala, passing the GP, passing CF, passing Scrap Salvage, passing the junction to Police Station, you get to a bridge with another GP. During that race I picked up all kinds of mercs and started shootings all over the place. On my way back I was chased by the Bridge GP Merc in his AT, followed by some merc who had appropriated a Datsun, and the Wrangler Patrol... all of us driving like lunatics through Cock Fights  ;D

You see the Bridge-AT and the DD, not in the pic the Wrangler Patrol. Pic taken in Cock Fights LOL

[smg id=1330 align=center width=400]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Fantastic chain of events Art!  I need to try this too - I'm really enjoying starting merc fights.  On a slightly related note, I had this experience this morning.

Was driving toward Mosate Selao from the armory to the east - passed through the GP where a merd gave chase in a Jeep.  As expected, he did not enter the cease fire zone so I played with him a bit.  If I was entirely in the CZ (gun lowered) he would stop attacking me.  When I moved toward him (gun raised) he started shooting - doing this repeatedly caused him to enter the CZ and he lowered his gun.

However, unlike the merc in Pala who said nothing, this one from the GP talked like a regular town merc.  Because we were still on the outskirts of town, I pointed my 6P9 at his head and he raised arms, backing off, telling me that I don't want to do that.  Naturally I shot him in the head and to my surprise my weapon lowered itself and I did not trigger alarm in town.

Art Blade

Hehe :) The last merc I had me follow from CF to Pala entered the CZ and after firing one last burst he turned and walked towards the town centre. I did the same as you, pointed my gun at him and he too started chatting. Only when I fired at him, I got blasted by the townsfolk. I was way closer to the centre than you I guess (already in sight of those town mercs).

Right now I drive in circles around CF trying to pick up and drag along as many patrols and GPM as possible, turning the entire area into a warzone :) All this works only without ignoreplayer cheat, but godmode is recommendable  ;)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I've a couple of hours today to spare and am going to try your methods - cheers for the instructions!

After the experience I had this morning, I tried working one of the town mercs toward the edge of town to see if I could perform the reverse.  I managed to get him onto one of the back roads, but in my excitement to try the method, I evidently had not gone far enough because one of the town mercs saw me off the guy and I had to run for it.  Will try again, this time herding the merc farther from sight.

Art Blade

Well, I've spent most of the day playing merc wars... Haven't had that much fun with FC2 for quite some time (of course FC2 is always FC2, great game, but this is simple and pure fun). A side effect of all that driving around Cock Fights is that I now don't need the map any more in that area. Never knew how CF and SS (erm... better not use that abbreviation lol) Scrap Salvage were connected and located, same goes for patrols in that area... was a good training for that matter :) Anyway, I found a lot of patrols and managed to make GPM follow me, sometimes it reminded me of a convoy or a destruction derby  ;D It was also nice to learn how to have Pala Mercs involved... the entire area around CF is a big playground for merc wars. Pity the console players can't use a godmode though, but we PC players can have a great time with it :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

[smg id=1341 align=center width=400]
That's about how many mercs you can drag to CockFights  ;D (had to finish them off to take that pic, though)

white-Pala Bridge
green-inside Pala (nw)
red-inside Pala (bus stop)
red-guard post patrol (nw of CF)
white-GP CF

Driven by those mercs that were around and they appropriated them for a chase ;D
I drove to Pala with a Datsun, left it at the bus stop, took the green Datsun, started a fight, and had those two red Datsuns follow me, mercs from CF GP grabbed the two white Datsuns, the CFM grabbed their red Datsun... big chaos lol
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


wow; I'm going to need much more practice before I'm capable of collecting that many!  :-X

Art Blade

just noticed you posted before I finished editing... :)

More ways:

Pala-CockFights war:
Enter Pala with whatever car, most fun a Datsun, leave it next to the red Datsun by the bus station, and steal the white Pala-AT  ;D That is causing a nice chase, two Datsuns following you to CF. If you're lucky, you can drag the GP Datsun with you into CF  ;D

When the mercs are finished off, use the orange CF-AT and leave the area towards Scrap Salvage. The trick is, when you return, CF won't have an AT... it doesn't respawn until you destroy it or use another vehicle :)

Test a shortcut through bushes and grass on leaving the area, so you know how to escape or enter CF more effectively. You can take almost a straight line from CF, aim for the big shark fin-like dark rock before you have to turn right towards Scrap Salvage. Drive on straight, pass ScrS, pass the next junction, and head for the GP in front of the bridge. There you either meet a Wrangler Patrol (follows best if you turn immediately and head back to CF) or make that GP send a dirty blue AT after you. I just had both the Wrangler and the blue AT follow me. The AT might perforate your engine, so maybe it is a good idea to shoot the gunner if possible. Or use godmode and repair your car if it starts to emit black smoke. When you arrive at CF, stop and go - the mercs will start a fight with each other. You can drive to the GP on the other end of CF and return, dragging them after you. When you arrive again, take cover and watch the mayhem :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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