Number Of Upgrades List

Started by fragger, August 28, 2016, 03:56:20 AM

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Here's a list of the total numbers of upgrades for the Starship, Exosuit and Multitool, so you'll have some idea of how much inventory space you'll be needing for the ones you want (the total number of upgrades for each system is in brackets). I was thinking of listing all the prerequisite materials for each upgrade as well, but it would have gone on for pages :-()

However, the following site is quite informative, and it will tell you what resources you need for each upgrade:

But I thought a basic list of the upgrade totals might come in handy for the purpose of considering space for them in your inventories.



Pulse Engine (3)
Pulse Jet - Sigma, Tau
Photonix Core (add-on)

Hyperdrive (3)
Warp Reactor - Sigma, Tau, Theta

Photon Cannon (9)
Accelerated Fire - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Advanced Cooling - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Cannon Damage - Sigma, Tau, Theta

Pulse Beam (6)
Beam Impact - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Phase Coolant - Sigma, Tau, Theta

Deflector Shield (3)
Deflector Enhancement - Sigma, Tau, Theta



Life Support System (2) - Sigma, Tau

Health Module (3) - Sigma, Tau, Theta

Shield Boost (3) - Sigma, Tau, Theta

Jetpack (3)
Jetpack Booster - Sigma, Tau, Theta

Stamina (3)
Stamina Enhancement - Sigma, Tau, Theta

Hazard Protection (15)
Aeration Membrane (underwater) - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Thermic Layer (cold protection) - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Coolant Network (heat protection) - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Radiation Deflector - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Toxin Suppressor - Sigma, Tau, Theta



Mining Beam (13)
Beam Coolant System - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Beam Intensifier - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Beam Focus - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Combat Amplifier - Sigma, Tau, Theta, Omega

Scanner (4)
Scanner (equipment)
Analysis Viewer (equipment)
Range Boost - Sigma, Tau

Grenades (11)
Plasma Launcher (equipment)
Damage radius - Sigma, Tau
Grenade Intensity - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Grenade Propulsion - Sigma, Tau
Rebound Grenade - Sigma, Tau
Homing Grenade (add-on)

Boltcaster (24)*
Boltcaster (equipment)
Boltcaster Clip - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Impact Damage - Sigma, Tau, Theta, Omega
Rapid Fire - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Recoil Stabilizer - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Reload Accelerant - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Ricochet - Sigma, Tau, Theta
Railshot Adapter (add-on)
Homingbolt Adapter (add-on)
Shortburst Adapter (add-on)
Wideshot Adapter (add-on)

* (There is also something called a Boltcaster SM, but this too may be a PS4 pre-order bonus item. If anyone finds one on PC, please let me know and I'll add it to the list. I haven't included it in the total Boltcaster upgrades).

Art Blade

Very interesting. Thanks, fragger  :-X :)

what about this, do you count it as Hyperdrive?

[smg id=9111 type=preview align=center caption="uprade warp reactor"]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

Quote from: fragger on August 28, 2016, 03:56:20 AM

Pulse Engine (2) - Sigma, Tau

there is one component missing

[smg id=9118 type=preview align=center caption="extra pulse upgrade"]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Wow, great w@&k on that list. That is really nice to have by your side when starting, I figure. With all the organizing needed to get those adjacency bonuses it's nice to know what a complete 'loadout' will be :-X :)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics


Cheers Binn, I hope it helps if you get into the game :)

Thanks for that Art, I amended the list :-X Please keep 'em coming if you find more! :) That should be it though, I think.

Art Blade

you're welcome, and will do ^-^
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


That deserves a  :-X fragger!


So, I've got a question, do you do more damage with a fully upgraded mining beam with combat amplifier than you do with a bolt caster? I just wonder because you can get the homing bolt for the bolt caster which means you can just kind of fire in the right area and hit a sentinel, where with the mining beam, don't you have to be fairly on target? Just wondering if I should dump the bolt caster for the more powerful mining beam, even though it won't have homing on it.

Also, say I wanted to remove a triple upgrade for something to make room to put something else in, do you get more out of a +1 and +2 next to each other (or a +2 and +3) with adjacency bonus, over just having the +3 upgrade by itself? I suppose it makes most sense to have +2 and +3, as you wouldn't think that would be less than the +1 and +2, but either would be less than all three adjacent to each other, but to free up that spot, it's better than nothing.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

As far as I understand it, the adjacency bonus isn't bigger than the upgrade itself. So 1+2 is smaller than 2+3 in effect. And a 3 is probably bigger than a 1+2 or at least equal.

I don't have to fight much so I don't use the bolt caster. But I have all the upgrades for the mining laser which makes it so powerful against animals and drones, it only takes one or two seconds to melt them down. For the hard stuff like reinforced metal doors (and, if needed, hostiles) the grenade launcher is more powerful with just a few upgrades. Plus, the grenade launcher is a terra-former of sorts  :-D You can bomb yourself out of a cave, or down into the ground.

So.. I only needed the bolt caster when I didn't have any upgrades. Ever since, I don't want to miss out on upgrades for mining and grenades, which is why I don't have a boltcaster in my loadout.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


The adjacencies of upgrades act as multipliers. Every upgrade that's adjacent to another upgrade for the same thing (such as the Mining Beam) gets a second incremental boost. So if you have a 1 next to a 2, they will boost each other, i.e. their individual strengths will be increased and the total will be greater than 3. This is why it's called an adjacency bonus. An upgrade with four upgrades adjacent to it, one on each side, will get four strength boosts.

Lets say you have this arrangement:

1 3 1

The "3" will gain four incremental strength boosts for having four upgrades adjacent to it - it's effect on whatever it upgrades will be significantly boosted. Then each of the adjoining 1s will get a single boost each, as they each have one upgrade adjacent, which is the central 3. Their boost will be more minor (but still better than if they were each non-adjacent).

Depending on what the actual upgrades are, they will get boosted correspondingly. E.g. If the central 3 is the Combat Amplifier Theta, the effect of that Amplifier on the Mining Beam will be much more powerful than if this upgrade was by itself. So a 1+2 combo will actually be greater than a 3 by itself, because by being adjacent they boost each other. It's not a case of 1+2 adding up to 3 if they're adjacent - something more like a total of 5 (if they're both the same type of upgrade, like Combat Amplifiers). I don't exactly know what the boost consists of, a "1" or some sort of percentage. I only know that this is the way it works.

It doesn't matter which upgrade is adjacent to which, as long as they're for the same piece of equipment. The thing to consider is which function you want boosted the most. In the above example, if the central 3 was the Combat Amplifier Theta, the Mining Beam would be harder hitting against targets like Sentinels, but if the central 3 was the Beam Focus Theta, the Mining Beam would chew through mineral deposits that much faster. Depends which functions of the Mining Beam you want to prioritize.

That's why I have my Mining Laser upgrades arranged like this (I now have #3 Combat Amplifier in that blank space)

[smg id=9076 align=center width=600]

so that the highest numbers get boosted the most, by being adjacent to as many other upgrades as possible.

If you have three upgrades in a line, like a Sigma, a Tau and a Theta, the best way to arrange them will be either 132 or 231 - not 123 or 321. Keep the highest number in the middle, where it will get the most adjacency boosts.

Art Blade

AH! Now I get it. You are surrounding that 4 with four times 3 to boost the 4. You don't care which type the 4 or the 3 is, only that the 4 gets lots of whatever 3s. I thought the type also mattered.

Cheers  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


For the purpose of getting bonuses, it doesn't matter if they're Beam Focuses or Combat Amplifiers or whatever, it's the arrangement of the numbers that counts. I tried to keep the highest numbers in contact with as many other upgrades as possible. The thing that does matter is what types of upgrades get the most boosts, like in this example again

1 3 1

if that 3 was a Beam Focus, the effects of the #3 Beam Focus would be boosted four times, but if the 3 was a #3 Beam Intensifier, the Beam Intensifier would get the quadruple boost. But it doesn't matter what type of upgrades are providing the adjacency boost, i.e. they don't have to be Beam Intensifiers themselves. In the example, if 3 was a Beam Intensifier, the four 1s could all be Beam Focus or Combat Amplifier or whatever but they will still boost the 3 just by being adjacent.

It works both ways, of course - each of those 1s is adjacent to the central 3, so they too each get a boost, but 3 gets boosted four times whereas each of the 1s gets a single boost. So in this arrangement,

[smg id=9134 align=center width=300]

#4 gets four boosts for having four adjacent upgrades (remember, adjacency doesn't w@&k diagonally), the #3s get three boosts each. and the #2's and the #1 get two boosts each.


Quote from: Art Blade on August 29, 2016, 09:28:42 AM
For the hard stuff like reinforced metal doors (and, if needed, hostiles) the grenade launcher is more powerful with just a few upgrades.

I found that with upgrades, a single grenade is eoungh to blow up a reinforced locked door. The Sentinels don't even seem to respond. I've done it right in from of them and they just keep drifting around. However, as soon as the door comes down I run inside, so maybe the Sentinels jsut don't get enough time to get alerted. Or they see what the Grenades can do and they wisely decide not to get involved :-()


OK, thanks that makes sense now, I'll take off the bolt caster, add the combat laser. Matter of fact, I'll just copy Fragger's layout, lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


my grenades are equally powerful, fragger -- one grenade is enough and the door comes popping out of the frame in three or so big chunks. At first I thought hey, that must be a different type of door.. but it was a different type of grenade, instead  :-()

And here's the deserved +1 :-X for you fragger.. you patiently explained well and across half the board how the adjacency bonus works.  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thank you Art, it's my pleasure :) I think the adjacency business is worth being aware of at least.

I can't say for sure if I have all the details absolutely 100% correct. I've gone by my own experience and what's been observed and reported by others on the net, so I'm basing it on majority consensus. Hello Games are very hush-hush on the whole subject. Their stance seems to be that it would be more fun for the players to figure it all out for themselves, but a little hint or two would be appreciated by more than a few people.


+1  :-X indeed for the excellent explanation.

Do you by any chance have an idea which type of upgrade is best to install for the grenades? I think there's more upgrades to choose from than the multitool is providing slots for, so it's nice to know the difference :-D
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

personal preferences, I think. Choose what you think suits you best. I wouldn't want grenades to bounce around but I'd like them to be powerful, far reaching and fast. And for fun, I added the homing app. :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I also didn't bother with the bouncing ones. I went for all three Grenade Intensity upgrades (stronger blast), a Damage Radius Tau and a Grenade Propulsion Tau (increase the launching distance). Damage Radius and Grenade Propulsion don't have Theta versions, Tau is highest.


Thanx, makes sense. I was actually thinking the same on the bouncing upgrade. Doesn't make sense and will probably make it harder to control them :)
"Responsibility is not a matter of giving or taking, responsibility is something you share" -Binnatics

Art Blade

just thinking hey, for you guys to compare or copy. :)

[smg id=9184 type=preview align=center caption="adjacency"]
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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