Far Cry 4 Open World Mod unlocks everything from the start of the game :)

Started by JRavens, August 27, 2015, 11:54:11 AM

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Quote from: mandru on August 29, 2015, 11:04:34 AM
Unfortunately I have no modding skills and would be terrified to attempt it.  I prefer a playable game over having my PC flashing over into a bonfire.  :-D

My concerns about that are not without precedent.

Way back in high school I was shifted (co-opted might be a better term) from being a library assistant during one class period and into a physics class because the teacher (who taught all my small rural school's math and sciences classes) convinced the head librarian that he on several occasions had observed that it would be wiser for me to placed somewhere with fewer flammable objects and much nearer someone trained to use a fire extinguisher.  :-[

:laugh: :-X  I know how you feel, mandru, I have just enough computer knowledge to be dangerous to myself

Art Blade

I'd love to hand out a box of matches to each of you and then sit back with a bag of pop corn and a soda and watch you guys becoming a duo infernale.  >:D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I'm cool with the low tech involved in matches and lighters Art and think nothing of lighting a smoke on a windy day even with my full beard.

It's when higher levels of tech like various flavors of incline planes, electrified magnetic coils, and the invariable increased perversity of the inanimate that comes with complexity get involved that I start to sweat it.   :-D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Quote from: mandru on August 29, 2015, 08:13:50 AM
If I had the programming skills to mod in FC4 I'd love a Buzzsaw where each round hits with the impact of a C-4 charge!   >:D

You could make the bullets explosive by adding "Explosion" to the "Stims" section. This explains why the AMR has explosive ammo >:D ;)


Quote from: GKID7891 on August 30, 2015, 06:17:46 AM
You could make the bullets explosive by adding "Explosion" to the "Stims" section. This explains why the AMR has explosive ammo >:D ;)

Worse so does the buzzsaw?!? Ubi y u so crazy?

if you want it to hit like C4 just up it to 4000 like the AMR.

AMR - when something absolutely, positively must be blown up or your money back!
(*offer not valid in Kyrat or surrounding dictatorships. Void where prohibited by Pagan Mins law.)
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Look out - Art just targetted the world! :o

Nice avi mate, just saw it pop up :-X

Art Blade

ta mate :) It's how I sum up "open world games" in a pic.

more about it here
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Quote from: JRavens on August 28, 2015, 04:40:28 AM
Well the file structure has changed considerably. When I first started modding FC4 right after it came out Dunia simply wouldn't recognize anything... well almost anything. Since Far Cry 4 is built on the bones of Far Cry 3 there are some files Dunia still sees. Sadly many of these however are not even used by the game. A lot of people have accused Ubi of just reskinning Far Cry 3, but I know the truth. In actuality they rewrote hundreds of thousands of files. I'm not defending their design choices, because I actually do agree that Far Cry 4 feels wayyy too similar but that (to me) is principly because they used the same set of weapons, mostly the same animals with some new ones, and even the same 3 way faction system (rebels, "pirates" aka royal army and harder "privateers" aka royal guard). The colors are even the same - blue for good guys and red for bad guys. Despite this though all of the "re-hashed" content is completely new high res models and textures.

Agree, I would say that gameplay wise, the game is simply a re-skinned Far Cry 3 (but with additional features which wasn't in FC3). If we take a look at files, we have a complete overhaul of the game  ??? I have checked out Janne's and Razor's website, but I would prefer to have the tool capable of modding the game  files directly rather than messing with numerous programs ;)


Quote from: GKID7891 on August 31, 2015, 03:20:02 AM
Agree, I would say that gameplay wise, the game is simply a re-skinned Far Cry 3 (but with additional features which wasn't in FC3). If we take a look at files, we have a complete overhaul of the game  ??? I have checked out Janne's and Razor's website, but I would prefer to have the tool capable of modding the game  files directly rather than messing with numerous programs ;)

Understandable. Sadly without someone like Rick to update the definition files progress has been slow. PJ and I ARE working on it, but our knowledge in this area is limited and it takes a LOT of time. The files are also encoded differently in some cases so some files cannot be opened (encounter .FCBs, material.bin files etc) and others cannot even be browsed meaningfully with a hex editor (FarCry4.exe, FC64.dll)

Was hoping maybe to connect with some folks here that know about Far Cry editing as there are so few people that have hands on knowledge of digging in the files.

I would give pj's left arm (hey I need MINE) to get Far Cry 3 assets into the 4 engine. I've tried and tried but I suspect either the mesh system is too different (FC3 uses MESH4 and FC4 uses MESH7 whatever the hell THAT means :P) or I need to somehow add the models to depload.dat (another file I cannot edit) and/or the entitylibrary.

Janne and RaZor did great w@&k on the Editor Mod, but I'm not sure even they can help me :(
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week


I sent a message to a guy called wobatt (he is a member here and he managed to create a hash converter for Far Cry 2 which translated hashes to readable text) about developing/ modifying the existing Dunia tool ;) Btw, you don't need to use the "Quote" button if you are replying to a recent post, use it if the post you want to reply to is found further up on the page  ;)

Art Blade

Quote from: GKID7891 on August 31, 2015, 05:35:52 AMBtw, no reason to use quotes if you are replying to a recent post

:laugh: that deserves a +1 :-X :laugh:

I have a new deputy here. :-D Thanks for that comment GKID, still cracks me up but you are right nonetheless  :-D

Just to clarify: I try to keep topics neat and readable by pruning quotes to just the essential bit I am actually referring to and I keep trying to stop people from quoting entire posts EVEN MORE SO if the quoted post is just the one before the quote. Like, don't quote me on this if you are going to reply to this here right after this post.  :-()

Cheers :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.





Quote from: GKID7891 on August 31, 2015, 05:35:52 AM
I sent a message to a guy called wobatt (he is a part of the forum and he managed to create a hash converter for Far Cry 2 which translated hashes to readable text) about developing/ modifying the existing Dunia tool ;)
Great! Maybe he will be interested in dusting off his modding hat and digging into some code ;)

Honestly we can use any help we can get.

I did post a few time over on Gibbed's (Rick's) blog, but he never responded. I also tried direct email. Then I felt like I might be pestering him so I backed off. It's very likely that he has no interest in Far Cry 4.

Even if not I owe him a debt of gratitude because without his efforts we may never had any mods (well not many anyway) for Far Cry 2,3 and 4. :)
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week


I have the source code and Far Cry 4 (which means that I can modify the tools myself if wobatt tells me what to do):-D


Quote from: Art Blade on August 31, 2015, 08:38:26 AMLike, don't quote me on this if you are going to reply to this here right after this post.  :-()

Cheers :)
So it's cool now though  >:D

Quote from: PZ on August 31, 2015, 08:59:30 AM

What? I said his *left* arm... (I think he's right handed  :-\\)
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week


Quote from: GKID7891 on August 31, 2015, 09:29:30 AM
I have the source code and Far Cry 4 (which means that I can modify the tools myself if wobatt tells me what to do):-D
Yeah I grabbed a copy of his SVN a while back too (although Gods knows where I put it??)

But like I say I don't think the tools need updating so much as the project and definition files. We've extracted a fair amount of files to their correct paths (probably around 60%-70%), but now we are starting the long process of writing new definitions unless someone smarter than us can tells us how to shoehorn in the Far Cry 3 ones...
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week


BTW GKID, not that I'm trying to recruit for OWG ranks, but we could always use more people who know how to w@&k with the code over on my forums as well. The doors always open if you want to learn, share, help, etc. with Far Cry 4 stuff  :-()

PS - no disrespect intended to you guys!
And all this science, I don't understand...
It's just my job, five days a week

Art Blade

You'd have found yourself on the dark side of the moon by now if I had thought you guys were overstepping any lines here. >:D No worries, I think you do it more out of a dire need than out of disrespect.

That doesn't mean that I'm going to stop observing every step you take but I might be taking it a tad easier now tracking down traces of substances in your system, collecting dandruff and hairs from your keyboard or samples from your breath for analysis. >:D ^-^
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: JRavens on August 31, 2015, 09:42:28 AM
BTW GKID, not that I'm trying to recruit for OWG ranks, but we could always use more people who know how to w@&k with the code over on my forums as well. The doors always open if you want to learn, share, help, etc. with Far Cry 4 stuff  :-()

Nice to hear  :-X :) I'm going to learn some Java with my math teacher at school. He has borrowed a book which contains basic Java tutorials for Java 5.0  :-D :-() ^-^


Java is actually a good learning platform, easy, and very simple.



🡱 🡳

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