Far Cry 2 Scope zoom levels? Possible to create a varable zoom script?

Started by OWGKID, December 26, 2014, 03:44:11 AM

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So I asked PZ in one of his youtube videos if it was possible to increase the scope zoom of the snipers in Far Cry 2. In Far Cry 3, I found two lines called "fnearIronSightFOVdegrees"/ "fIronSightFOVdegrees". Those lines defines scope zoom and they are both set to "30" and "11". To increase my zoom level for the scopes in FC3, I sat both of them to "15" and "6". Is there any similar line in FC2's weapon files for the snipers?

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.




Same here - I don't know for sure, but variable scope distances do not ring a bell when I was doing the AS50.  Would be cool to make it w@&k


Quote from: PZ on December 26, 2014, 10:49:38 AM
Same here - I don't know for sure, but variable scope distances do not ring a bell when I was doing the AS50.  Would be cool to make it w@&k

I suggest that you could open the AS50 weapon file and use Ctrl+F to search for a section called "IronSight". Hopefully there may be some useful lines in that file :-()


I found the following line in 41_WeaponProperties.xml

            <value name="fShootingAngle" type="Float">45</value>
            <value name="fShootingIronsightAngle" type="Float">60</value>

I don't know if this is what you looking for


I searched for "ironsightFOVdegrees" and found nothing. What happens if you edit those numbers? Could be nice to try that  ;)


It would have been nice for Ubisoft to have released what all the parameters did.  They lose absolutely nothing, and it sure would make modding much more fun because you would not need to guess and experiment so much.


I haven't tried it yet, would be interesting to see if it does make a difference


Quote from: PZ on December 28, 2014, 06:33:51 PM
It would have been nice for Ubisoft to have released what all the parameters did.  They lose absolutely nothing, and it sure would make modding much more fun because you would not need to guess and experiment so much.

Yeah, but I guess Ubisoft doesn't care so much for Far Cry 2 now, given that Far Cry 4 is out. FC2 is about 6 years old now, but it would be nice if they could.


Ironsights FOV is in the WeaponProperties.xml
Search for hash FB4ADD00

The value is a little endian floating point number, so you will need to convert to and from hexadecimal using this tool... http://babbage.cs.qc.cuny.edu/IEEE-754/

For example, the Dragunov has the FOV value in hash FB4ADD00 as 3E8F5C29, which converts to 0.28.
Smaller is more zoomed in. I think the scoped FOV is the normal FOV multiplied by this number.

I got this info from a post by Knightmare.


Nice find, thanks  ;) It was much easier in FC3 to mod that  :D

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


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