Post about Far Cry 2

Started by TheStranger, April 09, 2014, 02:37:12 AM

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I found a very well written review about Far Cry 2 and why it is so underrated:


Here is another great article about the game/story (I don't want to open another thread) ;)

Art Blade

good find, nice articles. A bit late, but still.  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



Reading these articles have been a nice stroll down nostalgia lane.  :-D   Worth my +1.  :-X
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Great articles, and put into words many of the reasons I appreciate FC2 as one of the best.  Almost like a good book, you need to use your imagination as you w@&k your way through Africa.

+1 from me as well


+1 from me too. Thanks TS for bringing these articles to our attention :) Particularly the last one, I think that guy really nailed it.

It was the gritty down-to-earthness of FC2 that got me in, something that certainly can't be said of its successor. Giant ink monsters of the id and multi-man villians? Yeah, right.

I can't help but agree with what the author of that article said about Brody's brat pack entourage - they're a bunch of obnoxious young twonks who almost deserve to have their tripes cut out by the bad guys if it prevents them from peeing into the human gene pool. I guess the devs created those characters that way in order to appeal to younger gamers, but what message does that then send? That you should feel sympathy for spoiled globetrotting young ratbags with more dollars than sense who have zero respect for local cultures, and who treat said cultures as so many inconvenient speedbumps along the driveway to the party zone? Let the pirates have at them, I say... I can't help but think of the Aussie yobbos who make such nuisances of themselves in SE Asia, particularly Bali - they're an embarrassing disgrace and they give us all a bad name. But I digress.

FC2 is a game that rewards patience, observation and thought, and contains a message that matters, a rarity for a video game. How many other FPS games can you say that about? I actually can't think of any. Certainly not Duke Nukem Forever :-()


Quote from: fragger on April 11, 2014, 03:32:35 AM
...FC2 is a game that rewards patience, observation and thought, and contains a message that matters, a rarity for a video game. How many other FPS games can you say that about? I actually can't think of any. Certainly not Duke Nukem Forever :-()

I still recall seeing the first screen captures and game play videos back in 2009, I think.  I was amazed that (for the time) the characters in the video seemed so real, the dirty dilapidated buildings and general Somalia-like environment was something I'd never seen before.  That video was one of the main reasons I started video gaming again (I had a PS3 at the time which was simply collecting dust before FC2)

I too was very disappointed in the main story line in FC3, and in particular the "boss" segment.


Great find TS, here's +1 for you.
There just won't be another game like FC2

🡱 🡳

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