Far Cry 4 wishlist

Started by JRD, January 07, 2013, 03:44:58 PM

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Interesting feature 8)

@mandru: :-X :-D >:D

Remember the yellow-bellied mercs in FC2? You'd hear them saying stuff like, "Never should have come here... Never should have bought the tickets, never should have got on the f**king plane..." and stuff like that. The only time you hear guys being wimps in FC3 is after you've shot them: "Don't... let... me... die...", "I... can't... die..." I agree it would be nice to hear some bad guys browning their backsides once in a while.

I'm playing a more cut-down version of FC3 these days, sort of. I like to leave all towers and outposts in the north island alone and concentrate on hunting animals for crafting the carrying gear and getting the dough together to buy all available weapons and going for relics, Lost Letters and Trials of the Rakyat to unlock the related sig ones, then I do the towers while leaving the outposts unliberated. Once I get the wingsuit, get to Thurston Town and interact with Sam to unlock the remaining weapons, I go about getting the dough to buy those, then do the south island towers. Then I do all the outposts, north and south. I don't even bother with the south island main missions anymore, not even the one to get the privateer uniform, because they bore the dickens out of me and besides, the island is way more exciting in "behind-the-lines" mode.

The way I've been playing means I get to have unlimited combat as there is no shortage of patrols (and more opportunities to come across Rakyat v bad guy fights to help out with and civvies to rescue, thus earning some more money) and there's way more incentive to find loot crates, do contests and loot bodies. In this current playthrough I've killed over two thousand bad guys (how many bloody pirates are there on this island?), gotten my skills up fairly early (relative to where I am in the story) and my wallet hasn't been maxed out once - and I haven't even gotten the extended one yet.

Once I've done all the outposts, I call it a game and start all over. I manually saved a game just past the tutorial part and I start with that.

Playing it this way, it's close to being perfect for me :-X Lots of action, lots of exploring and lots of freedom. Outside of the story, I get more and more hooked on the game, despite its shortcomings.


I started a new playthrough with Ziggy's mod - I have chose the hardcore version. It's more challenging because you only have a compass and loot chests and relics aren't on the map anymore (which only resulted in opening the map everytime when you were near lootable chests and that was annoying). Shop prices are more realistic. Now you need more items for crafting so you actually have to hunt for plants and skins and money. And no blinking and no key prompts like "reload". I hope there are still key prompts whennfighting animals. Hm. Don't know that.
What I find also very cool is that enemies now use more weapons and even with attachments - can't wait to see the diversity and - most probably - die :)

Btw. there are whimpy quotes in FC3 when the mercs complain about the heat:
"I sweat like a pig!" and some others which I can't remember at the moment.


I've been using Ziggy's 2.5.1 for a while and really like the exceptionally clean HUD.  I also like the fact that the southern map is open from the start.  I took a boat down and liberated a single outpost so I could have a quick travel point between the islands.  While liberating the outpost, I picked up a Z93 and an ACE from the fallen foe, which now make them available in the shops - nice that I did not need to purchase them.

Art Blade

I like it that you can climb banks and hills that are steeper than perhaps 30°. I wish the vanilla game didn't limit us like that. With Ziggy's mod I can climb most of the terrain. That's a FC4 wish.. stop preventing players from climbing around, god damn it.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yeah they should make the climbing more like in Assassin's Creed - i mean not so extreme but you get my point. Another cool thing would be a big town or a some kind of city maybe something like in Dead Island in Moresby.

🡱 🡳

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