FC3: PZ's experiences

Started by PZ, December 04, 2012, 09:15:41 PM

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Art Blade

From my end, too: Hi and welcome to OWG, durian :)

I've never had any serious issues with any of those vehicles, neither in FC2 nor in FC3. All I wanted in FC2 was more speed, and speed I've got in FC3. Damn, you can really bomb down a dusty road and smash into living obstacles which usually results in a satisfying gush of blood, screaming and well, not really satisfying but still OK, breaking parts of your vehicle up to a full stop with smoking engine.  :-D

Stealth hunting: I use different syringes for hunting. The one described by fragger ("hunter's instinct") which makes me see silhouettes of animals even through rocks (and yes, mine do last longer, 1.5 minutes) as well as a repellent syringe that prevent any animals that are not aquatic from attacking you. But there is a simpler solution: use silenced weapons (i.e. the Assault rifle MS-16 or a silenced sniper M-700 or.. the massive bow and regular arrows) :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


In playing the Assassin's Creed series, I've accumulated lots of Uplay credits, which I can use in FC3 purchases.  I obtained the large pistol last night, but have not used it because I had to go offline right away.  Two questions:

1. Do you equip it in the vending machine or store?
2. Can you equip it with a silencer?


I absolutely love this game!

Just started using the camera extensively because it is quite useful to tag targets.  It is remiscent of a SOFLAM that I have used in Medal of Honor

Camera in FC3
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I've been clearing guard posts to create more fast travel locations.  These are loads of fun; In the first one I shot at a cage with a tiger within and it escaped killing many of the pirates.  To add icing to the cake, I was able to take it's hid after clearing the area!

On an aside, some people in the Ubi forums have been complaining that the "killed animals disappear almost before you can skin them".  I've not experienced this at all, and am thinking that much like in FC2, if you wander too far from the area, you will lose items.  However, this distance seems to be quite far if my tiger experience is any measure; I was running and gunning to get the area cleared and still the tiger carcass remained.

Art Blade

They mean that you shoot an animal from some distance and when you arrive at the place where it should be, you can't find it. Particularly in grassy areas, the dead bodies tend to just disappear. Under normal circumstances, the animals won't disappear, so I consider it a glitch which I too have experienced more than once.

The .44 Magnum hand cannon is one of a couple of so called signature weapons that are customised weapons with usually supreme qualities (can't get that result if you customise the base weapon on your own). So you can't change anything and have to take (or leave) it as is.

You can customise almost all weapons that are not signature weapons; check the stats of the weapon you may wish to acquire -- on the top right of the stats badge is a hint as to how many customisations may be bought and added if any at all. For example, some guns can have extended magazines, various types of visors and sometimes suppressors/silencers yet only one or two of those at the time. You can have a silencer and a scope but not an additional extended magazine. You can, however, attach and detach extensions that you already possess.

Any weapon you wish to equip must be equipped in the menu of either one of the few real arms dealers or one of the plenty vending machines. Only exception: weapons dropped by enemies can be picked up (they replace the one currently in your hands) and be used right away. Well, there are Hunter's Path missions that will provide a weapon which can be picked up on site (but if you have an equivalent you may as well use your own).

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.



I bought the .44 on Uplay yesterday, but I've not found it - where do you get it in the game?

Art Blade

way down the weapons list at a vending machine or arms dealer, "signature weapons"  :) You'll still have to buy and equip it.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


You have to buy it... twice?  I already purchased it from Uplay!   ????

Thanks for the info AB!  :-X

I think I'll purchase a sniper first.  I already have an assault rifle (AK-47), a silent 6P9, and a silenced submachine gun, all of which keep me occupied nicely  :-()

On a side note, I liked the sound of the AK-47 in FC2 better than the one in FC3

Art Blade

you used your U-Play tokens to make the weapon available in FC3. There you need to buy it with FC3 dollahs   :-D Which indeed is silly. Oh, and, welcome  ^-^
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Each radio tower you disable makes a weapon become free, but at this stage I can't tell if there's any correlation between particular towers and weapons. There probably isn't, it's more likely based on how many towers you've done so far that determines which weapon gets made free next. I did free up an SVD Dragunov from a tower but I can't remember which tower it was.

If you go through the main missions until you meet a guy named Willis, he will give you the flamethrower for free. That's wep is a blast, literally :-() It has a bit better range than the one in FC2. Just don't burn yourself with it...

I'm really liking the weapon sounds in the game :-X And I really like that recursive bow, especially for hunting. It doesn't alert any nearby bad guys, and it's just so cool 8) And you can get the arrows back after you've brought down animals, provided you can find/get to the carcasses. I too have noticed that if you go any distance from dead bodies they will disappear.


Quote from: fragger on December 07, 2012, 09:54:31 PM
... And you can get the arrows back after you've brought down animals, provided you can find/get to the carcasses.

Just like in AC3 - man, those developer groups must have been collaborating.

Art Blade

they got fired, hired, fired, hired.. all the way down to FC3.  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Here's something new for me; I liberated one of the posts, and afterward got into a truck.  A couple of the locals jumped in the back and we went for a joy ride through the countryside killing animals and pirates.

I'd never had the friendlies jump into my ride before  :-X

Reminds me of modding JC2 where the factions ride with you and attack whomever you are attacking.


Just did an outpost a short while ago which was fun and reminiscent of the sniper hide fragger found in the Polytechnic in FC2.  I perched high on a mountain and used the camera to tag everyone.  Although I could hear a large cat, which was in a cage, I could not see it, hence was not able to release it to dispatch the pirates.

FC23 is so much more realistic than FC2 when it comes to merc behavior - they can see you, but if you hide and more, you can easily lose them.


Just had another great episode with an outpost.  Was approaching when I heard a deep throaty growl - turned out to be a tiger behind me.  I ran straight through the outpost surprising the pirates, and as I exited the other side I heard the screams of mauled pirates and lots of gunfire  :-()


Quote from: PZ on December 08, 2012, 03:49:05 PM
Just had another great episode with an outpost.  Was approaching when I heard a deep throaty growl - turned out to be a tiger behind me.  I ran straight through the outpost surprising the pirates, and as I exited the other side I heard the screams of mauled pirates and lots of gunfire  :-()
Funny.  :-X
He who understands others is intelligent
He who understands himself is wise (Tao Te Ching)


Well, I ran out of towers to activate (the southwest is evidently locked out FC2 style until you complete some mission.  Because I'd done all the rest and had cleared out quite a few outposts for fast travel points, I decided to do the Doc mission, which I had been dreading after seeing the videos.  However, the mission was quite fun  :-X

Easy travel solution
The next step was the Medusa mission, which was quite a distance away, but there was an easy solution - the hang glider!  The developers have done a great job with the FC3 hang gliders.  I took one from Doc's mountain top and flew it toward the destination.  Rather than the short 15-second flights in FC2, this was an extended flight that allowed lots of sightseeing time.  ^-^


Here are a few more observations:

  • Stealth works, and when you use silent weapons, they behave as you would expect: no one is alerted
  • Using waterways: reminds me of Just Cause 2, and the huge world in that game.  In fact, the boat engine sounds are quite similar.  Although I've not done a huge amount of boat travel, it is pleasing that you are not attacked every 30 seconds.
  • Animals: I still have not fully acclimated to all of the wildlife. The land animals are now quite familiar, but I was wading through a stream when a crocodile did me in.  :-()
  • Towers: are varied in that I have not experienced two exactly the same yet.  These also remind me of Assassin's Creed observation points - you find a way to climg up, then you do an activity that reveals the detail of that area of the map.
  • Mini map: also very similar to the AC series, so I'm accustomed to it.  I find that I use it quite frequently just like in AC, but I'll be looking forward to the promised patch that will allow a clean uncluttered screen.
  • Weapons accessories: is simply great.  You can take your M16 and add a silencer, large magazine, red dot, or optics.  The only down side is that you are limited to the number of accessories that you can equip at any given time.
  • Skills: might be the hidden gem.  For instance, I learned a skill that allows me to heal myself even without syrettes - you see the animation of wrapping your limb with bandages.
  • Vehicles: It almost feels like you are driving on snow because the vehicle slides so much.  However, I am refining my driving skills, and it almost feels better than FC2 once you become accustomed to the new mechanics.
  • Medicine challenges: These are almost exactly like the races in Just Cause 2 - you get into a vehicle and then you race down the road, or beach, or whatever and go through checkpoints until you reach your destination.
I just love this game.


It does hook one in :)

I haven't seen a croc yet, but I did see a vulture pecking at a dead body. I've also seen rats, land crabs and some tropical birds.

I've noticed that when you do tangle with mercs while you're out and about, they will chase you for quite a long way. They're more persistent that way than the FC2 ones were.

One of my favourite fighting skills is the double knife takedown, especially effective when you see two pirates walking along a road one behind the other as you often do. Sneak up from behind and stab the trailing guy with your knife, then immediately pull his knife out and throw it into his mate's back. Priceless! >:D


Quote from: fragger on December 08, 2012, 10:06:52 PM
One of my favourite fighting skills is the double knife takedown, especially effective when you see two pirates walking along a road one behind the other as you often do. Sneak up from behind and stab the trailing guy with your knife, then immediately pull his knife out and throw it into his mate's back. Priceless! >:D

Excellent!  :-X

On another note, the environment is so diverse that it is rather fun walking around.  I remember in FC2 that I almost always drive rather than walked because the landscape was not that interesting once you realized the pattern, but here in FC3 there are always surprises.  For instance, I was driving to a destination when I encountered what looked like one of the temples in Just Cause 2.  Naturally I stopped to investigate and found a dead man hanging as well as a few lootables.


Yep, there's certainly a wealth of things to discover. I'm finding  myself walking most places too, it's just all so cool to look at :-X

Art Blade

..and so fun to bite at (that's what the world around you thinks about you)  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


So true :-D Enjoy the walk but carry a big effing stick

Art Blade

never mind hand grenades, mines, C4..  :-D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Just used the Ubisoft interactive map to discover there are APCs on the island.  I gotta drive one of those  >:D

🡱 🡳

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