Peg Leg Trinkets and Capitain Kidd's missions

Started by JRD, December 02, 2012, 08:17:23 AM

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At the harbor in Davenport Homestead there's a blabber mouth chap by the name of Peg Leg. He holds the letters from a certain Capitain Kidd treasure.

He asks you to collect a few trinkets spreaded over Boston, Homestead, Frontier and New York and return them to you. Every few trinkets you deliver will open a specific mission that you do in order to get his map and get to Kidd's treasure!

Rewards are
- Capitain Kidd's outfit (  ???? )
- A scale model f the Aquila
- A Shard of Eden which is said to repel (most) bullets fired at you!!!!!

There are also treasure chests all over the missions with good loot!

So far I've done two missions:

- Dead Chest Island
Get the mission from the harbormaster and check the southern part of your map. The mission takes you to a ship graveyard with wrecks that ran aground and into sharp rocks laying there. As you reach the wreck you see scavengers that got there first and now have the map. You have to outrun one of them on a nice chase sequence full of scripted events.

- Wollcot Fort
Stealth infiltration is mandatory as you reach the fort. You go over the fort's premisses undetected till you get to the room where the map piece is kept. As you reach the map your ship, the Aquila - who was awaiting off the bay, ready to fire - sends it's ammunition down the fort and all hell breaks loose. You are then prompeted to escape the fort before it all collapses. Also a scripted event and also a nice one!

Both missions so far are reminiscent of the former Assassins Tomb/Templar Lair with climbing and leaping and chasing.... but not so hard with impossible jumps or timed mechanisms.

Pictures to come!!!!!!!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


That sounds cool; I didn't know the trinkets would lead to missions  :-X


There are five or six of them... I just unlocked the third one. In the naval map, it's in the far north, near Greenland! I had to collect 14 trinkets to get that... to unlock the next I have to get 10 more!!!  ???

You should try those for a change... they are much easier and dynamic than in previous AC games.  :-X
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Yes, indeed - will have a go at them; thanks for the tip!  :-X


After collecting 24 trinkets spreaded all over the Frontier, Homestead, Boston and New york I unlocked all missions leading to Kidd's treasure.

After the two first missions (see first post) I had another couple adventures out of the soon to be United States:

- The ghost ship
Far north, in the freezing waters around Greenland is the wreck of the Octavius. Easy to reach and to get to the map but once you have it you trigger another timed escape sequence. Not really hard but boring. Escape the ship and you're done!

- Mad Doctor's castle
An abandoned castle in ruins. Some platforming here and there and a silly puzzle and you're good to go as well.

Having all pieces of the map, get back to Peg Leg and you'll unlock the last mission.
- Kidd's gloves
You get to the island where Kidd hid his treasure. All you have to do is climb on trees and rocks and solve a puzzle... not hard at all. All you have to do is turn and align symbols and the last clue will appear showing where to find the treasure. Here's the boring part. As you find the spot you get attacked by wolves (hello, mandru?) and the QTEs are impossible... way too fast and no matter what you do you always miss the second one. I managed to shoot one wolf, got attacked by the second but managed to kill it hitting the right key and miraculosly had time to reload my weapon and shoot the remaining one.

I also found this tip on the net
QuoteQuick note: No matter what you do, you will always miss the second button when the wolves attack you. So be prepared to tap another one if you get into the attacking cutscene.

After the you have solved the riddle, climb up a tree branch and use your poison darts (this will not affect the 3rd optional objective)

While solving the riddles, do the one above the wolf's abode last. (It will be the one to the bottom left on your mini-map) After you have lined up the map, Plant a trip mine behind where you analyzed the clue. If you are lucky, all three wolves will die as soon as they run over the mine. If not, plant a trip mine underneath a tree branch, get on the branch, and wait for the wolves to come under you. Beware: If you get hurt by your own trip mine it will be enough to fail the limit health loss objective.

And here's a link to what the Shard of Eden looks like. Yes... it does deflects bullets!  8)

Finally... this is what Connor looks like wearing Capitain Kidd's outfit... think Jack Sparrow...  ;D

[smg id=5494]
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Nice  :-X  makes me want to go back into the game one of these days


The QTEs and the health loss requirements for full sync in Kidd's Gloves made that sequence excruciating for me.  I must have run that sequence thirty times before succeeding.  :-\\

There's a rock point that can be climbed at one end of the area and a slanting tree to run up at the other end with a of a hay or leaf pile nearby.  Using those three safe spots and a lot of sprinting from one side of the field to the other I was eventually able to take one of the three wolves out when it tripped the mine I'd set before triggering the sequence.  Part of the difficulty with that part of the game was that because the wolves were in full alert and locked onto your actions they would stand directly under your position on the branch or rock and then dodge out of the way and come back after you if you attempted to use a death from above move with your hidden blade.

I believe if I remember correctly there was a ban against ranged weapons (throwing knives, arrows or bazookas) which would trigger an instant sequence sync fail UBI stuck in to make things more cheery.

Eventually with one lone wolf left I lucked out when I stayed in the leaf pile for several minutes and the wolf turned to pull back and reevaluate the situation whereupon I was able to backstab him before the QTE could trigger.

The entire mission needed to be completed in a single play through with no check points to meet sync requirements making it grueling for me to complete.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"



Un-fun?  Well yeah if you are striving to meet full sync for the game.  ::)

This was the first game I've played in the AC series where I had to simply say I can see no way to complete this and meet all the Sync requirements.  I even had a couple spots where I did meet the requirements but the auto-tally at the end of the segment pronounced my successful effort a fail.

I think where I reached the point I had to give up on sync was the Sea voyage+Castle Invasion via a cliff climb mission where two of the requirements were *Receive no fire damage *Achieve a chain kill of 5.  It turned out that the only part of the mission where there were 5 enemies available (one of the a brute) was in a room with no stealth approach possible and all of its perimeter was  in flame.  :D

Since there is no chain kill out of a eagle strike and no real room to dance I marked the sync requirements for that mission as impossible and just plowed through it.

Now regarding the often the tagged on requirement for full sync that a mission must be completely accomplished in one play through and the completion can not depend on the checkpoints...  Now that's brutal!  ;)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"



Bloody hell, it sounds like they wanted to make sure that nobody could ever succeed in full... a fighting chance would have been nice!


I completely disregard any full sync requirements since the very beginning of the game. I leave that for an eventual replay but since all requiremets must be done in one playthrough, I just don't care at all....  8)

I agree with you mandru. Ubi made it nearly impossible. As for the wolves... apparently poison darts are not considered as ranged weapons so you could probably use those from a tree to clear the area.

I just shot the freaking wolves  >:D
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

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