Minecraft getting Far Cry 3 treatment

Started by Dweller_Benthos, October 22, 2012, 07:18:36 AM

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Yep, you heard that right, they are making a Far Cry 3 mod/map/skin pack for Minecraft. Probably a good idea to use a really popular game to market an upcoming game, so expect this type of thing in the future.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Isn't this a game you played quite a bit, D_B?  If so, what do you think of this mod?


Oh yeah, I play Minecraft quite a lot. I haven't seen the FC3 mod yet, supposedly not out until Thursday, which also I think, coincides with the new version of Minecraft. Might be fun to fool around with. I'll post updates.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


OK, Ubi Soft has released the mod for Minecraft, I haven't played this yet, so maybe tonight I will upload some pics


Get Minecraft here


when it's back online that is.......

Oops, supposed to be


That one works

OK, a few quick screenies since I'm at the day job...

Title screen
[smg id=4756]

Where you start out. Everything has been retextured, except my character which is my standard Minecraft skin.
[smg id=4757]

You have a few supplies to start off with, one being the book of rules, which are standard for adventure maps in Minecraft
[smg id=4758]

You start on some kind a freighter docked at a port. First view of the outside.
[smg id=4759]
I guess from what they say, this is a pretty close approximation of the landscape in FC3, so I guess it's on to more adventuring.

I haven't done many adventure maps in Minecraft, so I may try this one, see how it goes.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


A quick overview map, if this corresponds to the actual in game map, it doesn't seem that extensive.... it's hard to tell from this, but it may take quite a while to get from one side to the other in the actual game. I know in Minecraft, it would take about an hour or so of walking to get from the boat where you start (upper left) to the other side of the island. Maybe 45 minutes....

[smg id=4760]

There are a lot of things underground as well, so, we shall see.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Looks like you're going to have plenty of exploring to do!


Just a quick screenshot tonight, found a "village" and on the cliffs above, some old WWII bunkers and gun emplacements. If you've played the original Far Cry, you'll remember there were a lot of WWII relics laying around. Also found a "grave" for Jack Carver, so whether that's really something in FC3 or not I don't know.

[smg id=4773]

Also found some more books explaining the game. Apparently, this island is only the first, there is another, so the full game will be at least two major islands and maybe a couple smaller ones.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Inside a warehouse where you have to find a switch to activate some TNT to get inside. Weird dude's face on the wall.....

[smg id=4782]

Still looking around the islands and finding stuff, there's what I assume is a native village since all the inhabitants seem to be wearing loin cloths and such, where you have to activate a device to build a bridge to get to some loot. Found a cell tower or some type of communication tower, etc....
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


My kids adore MC, jesus its becoming a fight to the death trying to wrest control of the feckin TV from them, especially now that they are on holidays from school for a week.

On saying that, I do see an educational value in it, with regards to building and creativity, even eavesdropping on conversations with their friends, its all about the merits of different minerals and components and comparisions of their designs as opposed to some other sort of CoD kinda multiplayer interaction that they would probably be playing otherwise.

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There is value in video gaming! (I don't care how many people tell me I'm wasting time) :-()


Yeah, Minecraft can be an all-consuming game. I know I didn't do anything else for several months when I first got it. I've talked to some younger kids and they just love doing the redstone stuff, which, if you have never played, is Minecraft's equivalent to electrical wiring and circuits. I struggle to get a simple door opener going right, and some people build entire computers with it.

Anyway, back to the Far Cry 3 version, didn't do much last night as I'm still sinking time into that other game that is a black hole for free time, Kerbal Space Program (I'll land on Duna yet! [Duna is the game's equivalent to Mars]) anyway, wandered around the same northern island and found another native village, with a nifty pyramid, which I haven't been inside of yet.

[smg id=4784]
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Some more screens:

[smg id=4800]
An under ground lair, one of two that I found, behind a waterfall.

[smg id=4801]
Cool lighthouse

[smg id=4802]
A sunken cargo freighter. There are still air pockets inside so you can walk around most of the ship. I had to use a few mods, a fly mod to get the height and a bright light mod so you can see the ship underwater.

[smg id=4803]
Another pyramid in the jungle, this one a bit harder to find, plus it's heavily booby-trapped.

I can imagine these are fairly close to what the game will be like, and can think of several ways these locations will/can be used. I think the game will be laid out like FC2 was, a north and south map, and you can advance to the south once you get enough experience in the north. Of course, you may be able to go directly to the southern island if you want, who knows?

I'm hoping people that see these and play the game will be able to recognize the locations from them, and say to themselves "Hey, I remember this place from the Minecraft version!"
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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