Modding tools

Started by gibbed, September 11, 2011, 05:00:42 PM

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Art Blade

Hmm. Those lines look fine. It may be possible that you accidentally changed something else (deleted quotation marks or some such). Best thing is restore the file (use your backup) and try again -- careful not to alter anything you don't want to ;)

What made me wonder (same as PZ said) in the first place is the location of your game (x86...) and the resulting problems. I first thought you might have the game elsewhere and slapped the tools into a folder they don't belong.

I didn't need to run the tools as administrator, by the way.

In general, to me it looks as if you have some things installed in an unorthodox way, to put it mildly  :-D

Have you installed the NET framework 4 properly? Just a thought.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


All I had to change was the 1 to 100 and the 0.4 to 100, I have tried it twice and everytime I reverted back to the original and tried again, I'm actualy playing the game at the moment and everything is fine.
Because I run Vista 64 bit, I have two Program folders, one is the standard Program files the other is Program files(x86) which is the default folder for all other software or programs, suppose I can uninstall it and reinstall in the standard Program files folder     ??? 


I run Vista-64 and have it installed in my x86 folder with no problems.  There must be something else.  Did you change the folder to be able to write to it as gibbed mentioned?

Funny thing is that I seem to have the same OS as you and everything installed flawlessly and I did not need to make any changes to the read/write state or anything.   ????


As you may recall, I had a problem from word go when I couldn't run bootstrap.bat, but then I was able to sort that out, I even installed the Steam patch 1.03............I have just run a repair on .NET4.0 just to make sure, will make another attempt on the modding in a while.........


I think I might have found the problem....
My understanding is that one must copy the file 30_player.xml to....modding\mymod\patch\player.xml......   There is no player.xml in modding\mymod\patch\.................

Quote from: gibbed on September 11, 2011, 05:03:24 PM

If you used the bootstrap package, you'll find a copies of the converted entity library files in the modding\libraries directory.

As an easy way to test this is to modify some player properties.

Unfortunately the patch entity library doesn't have any player data in it yet, so we'll want to add it.

  • Copy modding\libraries\world1\30_player.xml to modding\mymod\patch\player.xml

Art Blade

correct. Rename it to player.xml :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


ok, will give it a try, thanks


got it going but only one mistake, the jumping has not changed, so I don't know where I went wrong, followed all the steps to the letter........... :D


Did you only try jumping once? Some values like jump height are 'cached' and won't get reset until you jump a few times.

Like this:

Far Cry 2, modding player properties

Art Blade

Hehe, that happened to me, too: Jumping around waiting for the mod to kick in and when it did, it did me in (actually, the landing did :-D )
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


See what you guys mean     ^+-+ I tried 5 or 6 times, will go and try again, just tried again, I jumped untill I couldn't jump anymore, checked to see if the changes is still there, that seems to be fine as well
[smg id=3706]

Art Blade

Actually, 100 will do you no good. Once that kicks in, you won't get off the sky  ^+-+ I got flung up and stuck there. There is a limit, you know  :-D Try jump height of say 5 or 6 to get a good idea of what works without instantly killing you :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


5 works well for me, but I still die once in a while if I'm on something and then jump to drop to a lower level - did that in the lumber yard jumping from the road down to the level of Reuben's house.


100 is what gibbed had in his tutorial, I just need to get it to w@&k, can change the stats later    :(     

Art Blade

I too used it because I saw "100" in one of gibbed's posts. But he gave a hint that it was going to sky-rocket you  :-D So I changed it to 5 or 6.

And indeed, when running and jumping downhill it may break your neck  :-D It is cool for jumps up or about the same level but it is rather dangerous if you drop some more than anticipated  :-()
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I just re-did the whole modding twice, first on 50 then on 70, I double checked what gibbed wrote, then I went into the game and walked for a long distance and tried the jump all the way but it still doesn't w@&k...............
So I realy don't know where i'm going wrong         :D

Art Blade

Actually, you might be doing just fine but the game might be taking ages to acknowledge your changes. Happened to me. I changed the jump height and nothing happened. I did all kinds of other things and forgot I had changed it until all of a sudden I jumped across a house  ^+-+
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


will give it a rest untill tomorrow


You might try running until fatigue sets in - I'm not sure how the settings are cached, but that might be a trigger to reload the settings related to jumping.

Also, I know you probably have done this properly, but just to check - did your two modified patch files end up correctly in the games Data_Win32 folder(you can check the date stamp)?


They are created in the modding folder where the build_patch.bat file resides, ones the two patch files are created I simply cut then paste them in the Data_Win32 folder


That's correct - as long as you overwrite the existing files with the new ones, you should be good to go.  If all else fails, you could try downloading the gamemodesconfig.xml file we have in our Downloads section and try building from that one.  It has modded weapons, and all items are available from the start, costing only one diamond each.  This way you can at least see if something is working in the modded patch files - try using a modded weapon, or visit the arms dealer to see the cost of the items.

Of course, backup your original file first so you can revert to it.

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thanks guys, It's working......... :-X


Outstanding!  :-X

Now you're going to have some real fun  >:D


I still couldn't jump any higher in Leboa, just arrived in Bowa and after receiving my mission I went to the western side of town just over the railway line and with some effort managed to get to the top of the rocks overlooking the town          :-X

🡱 🡳

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