(funny) Tactics and Tips

Started by Art Blade, April 11, 2009, 10:31:51 PM

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Foghorn Leghorn

25) Merc Fire

I just found a new way (well, to me, anyway) to "dispatch" of a merc.

I was at the Bivouac (where Greaves and Voorhees are) casing the area.  I spoke to them and then started planning their untimely demise, when one of the mercs bumped into me and backed off apologetically (Reputation of 5 certainly carries some weight, it would seem  :) ).  Anyway, I looked behind him and noticed that the little fire they had going hadn't been put out.  So I nudged him back.... and again....and again....into the fire.  He lasted about 2 seconds and died right in front of me.  The best part....no alarms went off, it was just business as usual.

I wonder if you can clear the whole area like that.... :-\

Art Blade

I modified your post (added a headline for the index) and put it on the "front page" of this topic.  :-X

Indeed, sometimes there are opportunities to make mercs go into fire :) I once torched one of those Jeep Liberty inside Port Selao, and mercs came to investigate. I then shot the burning wreck with a silencer (6P9) so they would go closer, and LOL three of them burnt themselves  ;D

Quote from: Foghorn Leghorn on June 02, 2009, 04:33:16 AM
So I nudged him back.... and again....and again....

How? All I can do is shoot or slice...?
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Foghorn Leghorn

Quote from: Art Blade on June 02, 2009, 04:50:54 AM
How? All I can do is shoot or slice...?

Just by walking into him - depending on your Reputation, they will either threaten you or back away....

Art Blade

thanks for the reply :) I asked because spaceboy (I think) once had his machete equipped and happened to accidently push a merc. He couldn't recall how nor redo it.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

been some time since we last had a new trick, but PZ managed (again)  :-X Updated the first post. New is his tip "Tricky way to find hidden mercs..." which you can read here.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I had a funny moment (for me) this morning on the console - was driving the Unimog (my favorite vehicle) along the north-south route on the west side of Bowa-Seko.  To orient the reader, there is a place where you find a safe house among several other shacks in a row.  You also fine two walking mercs north of that spot, and two walking guys south.  I was driving north from the Weelegol area.

The moon was high in the sky as I raced toward Sefapane when I encountered the first two mercs, standing off the right side of the road right next to one another.  One of them had the nerve to say "Well, look what we..." that's all he could get out before he tasted the underside of the Uni - that was probably not a wise thing to say while you see two tons of rolling metal careening your way. (I was choking down my laughter because my wife was still sleeping, and I was playing FC2 in bed)

The second funny moment was with a couple of mercs at the safe house (among the shantys) - I had stopped the Uni and was machine-gunning down anything that moved.  Almost everyone was dead when one of them, standing right in front of a smoking .50 mounted on a huge vehicle said "Who's smart today..." (I guess he must have meant me  ;D).

Finally, regarding the two roving mercs north of that area -they too fell under the wheels of the Uni - almost ran off the road in trying to choke down the laughter.

I really like that stretch of the road...


26) shooting stop, chorus of cursing

Another tip using the Unimog and it's mounted .50.

I've mentioned firing single shots from the .50 to hear them mutter their expletives.  Here's an interesting side affect, but I'm not sure yet if it is consistent, or dependent on the time of day.

I was using that method (laughing mostly) on virtually every GP I encountered (except those that have the RPG guys) when I noticed that I didn't need to exit my vehicle due to being fired upon - was able to kill everyone while in the Uni.

Here's my thought, and it was repeatable, at least at night.  When you enter an area and the mercs start firing from afar, shoot single shots at them - they curse at you but stop firing at you.  In quick succession, target anyone shooting at you and do the same, rotating around.  Soon, you won't see anyone shooting, but you will hear lots of cursing - keep firing until the cursing stops.  Occasionally, a bold merc will run toward you (still not firing), and you can continue the single shots at him (cursing all the way).  If there are many of them, a merc or two might get close enough to fire so beware.

I must say, it is really funny to experience the shooting stop, and the commencement of the chorus of cursing.  You might give it a try if you want a laugh or two - probably will w@&k with the .50 AT, but that one is not as armored.

Art Blade

Added that one to the first post, sounds fun, and a nice discovery  :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


This is not exactly a tip, but a funny observation for me - I've often heard mercs say this line: "hey..Hey..HEY" in increasing pitch - I've wondered why they say that and had the chance to see it a couple of times now.  I think I mentioned it once before, but up close I saw a merc running in front of another merc shooting at me and he uttered that phrase, to which the offending merc replied "Christ, sorry mate" or words to that effect.

Now ehn I blast through a GP and hear "hey..Hey..HEY", I laugh to myself envisioning what must have just happened at that GP.

I need to pay attention more to what the characters are saying.  It seems like I hear some all the time, while others are quite rare.

Art Blade

I've noticed that heyheyhey thing myself, while using ignoreplayer cheat. They did that when they couldn't see me but heard my bullets zip past their heads (me fouling up a headshot). It's the same with "careful!" I think. :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I've been enjoying playing the "stop the cursing" game with the mercs using the .50 on the Uni.  My favorite place is the GP east of Port Selao on your way to Polytechnic - the one at the Y before you get to the bridge where on the other side is an RPG merc.  I did my usual single shot firings, and was watching the tiny white blobs moving in the distance.  i finally stopped firing and heard absolutely nothing.  I did not think I had shot them because no one yelled their death scream so I went to investigate.  Not a single body except for one - a merc I had killed next to an exploding barrel near the water tower.  But by the rail car, there was no one to be seen, no bodies, no guns lying around - it was almost as if they had run away.

Art Blade

hehe, funny and strange at the time. That never happened to me (not using your technique) that those mercs just snuck away. Unfortunately I have no DLC, no uni, no .50 - either Jeep Wrangler or, more likely, Grenade launcher AT. Might have to borrow one of those ATs with .50 to check it out :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


It works with the .50 on the AT as well - and apparently distance makes a difference.  If you are too close, they'll be more likely to attack - if you're too far away, they you can't hear their cursing too well, which is the point of the whole thing to begin with  ;)

[I just love hearing all that cursing...]

Art Blade

FC2 is running in the background right now, going to read/post some and then I'll check it out myself... I want to hear that too ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

First attempt (not the best idea) was the next GP with a .50 patrol close to it: south of DC (Dental Clinic, hehe) the red cross GP. Unfortunately they have .50 cals and a Dragunov sniper on a tower... they smoked my AT, but I heard some cursing. Since they had good weapons, they wouldn't stop shooting - instead, they got to replace each new gunner I shot off their .50 and the ruckus attracted some mercs from somewhere else and, encouraged as they were, they shot me in the back. Got to find a lesser hero hive...  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

Got it  ;D

I drove around DC and parked in the road next to the Underground house, shot a grenade with my M-79 at the wooden fence and one more down the track to DC. Then I hopped back in my AT behind the .50 and waited.

Not for long, the first scout spotted me and opened fire which I returned with single shots, without shooting at him - only close. He came closer, fired again, so did I, this time I could see him better and aimed closely, which had the disired effect, he uttered something we wouldn't want to repeat here, but it made me chuckle.

We repeated that once more, and reached a cease-fire agreement:

[smg id=1106 align=center width=400]

Some other merc joined from the left (obviously attracted from that guard post down the road) but apart from "you gonna die"  he didn't say or do anything...

this is really funny  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Here's something strange - it does not w@&k on the PC the same as it does on the console - the PS3 gives me a curse with each bullet that hits near a merc.  I even had to turn off the music to hear the cursing on the PC.  It sure is a different experience on the PC when compared to console.

Art Blade

I see, the desired effect came sparsely, and the first GP was almost like "not working" - I had to read your tip again, and considered that my distance to the GP wasn't right. When I was far away, I didn't hear anything, when I got closer they started firing, yet still too far away for me to understand what they said (just recognised there were voices). So I got closer and closer, but by the time I was close enough, my AT was smoked and the last merc still firing...

When I got to the second place around the corner near the Underground, it was better. I did hear and understand the merc in the distance depicted above - quite close actually. So it does w@&k, and is fun. But a little too dangerous... On a PC any grenade launcher, fired at the sky, makes all mercs go alert and swear until the grenade explodes. Since all mercs swear, it is quite loud... and you can keep a larger distance.

However, you discovered something unique, and it sure is fun and a different approach.  :-X I'll not forget it and occasionally try it. Glad to hear that console people finally have something that works better on their platform :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yes, it works so well on the PS3 (don't know about the 360) that I do it regularly, and look forward to it with excitement.  You can clearly hear the cursing even with the FC2 music playing, and makes it quite funny [snickering while firing the .50 in my AT]

Foghorn Leghorn

I'm not sure if this qualifies as a new way of killing, but anyway....

So I'm headed up to the area where Prosper Kouassi is celebrating at his rally.  I'm coming up from the SW bus stop, taking the off-road route to the right of the road.  I get to the little shanty that houses an ammo pile, a diamond, and three mercs.  I snipe the first one and then, all of a sudden, I hear some rustling and a second merc FALLS OUT OF THE TREE and dies when he hits the ground!   :o

Has anyone else had that happen?


Not at the spot you mention, but a few days ago I was in Mosate Selao and a merc fell screaming from the sky - have absolutely no idea how he got there, but evidently he spawned a bit too high!  ;D

Art Blade

Those sky divers have been spotted a couple of times, I saw a few myself. Simple explanation is the game doesn't always handle collisions of "merc vs obstacle" right. You can see it frequently in Port Selao, some of the park benches where mercs like to rest must have invisible "ramps" to the mercs. So sometimes they try to sit down but instead get flung up and soar away... up to like third floor of a building. Of course they don't survive the landing... Also in Sefapane, the centre building you can enter: facing the entrance, to the right is a wooden table and a chair. I wrecked it once and a merc didn't see it - when he passed the wrecked table, he got sent in the air as well. Seen it twice there. I reckon what you saw at that shanty was something like that, he must have hit something, sailed away, and then you looked at him the moment he came dropping down arms and legs flailing - must have hit the tree on the way down :) I bet you have seen dead bodies in the cease-fire zones... all victims of that sort of "rampage"  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I have not seen any of the instances of the mercs falling from the sky. I need to keep an eye out for those. ;D


You're not alone Hacko; until the other day I hadn't seen it elther, and didn't until I used the IgnorePlayer cheat on the PC.  I've been playing since last October (or somewhere during that time frame) on the PS3 and still have not seen it.

Art Blade

maybe you have heard that hilarious uhh-huuuuurgh!  telling you a merc died somewhere - in a cease-fire zone like Pala, Sefapane or Port Selao. Most probably it was one of those sky divers  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

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