APR Mission - Nitrous Oxide

Started by JRD, April 10, 2009, 10:54:16 PM

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Sorry for the dark pics, but I did the mission at night!

PZ, you inspired me to try stealth... an I am loving it!!!
Really funny... another way to do things.
The dart rifle has another meaning for me now........... but damn, it jams a lot!!!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Nicely written. I agree the dart gun is jam-prone. I try to minimize that by grabbing a fresh one @ the nearest gun shop before every mish. I also stashed a fresh one in a safehouse gun crate on my way to meet the Jackal @ the prison.
Are you listening to the wind now? Tell the wind to bring me some beer. F*ck the beer, we need women!


Wow, I made it as a reference in a journal entry, cool.  Nicely written.  And actually, I was with Michele last night...she had me running all over Leboa for her,  first to Claes products, then to the airport, then to OGC.  And can you believe it, after saving her after her plane crash she said we should go separate ways.  Come on.  It was the middle of the night, a short walk to the safehouse.  After all I'd done...
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So Nasreem wasn't lying after all...
I see...
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Fantastic story JRD, and great follow-up posts guys (I sure do like reading these stories...)  The graphics you embedded in the article really bring the story to life and gives me additional ideas on mission play.

Clever way to do that particular mission JRD, thanks for posting.  We now can give advice to those individuals that have problems with their buddy being killed every time they try that mission - get rid of most of the town folks before you drive the truck into the garage! (brilliant)

I too like to use the roof of the headquarters as a place to launch an attack on Sefapane from.  I sure am glad that the mercs don't re-spawn in that town...


That's pretty good, teach you to get involved with women in a war zone, remember what happened to that poor guy in the movie Casablanca?

I guess I should get back to actually playing the game, since I got that nice new high octane vid card in there. Looks really nice with AA turned on!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


There is something I want to see.. AA on on FC2... your pics will be the best now!!!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


They were pretty darned good before... seemingly better than what I get on the PS3.

🡱 🡳

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