Missing buddy

Started by shiba, March 30, 2009, 01:54:37 PM

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Hi guys, I'm kinda worried about something, I checked my buddies files tonight and I found out that one of them was "missing" not like "dead" but "missing".
I found out all the others guys but I forgot if I already found that missing one before or not, I just forgot a little bit. So I'm worried Is he dead or something like that ? Or do I just have to look for him and I'll find him ... ? Please tell me he's not dead ...  :'(


Where are you at in the game (% complete, North vs. South)? 
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I think that's what happens when you leave them behind on the subverted part of the main missions.
I've never had one come back, sulking in the land of the lost I guess, big suck....
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


I'm at around 20% still North ...
I well checked, the missing buddy is not dead, he is "missing" .. don't know what to do ...


Weird, that hasn't happened to me. 

DKM, what do you mean by leaving them behind on the subverted part? 

Shiba, do you remember what your last interaction was with this buddy?
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Sadly I can't really remember ... I think it was the second buddy I saved or maybe the third.
It's strange. I reloaded an old save of mine when I was at only 8% of the game still north for sure (actually I didn't know there were a south part of the map, the game is really huge !!) Anyway, at 8% of the game he is already checked as "missing".
I don't really know what to do ... SO maybe ... I wonder suddenly as I write this message ... maybe that's because Mike's bar is full (I already have 4 guys inside) and so the missing buddy he wandering outside somewhere ... ?
Argh but on my save of 8% completion game I found only 3 buddies and he was already written as missing. Damn, I don't know how to deal that thing ...


Seems odd, but my suggestion is to move on and forget about him. 

Your observation is correct, the game is huge - the southern district is a whole map the same size as the one you are in.  You go South as part of the story at around 42% (you can come back North but missions will not be available - only guard posts and city mercs to kill them if you wish).

The replay value of the game is limitless, I missed finding buddies and doing their missions first time through, so don't worry, you can replay again and get to do the other stuff. 
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Quote from: spaceboy on March 30, 2009, 03:07:11 PM

DKM, what do you mean by leaving them behind on the subverted part? 

Can't remember which mission it was, as it was the first game I played, but I was
supposed to meet up with the buddy towards the end and I just didn't bother.
Passed the mission, but got a missing buddy.

So that my belief,
but ya just forget him, it doesn't stop you from completing the game.
You just might miss a few side things you could have done.
Next game will be perfect.    ;D

"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


I wonder if you have to bump off one of the others? Mine ,that hadn't died, all got wasted at Mike"s. As to the missions, I was able to go North and finish off 2 assassinations I had not done before my "demise". I was able to get the hard diamonds there. Also, the truth of not needing medication is true as I did the cell tower missions missed. The icons are now gone.
I'm back South and past Jackal's boot to the face and have escaped the prison.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


retiredgord, you're closing in on the end.  can't wait to hear how you like the endgame.
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Means that you left him wounded. He's gone though.


Quote from: Roaven on March 31, 2009, 11:57:21 AM
Means that you left him wounded. He's gone though.
OH yeah, that's right!  (its all coming back to me now)
In my first game, after the mission I just looked at him and didn't know what to do, and left him.
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."

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