Meet and Greet an Incoming Team

Started by retiredgord, November 10, 2009, 06:38:10 AM

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Meet and Greet

    I headed into town to meet with the priest as suggested and get a contact for some medication. He was a kindly fellow as fits his occupation and gave me a few pills to tide me over after I surrendered the tape Reuben had given me. Now things may go smoother, one hopes.
      After that visit I sauntered over to the UFFL HQ and introduced myself  to get w@&k and some financial help to buy weapons to track down The Jackal. Makumba asked me to go and eliminate an outside team coming in to try and restore order. The factions don't want that kind of interference. They are based in the desert near an oasis and I'm to go and blow up their equipment making them ineffective. That should be relatively easy as I know where they are and they don't know I'm coming after them. I was walking down to leave when the phone rings and Michele, my belle, suggested I go to the Private Property and "talk" to and "persuade" the radio operator to give this attack team new co-ordinates. Those co-ordinates would put the team in Mokuba, a little collection of shacks that can be a good ambush spot for me. That'll w@&k. The desert would be too open and they would have the advantage but in a town I hoped to get the better of them.
    I left in an A/T from town up towards the safe house to the East and stopped for a .30 cal chit chat with the boys at the G/P near town. When the chat was over I proceeded to drive along the road stopping for a few gems to pad the account. When I encountered other drivers I just persuaded them to let me go about my business. I drove down around a corner near the cell tower and proceeded on foot into the bush to find a new house I could call my own. A brief meeting and I made the occupants a killing offer. Now I had another nest to rest in if needed. I planned my entrance into P.P by foot so as to try to avoid any large and annoying greetings that I seemed to attract.
    My walk was a quiet one and I went up the right side along the base of the rocks until I was close enough to smell the staleness of the unwashed pair nearby. When the opportunity arose I snuck up on one and gave him some new openings. The other was alerted and I switched over to the Assault rifle and cut him down. That alerted a few others who came to see what was happening. I got the better of them and snuck over to the left side for a positional change and went up to a little ledge where I could see more of the grounds. I noticed a rather tense looking chap with a rifle checking out all over looking for me. I was well-hidden so I took the advantage and gave him a rocket instant message. I don't like snipers, unless of course I'm doing the sniping. Now that he was gone I could pay more attention to the little rats scurrying about looking for me. When some of them got to the path leading into the house below and to the right I shot them, and some of his friends. Several had now been retired and I knew I should get closer to the house and my target. I kept to the left side and managed to get in between the garage and another building  and hopped up unto the roof where, gee, another gem. Two, the first was near the G/p  near the entrance, and now this one.
    I did some looking about and noticed one or two mercs were still left so I planned out what I could do to lessen the odds. When one started patrolling near a truck nearby I let a round go from the RPG and totaled it and the patrolee. I went to near the back of the roof and saw anther walking near the old pool. I dropped him with a few bursts and waited for more action. One more came around the bottom of the garage and I waited until he walked conveniently, I might add, into my gunsight. There seemed to be no more running about so I jumped down and entered the house. I went upstairs and introduced myself with the machete and asked the fellow to kindly re-direct the team to Mokuba. Thank you very much I said when he had finished,  and I hit him with the machete.
   It was time to leave so I left the house and went down by the river to an open house across the river a bit. After a brief rest there I left and went across the river to the left side of camp mopping up any strays on the property. I went up the road and grabbed the Jeep and drove up to near the first building where I ran over a guard and then shot the other. I grabbed the A/T and took it out  on my road trip. The drive was fast and I did another quick .30 cal chat with the guards at the bridge before going into the pass and parking the A/T. It was time to go in on foot. I snuck all the way on the left side till I could get to near the RPG guy on the platform that faces south. I snuck up on him chopped him a bit and grabbed his weapon. I then ran back and up around the bend and doubled back to get an eye on the road coming out of town. Several of the guards were alerted now and started up the hill. Two were killed with rockets and I moved and hid in between some rocks.  Two more came up the hill, passed me and kept going. I sent my last rocket into them and then moved again. I ambushed two more on their way back up the hill and got hit enough to use a syrette. My supply was getting thin.
      I snuck down to the abandoned car and then into the right side of town by the little fence, over to the ammo supply and a small batch of syrettes. When I was in top shape again I searched for the cache of weapons and found them stashed under a make-shift bridge. I moved away from the bridge and tossed a 'nade into the truck. Well what fireworks, the mission was finished and the phone rang. Michele needed me to help her out down the road. I had noticed a vehicle nearby and started to run to get it when two lily-livered mercs started shooting from an abandoned bus. That started me off on a run and shoot and kill jaunt and when I finished them off I took the diamond in the bus, as payment, of course. I grabbed the nearby A/T and started to drive like  hell to help M.
     I drove down to the south and out the other end of the town limits and heard gunfire. I slowed and pulled over the crest of a hill and saw a firefight in progress down near a guard post. The M/g on the A/T came into play and as the truck rolled gently down the hill the mercs started catching lead flies.  As they got my range and started firing at me I jumped out, healed up and started a foot battle with the last two after Michele had gotten the third.  Michele was ok and said we'd meet later.  I checked out the area for ammo and health. My mission was done and I had time to go rest, heal and search for gems. Not a bad days outing.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)

Art Blade

Another excellent story, gord  :) :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


" the mercs started catching lead flies"

love it  :-X

🡱 🡳

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